The Office of the Supreme Leader


The message of the Leader following the terrorist incident in Shahcheragh Shrine
The message of the Leader following the terrorist incident in Shahcheragh Shrine
Following the terrorist incident yesterday in the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Aḥmad b. Mūsā b. Jaʿfar, peace be upon them, which led to the martyrdom and injury of dozens of innocent men, women and children, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, sent a message of condolence to the families of the people of Shiraz and the Iranians emphasizing: The security agencies and the judiciary, as well as the activists in the field of thought and [Islamic] missionaries, as well as dear people, must be united against the trend that allows disregard and disrespect for people's lives, their security, and their sanctities.
The Leader, in a message to the pilgrims of Baitullah al-Haram:
The Leader, in a message to the pilgrims of Baitullah al-Haram:
In his message to the pilgrims of Baitullah Al-Haram, Ayatollah Khamenei called unity and spirituality the two essential foundations of Hajj and the two factors of honour and happiness of the Islamic Ummah. He emphasized the brilliant consequences of the growth of Islamic awakening and self-awareness as well as the emergence of the tremendous phenomenon of resistance, noting: The arrogant West is getting weaker and weaker in our sensitive region and recently in the whole world. Of course, the enemy's deceit should not be neglected even for a moment. We should increase hope and self-confidence, which is the most prominent capital for building the future with effort and vigilance.
The leader offers his Condolences following the regrettable incident in the city of Abadan
The leader offers his Condolences following the regrettable incident in the city of Abadan
The leader of the Islamic Revolution offers his Condolences following the regrettable incident in the city of Abadan and gives directions to state officials: those responsible must be brought to justice, their punishment should serve as a lesson for others, and similar incidents in future should be avoided
In the wake of the regrettable collapse of a building in the city of Abadan, leading to the loss of life and causing injuries among compatriots, Ayatollah Khamenei extended his condolences to the families who had suffered as a result. While asking state officials to expedite their efforts so as to minimize fatalities, he issued instructions to punish the culprits in a manner that would teach a lesson to others and prevent similar incidents from recurring.
The leader of the Islamic Revolution declared the general social security policies
The leader of the Islamic Revolution declared the general social security policies
To Implement section of Article 110 of the constitution law. After consulting the Expediency Discernment Council of the System, Ayatollah Khamenei declared the general and approved social security policies to heads of Iran's three branches of power, the chairman of the Expediency Council.
According to the order of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and in the implementation of paragraph "c-1 (Jeem-1)" of the requirements for the implementation, the executive branch is obliged, with the help of the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the Judicial system and mobilizing the responsible agencies to provide the comprehensive execution plan of these policies that includes submission of the bill and the necessary regulations and executive measures within six months.
General social security policies have been declared in order to generalize and integrate the system's efforts and initiate leaps in this field. Given its importance and comprehensiveness as an upstream document, its realization requires fundamental changes in current laws and regulations and serious efforts in this area.
The Leader of the called 1401 the year of
The Leader of the called 1401 the year of "knowledge-based production and job creation"
In a message on the occasion of the beginning of 1401 AH, congratulating Eid-e-Norouz and the birth of the shining sun of the universe, Hazrat Baqiyatullah al-Azam (a.j) to the great Iranian nation and all other empathetic nations, with a special congratulation to the families of martyrs and the war injured, martyrs and servants of the nation in various fields of science, health, security and resistance, he named the new year as the year of "Knowledge-based job-creating production."
Leader's Message to the Union of the Islamic Students Associations in Europe:
Leader's Message to the Union of the Islamic Students Associations in Europe:
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution issued a message to the 56th meeting of the Union of Islamic Students Associations in Europe, referring to The current political and military circumstances emphasized Understanding the fronts and adopting a correct stance and preparing to play one's part in global developments to the advantage of the camp of truth.

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