The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
  • Fasting
    • Conditions and Requirements of Obligatory Fast
    • Obligatory Acts of Fasting
    • Makrūh Acts during a Fast
    • Cases in which Qaḍā’ and Intentional kaffārah Are Obligatory
    • The Kaffārah of Breaking Fast Intentionally
    • Cases in which Only Qaḍā’ of Fasting Is Obligatory
    • Rulings of Qaḍā’ Fast
    • Kaffārah of Delay
    • The Rulings on Qaḍā’ of One's Parent's Missed Prayers/Fasts
    • Rulings on a Traveler's Fast
    • People for Whom Fast Is not Obligatory
    • Way of Ascertaining the First of a Lunar Month
    • Types of Fasting
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      Types of Fasting


      974. There are four types of fasting: obligatory, forbidden, mustaḥabb and makrūh.
      975. Obligatory fasts include:
      1. Fasting in the holy month of Ramadan;
      2. Qaḍā’ fast;
      3. Kaffārah fast;
      4. Fasting on the third day of i‘tikāf;
      5. Fasting instead of sacrifice in Hajj of tamattu‘.
      6. A mustaḥabb fast that has become obligatory through nadhr, ‘ahd, or swear;
      7. Father’s qaḍā’ fasts, and those of the mother by obligatory caution, which are obligatory for the eldest son.
      976. Some of the forbidden fasts are:
      1. ‘Īd of Fitṛ fast;
      2. ‘Īd of Aḍḥā fast;
      3. Fasting on a day when they do not know whether it is the end of Sha‘bān or the first of Ramadan intended as Ramadan’s fast;
      4. Mustaḥabb fasting of a wife in case the right of the husband is violated;
      5. Fasting of a person for whom fasting is harmful;
      6. A traveller's fast, except for cases that are excluded.
      977. Fasting is mustaḥabb on all days of the year (except forbidden and mustaḥabb fasts). But fasting on some days is strongly mustaḥabb; including:
      1. The first and last Thursday every lunar month and the first Wednesday after the 10th day every lunar month;
      2. 13th, 14th and 15th of every lunar month;
      3. The months of Rajab and Sha‘bān (all or a part of them, even one day);
      4. Birthday of the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace (17 Rabī‘ al-Awwal);
      5. ‘Īd of Mab‘ath (27 Rajab);
      6. ‘Īd of al-Ghadīr (18 Dhul Hijjah);
      7. Day of Dahwul Arḍ (25 Dhul Qa‘dah).
      978. Makrūh fasts are as follows:
      1. Mustaḥabb fasting of a guest without the permission of the host or with his prohibition;
      2. Fasting on the day of ‘Arafah if it causes weakness that prevents the actions of ‘Arafah.
    • Conclusion: Fasting Etiquettes and these of the Holy Month of Ramadan
    • I‘tikāf
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