The Office of the Supreme Leader


The Leader addressing the young elites and top scientific talents
The Leader addressing the young elites and top scientific talents
In a meeting with young elites and top scientific talents, today's Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution (17th November 2021) addressed the elites as the light of the nation's eyes and emphasised that the scientific community and elites must focus on finding scientific solutions to various problems. He added: The gap between the status of a country's science and the rest of the world can be removed to cross the global borders of science, create a new Islamic civilisation, and make the country's future bright.
On the blessed birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
On the blessed birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
On the blessed birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa (PBUH) and Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a), the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with a group of officials and guests attending the International Islamic Unity Conference, considered "explaining and promoting the comprehensiveness of Islam in all aspects of human life" and "strengthening the unity of Muslims" as two critical duties for the Islamic Ummah and noted: Islamic unity is a principle matter, and Qur'anic duty and achieving the lofty goal of creating a novel Islamic civilization is impossible without the unity of Shia and Sunni Islam.
The Leader in a meeting with the president and his cabinet members
The Leader in a meeting with the president and his cabinet members
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting on Saturday (28th August 2021) morning with the president and his new government officials, emphasised the need for the government to use every opportunity to serve the people and called the reconstruction in all areas of the management focusing on "revolutionary, rational and wise" as of today's necessity. He made important points and recommendations about "being popular", "promoting justice", "being anti-corruption", "restoring public's hope and trust", and "cohesion and authority and nobility of the government" by referring to the economic issues as the priority.
He also called the United States in the arena of diplomacy, as a Predatory wolf, and by referring to the highly affecting situation in Afghanistan, said: "The Islamic Republic in any circumstances stands with the oppressed and Muslim nation of Afghanistan and our relations with governments depend on their relations and behaviour with us (Iran)."
he last meeting with the President and the cabinet members of the Twelfth Government
he last meeting with the President and the cabinet members of the Twelfth Government
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on Wednesday 28th of July 2021, in the last meeting with the President and the cabinet members of the Twelfth Government,  congratulated Eid al-Ghadeer to all Muslims, especially to the Iranian nation, and considered the opportunity to serve the people as a divine blessing. He said: In gratitude for this blessing, every effort must be made to achieve the goals of the Islamic revolution.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the event of Ghadir as an indisputable event and said: In addition to the Shiite scholars, especially Allama Amini, who narrated the narratives of Ghadir from 110 companions providing authentic documents, This event has been emphasized by some great Sunni scholars and intellectuals as well.
The meeting with the Chief Justice and officials of the Judicial branch of Iran
The meeting with the Chief Justice and officials of the Judicial branch of Iran
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on Monday 28th of June 2021, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Ayatollah Beheshti and Judiciary Day, in a meeting with the head and officials of the Judiciary, called for the continuation of the path of the last two years work which recovers the trust and generates the hope and the continuation of the documented transformation in the new era of the Judiciary. By praising the real epic of the people in the 19th of June elections, he said: "Despite the pandemic situation, economic difficulties and some other issues, People have distracted the arrogant world's plan which they have prepared in last several months. As people have defeated the enemies of Iran, they are considered the real winners of the elections.
Meeting of the Leader of the Revolution with Members of the Islamic Parliament of Iran
Meeting of the Leader of the Revolution with Members of the Islamic Parliament of Iran
On Thursday morning, May 27th 2021, the Leader of the Revolution held a virtual meeting with the President and representatives of the Islamic Parliament of Iran. In an important speech about issues concerning the recent elections, he said that if during the election process, the candidates would speak in detail on fundamental and realistic ways of solving the people's economic and living difficulties, this would be a key factor for increasing their participation in the elections.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a video meeting with the student associations
This evening (Tuesday), in a video meeting with the representatives of student organizations, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, referring to the basic strategy of change, called for a leap and revolutionary movement with innovation in methods and functions in all areas of governance and parts of public lifestyle. Emphasizing the first-degree importance of high participation in the 18th of June elections and explaining its significant effects, He added: Secondly, a good and desirable choice is to bring someone to the job who is a believer, a revolutionary, competent, a patron to the people, full of hope, a believer in the youth and domestic capabilities, and an indeed unbiassed and an anti-corruption character.
The Leader’s message on Hajj
The Leader’s message on Hajj
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei delivered a message on the occasion of the arrival of Hajj season. In the message, He points to the inability of many Muslims to participate in this year’s hajj ceremony due to the coronavirus restrictions and expresses his hope that they will conduct a safe and blessed hajj pilgrimage in the near future.
The Leader’s message on the occasion of International al-Quds Day
The Leader’s message on the occasion of International al-Quds Day
On the occasion of International al-Quds Day, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei considered the dawn of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the subsequent emergence of the Resistance Front to be factors that have impeded the "Zionist virus." He stressed the fact that the Zionist regime will be uprooted from the Middle East despite being supported by the United States and its minions.
The Leader’s Ramadan meeting with students
The Leader’s Ramadan meeting with students
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the US support for Israel, its vicious crimes in countries like Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, and its support for terrorism
are among the reasons that have caused Washington be hated in the world. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei made the remarks in a video-conference meeting with Iranian students held annually during the holy month of Ramadan.
Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconference
Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconference
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the only way to liberate humanity from oppression, discrimination, war and insecurity is to act in accordance with the practical commandments of the Holy Qur’an. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a Qur’an Recitation Ceremony held via videoconference on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan.
The Leader’s appreciation for the voter turn-out
The Leader’s appreciation for the voter turn-out
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has thanked the Iranian people for their participation in Iran’s recent elections. The Leader, at the beginning of his Dars-Kharij-Fiqh, said holding the elections in Iran proves religion is the complete manifestation of a democracy.
Leader’s speech on Election Day
Leader’s speech on Election Day
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution cast his ballots in 11th Islamic Consultative Assembly and the 1st midterm elections for the 5th Assembly of Experts.

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