The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
  • Fasting
    • Conditions and Requirements of Obligatory Fast
    • Obligatory Acts of Fasting
    • Makrūh Acts during a Fast
    • Cases in which Qaḍā’ and Intentional kaffārah Are Obligatory
    • The Kaffārah of Breaking Fast Intentionally
    • Cases in which Only Qaḍā’ of Fasting Is Obligatory
    • Rulings of Qaḍā’ Fast
    • Kaffārah of Delay
    • The Rulings on Qaḍā’ of One's Parent's Missed Prayers/Fasts
    • Rulings on a Traveler's Fast
    • People for Whom Fast Is not Obligatory
    • Way of Ascertaining the First of a Lunar Month
    • Types of Fasting
    • Conclusion: Fasting Etiquettes and these of the Holy Month of Ramadan
    • I‘tikāf
      • The Conditions for I‘tikāf
        • 1. Intellect
        • 2. Intention
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          2. Intention
          988. I‘tikāf, like all acts of worship, should be with the intention of closeness, that is, a person's intention to stay in the masjid should be only to become close to the Almighty God and away from any riyā and self-reputation.
          989. Since i‘tikāf starts from the fajr of the first day, the intention should not be delayed from that moment, but it is permissible to start i‘tikāf from the beginning of the night before the first day or during it and make the intention from that time and continue until maghrib of the third day.
          990. It is permissible for the retreatant to make a condition during the intention that if an excuse occurs to him during i‘tikāf, he can break the i‘tikāf and leave the mosque, even if it is the third day of the i‘tikāf.
        • 3. Fasting
        • 4. Attending a Single Masjid
        • 5. At least Three Consecutive Days
        • 6. Not to Exit the Masjid
        • 7. Having permission for i‘tikāf
      • Prohibitions, Qaḍā’ and Kaffārah of I‘tikāf
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