The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
    • Obligatory Prayers
    • Daily Prayers
    • The time for fajr prayer
    • The time for ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayer
    • The Time of Maghrib/‘Ishā’ Prayer
    • Rulings regarding the Times of Prayer
    • Order among prayers
    • Mustaḥabb prayers
    • Rulings about the Qiblah
    • The Coverage of Clothes in Prayer
    • Conditions of a Place for Prayer
    • Rulings on masjids
    • Adhān and Iqāmah
    • Obligatory Acts in Prayer
    • Qunūt
    • Prayer’s Ta‘qīb (Mustaḥabb Supplications/Dhikr Recited after Prayers)
    • Translation of the Prayer
    • What Invalidates the Prayer
    • Doubts in Prayer
    • Sajdah of Inadvertence
    • Qaḍā’ of Forgotten Sajdah and Tashahhud
    • A Traveler's Prayer
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers
    • Hire Prayers
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers for Parents
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      Qaḍā’ Prayers for Parents


      651. It is the elder son’s duty to make up in qaḍā’ for the missed prayers of his late father and, as per obligatory caution, those of his mother.
      652. If a father or mother has not said any prayer, it is obligatory for the eldest son to perform the prayers according to obligatory caution.
      653. The eldest son means the oldest son who is alive when his parents die, whether he is an adult or minor.
      654. If the eldest child of the deceased is a girl and the second child is a boy, it is obligatory for the eldest son, i.e. the second child, to perform the prayers of the parents.
      655. If someone else (other than the eldest son) performs the prayers of the parents, the eldest son’s duty is discharged.
      656. It is the elder son’s duty to make up in qaḍā’ for the amount of prayers he is sure that his late father or mother* has missed. However, if he does not know as to whether they have missed any prayer or not, he is responsible for nothing nor required to investigate for that.
      *Regarding the mother, it is a caution to do so.
      657. It is obligatory for the eldest son to perform the missed prayers of his late parents in any way possible, and if he is unable to do so, he has no duty.
      658. A person, who owes his own qaḍā’ prayer and is also in charge of qaḍā’ prayers of his parents, can perform whichever one he wants first.
      659. If the eldest son dies after the death of his parents, it is not obligatory for the other children to perform the prayers of their parents.


    • Āyāt Prayer
    • Congregational Prayers
    • The Friday Prayer
  • Fasting
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