The Rules on Prayer & Fasting
- Prayer
- Obligatory Prayers
- Daily Prayers
- The time for fajr prayer
- The time for ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayer
- The Time of Maghrib/‘Ishā’ Prayer
- Rulings regarding the Times of Prayer
- Order among prayers
- Mustaḥabb prayers
- Rulings about the Qiblah
- The Coverage of Clothes in Prayer
- Conditions of a Place for Prayer
- Rulings on masjids
- Adhān and Iqāmah
- Obligatory Acts in Prayer
- 1. Intention
- 2. Being in a Standing Posture
- 3. Takbīrah Al-iḥrām
- 4. Recitation
4. Recitation
172. One should recite chapter al-Fātiḥah in the first and second rak‘ah of the daily obligatory prayers, and thereafter, one should recite, by obligatory caution, a complete chapter.
173, Recitation of chapter al-Fātiḥah and another chapter is obligatory but not a rukn (a fundamental part of prayer). Therefore, if one neglects it intentionally, the prayer is invalidated. But doing so by mistake or forgetfully does not make prayer void.
174, If the time is short for the prayer, he should not recite the chapter.
175, If a person recites a chapter before chapter al-Fātiḥah by mistake, and realizes his mistake before going to rukū‘, he should recite the chapter again after chapter al-Fātiḥah, and in case he realizes it during recitation of the chapter, he should stop reciting it and recite the chapter again properly from the beginning after chapter al-Fātiḥah.
176. If a person forgets to recite chapter al-Fātiḥah and the other chapter, or one of them, and after he goes to rukū‘, he realizes it, his prayer is correct.
177. Before going to rukū‘, if a person realizes that he has not recited chapter al-Fātiḥah and the other chapter, or only the other chapter, he should recite it and then go to rukū‘; and if a person forgets to recite chapter al-Fātiḥah, he should recite it first and then the other chapter again; and if he bows for rukū‘ and then realizes before reaching the posture of rukū‘ that he has not recited chapter al-Fātiḥah, the other chapter, or both of them, he should stand up and act according to the mentioned instruction.
178. In the obligatory prayers, it is not permissible to recite chapters that contain verses of obligatory sajdah, and if a person intentionally or by mistake recites one of those chapters, he should, by obligatory caution, perform sajdah instantly upon reciting the verse of sajdah; then he should stand up and finish the chapter if it has not ended yet and finish the prayer, and then repeat the prayer. In case he realizes this before reaching the verse of sajdah, based on obligatory caution, he should abandon that chapter and recite another chapter and perform the prayer to the end and then repeat the prayer.
179. If a person hears one of the verses of obligatory sajdah in the middle of the prayer, he should make a gesture with his head simulating sajdah instead of performing it, and continue his prayer.
180. If after chapter al-Fātiḥah, the praying person begins reciting chapter al-Ikhlāṣ or al-Kāfirūn, he cannot abandon it and recite another chapter. However, if in the Friday prayer, he recites one of these two chapters instead of chapter al-Jumu‘ah and chapter al-Munāfiqūn inadvertently, he can abandon them and start reciting chapter al-Jumu‘ah and chapter al-Munāfiqūn.
181. In prayer, if a person recites a chapter other than chapter al-Ikhlāṣ and al-Kāfirūn, he can abandon it and recite another chapter provided that he has not recited more than half of that chapter.
182. If the person offering prayer forgets a part of a chapter, or cannot complete it due to shortage of time or another reason, he should abandon that chapter, and recite another chapter, and it does not make any difference whether he has recited more than half of it or not, or if the chapter he is reciting is chapter al-Ikhlāṣ or al-Kāfirūn or another chapter.
183. It is not necessary to recite a chapter after chapter al-Fātiḥah in mustaḥabb prayers, even if those prayers may have become obligatory due to a vow (nadhr). However, with respect to some special mustaḥabb prayers in which a particular chapter is prescribed, such as the prayer for parents, one should recite that particular chapter if he wishes to follow the prescription of that prayer.
184. It is enough in the 3rd and 4th rak‘ah of the prayer to say Subḥānallāhi wal ḥamdu lillhāhi wa lā ilḥā illallāu wallāhu akbar once. However, according to mustaḥabb caution, it is said three times. Of course, instead of this dhikr, which is called the four tasbīḥ, one may recite chapter al-Fātiḥah.
185. In the case that a person has recited the four tasbīḥ but does not know how many times he has recited, he does not need to do anything in this regard, but if he has not yet been in rukū‘, then he can assume the lesser number and repeat it until he becomes confident about saying it three times.
186. If a person who is used to reciting the four tasbīḥ in the third or fourth rak‘ah intends to recite chapter al-Fātiḥah but accidentally utters the four tasbīḥ based on his habit and forgets his intention, his prayer is valid. It is the same if a person is used to reciting chapter al-Fātiḥah and decides to recite the four tasbīḥ forgetfully.
187. If in the third or fourth rak‘ah, a person accidentally, or as he thinks it is his first/second rak‘ah, recites chapter al-Fātiḥah and another chapter and realizes that after the prayer, his prayer is valid and he does not need to repeat it.
188. If a person, while standing, doubts whether he has recited chapter al-Fātiḥah or the four tasbīḥ or not, he should recite chapter al-Fātiḥah or the four tasbīḥ; but if he doubts whether he has recited the four tasbīḥ or not when he is saying the mustaḥabb expression of repentance [before rukū‘], he does not need to recite it.
189. If in the rukū‘ of the third or fourth rak‘ah, a person doubts whether he has recited chapter al-Fātiḥah or the four tasbīḥ or not, he should ignore his doubt, but if this doubt occurs when he is going to rukū‘ before reaching rukū‘, based on obligatory caution, he should stand up again and recite chapter al-Fātiḥah or the four tasbīḥ.
190. It is obligatory for men to recite chapter al-Fātiḥah and the second chapter in fajr, maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers loudly (in jahr), and in ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayers in a whispering manner (ikhfāt).
191. In the morning, maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers, a female has the choice to recite the chapter al-Fātiḥah and another chapter quietly or loudly unless a non-maḥram is hearing her voice, in case of which it is better that she recites quietly.
192. It is obligatory for both men and women in the third and fourth rak‘ah to recite the four tasbīḥ or chapter al-Fātiḥah in a whispering manner; and by caution, if a person recites chapter al-Fātiḥah, he should recite bismillāhir raḥmānir raḥīm in a whispering manner.
193. The obligation of reciting aloud in the maghrib, ‘ishā’, and fajr prayers, and reciting quietly in the ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayers, are limited to the recitation of chapter al-Fātiḥah and the other chapter, just as the obligation of reciting quietly in the third and fourth rak‘ah applies only to the recitation of al-Fātiḥah or the four tasbīḥ of those rak‘ah. However, as to the dhikr of rukū‘ and sajdah and also tashahhud and salām and other obligatory dhikr of the five daily prayers, a person has the choice to recite either loudly or quietly.
194. With respect to the obligation of loud or quiet recitation in daily prayers, there is no difference between adā’ or qaḍā’ prayers even when their qaḍā’ is performed as a caution.
195. In ikhfāt, the person beside you may hear you. The criterion in ikhfāt [the whispering manner of recitation] is to avoid expressing the voice’s substance, in contrast to jahr which means the expression of the voice’s substance.
196. If a person, while reciting chapter al-Fātiḥah and the other chapter, raises his voice in an unusual manner as if he is shouting, his prayer is void.
197. If a person intentionally offers a prayer quietly which should be offered loudly, or he intentionally offers a prayer loudly which should be offered quietly, his prayer is void. However, if he does so owing to forgetting or not knowing the ruling, his prayer is correct, and if he realizes his mistake while reciting chapter al-Fātiḥah, the other chapter, or the four tasbīḥ, it is not necessary for him to repeat what he has recited in the wrong manner.
198. In recitation, it is obligatory to pronounce all the words so that it is considered recitation. Therefore, recitation in the heart, i.e. passing the words in the mind without actually pronouncing them, is not sufficient. The sign of proper recitation is that (if he is not hearing-impaired and there is no surrounding noise) he himself can hear what he recites.
199. If a mute person, who is not able to speak, performs the prayers with gestures, his prayers are valid.
200. It is obligatory that the recitations of the prayer should be correct and without any problem. If one is not able to learn the correct pronunciation at all, he should recite in any manner he can, and by mustaḥabb caution he should offer his prayer in congregation.
201. A person, who does not know chapter al-Fātiḥah and another chapter or another part of prayer but can learn, should do so if there is enough time for the prayer. If the time is short, based on obligatory caution, he should offer his prayer in congregation if possible.
202. In recitation the standard is observing the movements and sukūn of letters and originating them from their appropriate places in such a manner that the native speakers (Arabs) recognize the letter and do not confuse it with another. Observing the rules which provide betterment of pronunciation (tajwīd) is not necessary during prayer.
203. If a person does not know a certain word in chapter al-Fātiḥah or the other chapter, or he does not say it intentionally, or intentionally mispronounces one letter instead of another, like “Z” for “A”, changes vowels, or does not say tashdīd, his prayer is void.
204. If someone makes some mistakes in the recitation of chapter al-Fātiḥah and the other chapter, or in the pronunciation of the vowels (for example, yūlid instead of yūlad), if he is a blameworthy ignorant person*, his prayer is void based on obligatory caution; otherwise, it is correct. Of course, if one was not blamed for his lack of knowledge and has said his previous prayers like that, believing that they were correct, they are considered correct.
* A person who is aware of his ignorance and knows how to remove his ignorance, but does not try to learn the rules.
205. If a person connects one verse to the next verse in recitation, it is not necessary to pronounce the last vowel of the verse; thus, for example, there is no problem if he says māliki yawmid dīn, i.e. without pronouncing vowel of the last letter, and immediately recites iyyāka na‘budu wa iyyāka nasta‘īn. This is called “connecting without vowel”, and the same ruling applies to the words of a single verse, though it is better not to do so, by mustaḥabb caution.
206. There is no problem if a praying person separates two words of a single verse provided that the pause is not too long to break the unity of the sentence, e.g. recites ghayril maghḍūbi ‘alayhim, pauses and then continues wa laḍḍāllīn.
207. If after recitation of a verse and starting a new verse, a person doubts whether he has recited the previous one correctly or not, he should ignore his doubt. The same ruling applies if a person finishes a phrase of a verse and starts a new phrase and then doubts whether he has recited the previous one correctly, for example after reciting iyyāka na‘budu, he doubts if he has pronounced it correctly or not. However, there is no problem if a person, out of his personal caution, recites again what he doubts its correct recitation.
208. During recitation of chapter al-Fātiḥah and another chapter or the four tasbīḥ, the body of the praying person should be still, and if the person in prayer wants to go a little backward or forward or to move his body a little towards the right side or the left side, he should stop reciting the dhikr he is reciting at that time.
209. It is mustaḥabb that in the first rak‘ah, one says a‘ūdhu billāhi minash shaytānir rajīm before reciting chapter al-Fātiḥah, and it is also mustaḥabb to recite bismillāhir raḥmānir raḥīm loudly in the first and second rak‘ah of the ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayers. It is also mustaḥabb to recite chapter al-Fātiḥah and another chapter distinctly, to leave a pause after each verse, not to connect one verse to the next verse, and to pay attention to the meaning of the verses. And whether one is offering prayer in congregation or not, and whether he is leading the congregational prayer or following it, it is mustaḥabb to say alḥamdu lillāhi rabbil ‘ālamīn after the recitation of chapter al-Fātiḥah. After reciting chapter al-Ikhlāṣ, it is mustaḥabb that the person says kadhālikal lāhu rabbī once, twice, or thrice, and to pause after recitation of chapter al-Fātiḥah and also after the other chapter, and then continue the rest of the prayer.
210. It is mustaḥabb to ask Allah for forgiveness after reciting the four tasbīḥ in the third and fourth rak‘ah, for example, to say, astaghfirullāha rabbī wa atūbu ilayh or Allāhummaghfir lī.
211. It is makrūh to not recite chapter al-Ikhlāṣ in all prayers of one day. Also, repeating one chapter in two rak‘ah of one prayer is makrūh, unless it is chapter al-Ikhlāṣ.
212. It is mustaḥabb in all prayer to recite the chapter al-Qadr in the first rak‘ah and chapter al-Ikhlāṣ in the second rak‘ah.
- 5. Rukū‘
- 6. Sajdah
- 7. Tashahhud
- 8. Salām
- 9. Sequence (tartīb)
- 10. Succession (muwālāt)
- Qunūt
- Prayer’s Ta‘qīb (Mustaḥabb Supplications/Dhikr Recited after Prayers)
- Translation of the Prayer
- What Invalidates the Prayer
- Doubts in Prayer
- Sajdah of Inadvertence
- Qaḍā’ of Forgotten Sajdah and Tashahhud
- A Traveler's Prayer
- Qaḍā’ Prayers
- Hire Prayers
- Qaḍā’ Prayers for Parents
- Āyāt Prayer
- Congregational Prayers
- The Friday Prayer
- Fasting