The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
    • Obligatory Prayers
    • Daily Prayers
    • The time for fajr prayer
    • The time for ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayer
    • The Time of Maghrib/‘Ishā’ Prayer
    • Rulings regarding the Times of Prayer
    • Order among prayers
    • Mustaḥabb prayers
    • Rulings about the Qiblah
    • The Coverage of Clothes in Prayer
    • Conditions of a Place for Prayer
    • Rulings on masjids
    • Adhān and Iqāmah
    • Obligatory Acts in Prayer
    • Qunūt
    • Prayer’s Ta‘qīb (Mustaḥabb Supplications/Dhikr Recited after Prayers)
    • Translation of the Prayer
    • What Invalidates the Prayer
    • Doubts in Prayer
    • Sajdah of Inadvertence
    • Qaḍā’ of Forgotten Sajdah and Tashahhud
    • A Traveler's Prayer
      • The First Condition: Shar‘ī Distance
      • The Second Condition: Intention of Shar‘ī Distance
      • The Third Condition: Continuation of the Shar‘ī Distance Intention
      • Fourth Condition: not Crossing the Watan or the Place of Staying for Ten Days
      • The fifth Condition: Permissibility of Travel
      • The Sixth Condition: Having a Place to Settle
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        The Sixth Condition: Having a Place to Settle


        473. One of the conditions for shortening the prayer while traveling is that the person has a fixed place of residence to settle when he is not traveling. Therefore, if a traveler does not have a fixed place to settle at all (khānah bidoush*), his prayer is complete.
        * Normally a person has a fixed place to settle. If they travel, later they return to it but a “khānah bidoush” is not like that and carries, say, in a caravan all household items he needs.
        474. Nomadic tribes and those who live in a place for a part of the year and migrate to the tribal region for another part of the year and settle in the mountains and plains are not ruled as khānah bidoushs who do not have a fixed place to settle at all, rather such people have two watans and if the distance between two places is equal to the shar‘ī distance, their prayer is shortened on the way between these two places.
        475. If a khānah bidoush with no fixed place to settle wants to go on another trip; for example, if he wants to go to Hajj or to visit someone in a city, if he goes on this trip, like other trips, with his family and what is with him, so that the title of "khānah bidoush" applies to him at this time as well, his prayer is complete. But if he puts them — i.e. the household items he carries all the time — in a city and then travels so that now he is not called khānah bidoush, it is not unlikely that his prayer is shortened.
        476. If he has a place to settle in a part of year, but in another part of the year he does not have a fixed place and is khānah bidoush, he should complete his prayers while living in the place of settle and when he goes out and does not have a place to settle (like some tribes), he should, obligatory caution, read both shortened and complete prayers.
        477. If a person separates from his tribe who are khānah bidoush to search and find plants and ponds, even if he goes eight farsakhs or more, his prayer is complete.
      • The Seventh Condition: Travel Should not Be One's Job
      • The Eighth Condition: Reaching the Tarakhkhuṣ Point
      • Things That Interrupt the Trip
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers
    • Hire Prayers
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers for Parents
    • Āyāt Prayer
    • Congregational Prayers
    • The Friday Prayer
  • Fasting
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