The Rules on Prayer & Fasting
- Prayer
- Obligatory Prayers
- Daily Prayers
- The time for fajr prayer
- The time for ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayer
- The Time of Maghrib/‘Ishā’ Prayer
- Rulings regarding the Times of Prayer
- Order among prayers
- Mustaḥabb prayers
- Rulings about the Qiblah
- The Coverage of Clothes in Prayer
- Conditions of a Place for Prayer
- Rulings on masjids
- Adhān and Iqāmah
- Obligatory Acts in Prayer
- Qunūt
- Prayer’s Ta‘qīb (Mustaḥabb Supplications/Dhikr Recited after Prayers)
- Translation of the Prayer
- What Invalidates the Prayer
- Doubts in Prayer
- Sajdah of Inadvertence
- Qaḍā’ of Forgotten Sajdah and Tashahhud
- A Traveler's Prayer
- The First Condition: Shar‘ī Distance
- The Second Condition: Intention of Shar‘ī Distance
- The Third Condition: Continuation of the Shar‘ī Distance Intention
- Fourth Condition: not Crossing the Watan or the Place of Staying for Ten Days
- The fifth Condition: Permissibility of Travel
- The Sixth Condition: Having a Place to Settle
- The Seventh Condition: Travel Should not Be One's Job
The Seventh Condition: Travel Should not Be One's Job
478. One of the conditions for shortening the prayer while traveling is that the trip is not for work, so if the trip is for work, whether travel constitute the work, such as driving or piloting, or whether traveling is a preliminary to the job, such as the travel of a doctor or a teacher who travels for his job, prayer is complete during that trip and fasting is correct.
479. If the trip is not for work, even if he makes many trips, his prayer is short, no matter whether he intends to make many trips from the beginning, like someone who plans to go to Jamkaran Mosque from Tehran on fortey Fridays for worshiping Allah there, or goes on many trips without intention and by accident, like a patient who has to travel to a city regularly for treatment.
480. Three conditions are necessary to fulfill a work trip:
1. Intention to make a work trip;
2. Starting the work journey;
3. The intention to continue the work trip.
481. The criterion for traveling as one's job is common view, and in a case that one doubts whether people consider it as a travel for work and job, the prayer is shortened and the fast is invalid.
482. Travel for work does not depend on earning money and earning a living. Therefore, a teacher who travels to teach for free, this work is considered as a profession and job for him, and his prayer is complete during the journey.
483. After fulfilling the above conditions, the travel rulings are applied from the first work trip, and one performs complete prayer and fasting is valid.
484. If traveling to study science is a part of one's profession and occupation; for example, if a training course is arranged for an employee and he goes on a trip to take the course, his prayer is complete.
485. If a student goes on a trip to study science in order to get a job in the future, by obligatory caution, he should pray both full and short prayers and observe fasts during the study trip, and then observe their qaḍā’ as well.
486. If education is accompanied by joining a professional group, such as a student of Islamic sciences who is given the title of "cleric" from the very beginning of his education, or an officer army university student who, after spending several months of training and education in the university, gets an army rank and is called officer. This type of studying is considered as a profession, and during the study trip, they should perform complete prayer and fast.
487. If a mukallaf only goes on a long journey for his job, such as a long sea route, it is not unlikely that people consider this journey as his job. Therefore, the prayer is complete although he does not want to travel again. It means that a long journey replaces the intention of continuity.
488. A person who is employed in a job to be done once a year and it lasts one month, like the leader of a hajj group if he plans to do the same every year, his prayer is complete even on the first journey. But if he does not intend to continue, his prayer is short.
489. A person who has a business trip in a part of the year and his intention is to continue and do it every year, such as driving in one or two months of summer, his trip has the status of a business trip and his prayer is complete from the first trip.
490. A person who wants to be engaged in a job only once in a part of a year and does not intend to do the same in the coming years, then if it lasts at least three months without interruption (i.e. except for the days usually people take a break, such as holidays and days of mourning), his prayer is complete even on the first trip. But if it does not last long, for example, he wants to do this for a month, it is not clear that people consider it as a business trip, and in case of doubt, his prayer is shortened.
491. A person whose job is to travel outside the city less than the shar‘ī distance, like some taxi drivers, then if he happens to travel the shar‘ī distance for the same job, it is not considered a business trip and his prayer is shortened.
492. A person whose job is traveling (whether travel constitutes his job or travel is a preliminary to the job), if he goes on a non-business trip, even to the place of his job, his prayer is shortened.
493. In the previous issue, if he travels to his place of work for something other than his job, but decides to stay there because of his job, during the time he stops there to go to work, after that, and during his return, his prayer is complete, although it is a caution that he performs both full and short prayers during the time he stays there to go to work.
494. If a person, whose job is traveling, stays for ten days in their watan or another place, with or without intention, they should offer shortened prayers during the 1st trip after this stay.
495. A person whose job is traveling, if he stays for ten days in a place (in his watan or somewhere else) and then goes on a non-business trip; for example, if he goes on a pilgrimage, he should perform both shortened and full prayers during the first business trip after the pilgrimage.
496. A person whose job is traveling, if he doubts whether his stay in a place lasted at least ten days or not, then if his doubt originates from doubt about the day of arrival to that place, he should perform full prayer on the first business trip afterwards. However, if his doubt originates from the doubt in the day of departure, his duty is to perform shortened prayers.
497. If a person whose job is traveling and wants to go somewhere for this purpose but stays in a place for ten days before reaching his destination, then the rest of the route to the destination as well as the way back home are considered the first journey altogether during which he must perform shortened prayers.
498. In the previous case, if one intends to go to multiple destinations, the first journey (after staying for ten days) ends when he reaches the first destination. Therefore, when he starts to go to the second destination, it is considered as the second trip during which one is to perform full prayers.
499. In a business trip where prayers are complete and fasting is correct, it does not matter if the route or the type of job or the means of travel is the same as before or changes.
500. A person whose job is driving, if his vehicle breaks down after starting his job and he travels a shar‘ī distance to buy spare parts and repair his vehicle, this trip is also a business trip and the prayer is complete.
501. In the previous case, if the car breaks down before starting work and he travels a shar‘ī distance to buy spare parts and repair his vehicle, his prayer is short.
502. If a person whose occupation is travel goes on a non-occupational trip, his prayer is short; for example, a person whose job is to take passengers from one city to another, if he goes on a Hajj or ziyārah journey, he should perform shortened prayers, but if he does a personal job, such as ziyārah, during his business trip, he must perform full prayers, whether his main purpose is business or the personal job or both of them are of the same importance.
503. A person whose job is traveling, if he goes on a non-business trip without staying at the destination for ten days (either with intention or without intention) and then wants to travel for work to his place of work, he must perform full prayers during the travel to his place of work.
504. A person whose occupation is travel, when returning from a business trip, his prayers are complete. However, if he stays for a few days (less than ten days) for non-business purposes such as ziyārah or recreation and then returns, according to the obligatory caution when returning, he must perform both shortened and full prayers.
505. If a person whose job is traveling goes on his last business trip or stops working in the middle of the trip, then if the trip constitutes his job; like driving, in this case, on the way back from the last trip, if he does not bring a passenger, his return is not considered a business trip, and his prayer is shortened whether he returns by his own car or by another means. However, if the trip is a prelude to his job, when returning from the last trip, by caution, he should pray both shortened and full prayers.
- The Eighth Condition: Reaching the Tarakhkhuṣ Point
- Things That Interrupt the Trip
- Qaḍā’ Prayers
- Hire Prayers
- Qaḍā’ Prayers for Parents
- Āyāt Prayer
- Congregational Prayers
- The Friday Prayer
- Fasting