The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader’s Address to the Iranian People from Various Social Strata

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

I express my sincere welcome to all the dear brothers and sisters from various social strata that have come here from different regions. I hope that Almighty Allah will cause these warm emotions that emanate from your pure hearts to become the source of many blessings in our society as they have always been in the past.

I also pray to the Almighty to bestow His mercy and favor on your truthful intentions and impeccable hearts.

The phenomenon of the Iranian nation's presence on various scenes of the country's management is a very remarkable and outstanding phenomenon. But it is wrong to assume that the Iranian nation's presence on the scene is only limited to the scene of elections.

It is true that the people's participation in the elections held over the past 27 years has been a glorious participation, indicating the deep belief on the part of our nation and our Islamic system in the people's involvement in sealing their fate. However, the extent and blessings and positive results of the Iranian nation's presence on the scene are far beyond this.

Today, on the domestic front we are witnessing different kinds of scientific, technological, social and economic progress in our county; and on the international front, the honor and dignity of the Iranian nation and the significance of Iran's regional and foreign policies are attracting the attention of the world's analysts. These are all the results of the Iranian people's presence on various scenes of activity.

These same slogans on nuclear energy which are raised by the Iranian people in different parts of the country on various occasions and which express a national demand for the utilization of nuclear energy indicate the prudent presence of our nation on the scene.

What the Iranian people's presence on the scene means is that the people of all social strata and from all walks of life, including men and women and the young and the elderly throughout the country, should be concerned about the country's basic issues, including those dealing with the country's scientific and technological progress, that they should always call for the government officials' firm adherence to Islamic values and revolutionary principles.

These are the signs of the people's presence on the scene. In general, what this presence means is that people should not be indifferent to the fate of their country and to the events that are taking place in the country. When members of a nation, including the young and the elderly of various social strata, voice their views on various issues of their country and insist on their views, what they do indicates that they constitute a live and dynamic nation that deserves a bright future.

The problem besetting our great nation before the victory of the Islamic Revolution did not lie only in the fact that the country's political officials were installed and dismissed by the aliens without the Iranian people's knowledge. Of course this was a great tragedy, but the main problem was that our people were kept quite ignorant of what was taking place in the country and of the country's rate of progress compared with other countries. The result was that our nation turned into a backward nation in various arenas.

The Islamic Revolution changed this situation. It rendered a great service to the Iranian nation. As a result of this revolution, the Iranian people became the major decision-makers in the country. This is the meaning of the people's presence on the scene. The scene of elections is also one of the scenes on which the Iranian people have always displayed their presence.

Among the positive results of the Iranian people's presence on the scene is that they now feel concerned about the issues related to the entire Middle East. Today, our people are concerned about the issue of Iraq, the issue of Lebanon, and the issue of the oppressed Palestinian people; in general, they are concerned about the issues of the entire Islamic world. This concern, which stems from their presence on the scene, is also followed by the necessary measures.

Our nation is a live and dynamic nation. This vitality and dynamism is indicated by the Iranian nation's progress in various arenas. Our nation has made considerable progress in different spheres in the post-revolution era.

The Iranian nation, whose fate was sealed and whose officials were brought to power by others before the revolution, has now attained such a high status that its role in the regional equations is quite decisive today. This is something admitted by the world's arrogant powers themselves, who are acknowledging that the important issues of the Middle East region could not be solved without Iran's cooperation and contribution, and that the Iranian nation's views on those issues should be heard and taken into consideration.

In practice also when the Iranian nation insists on something, even if all of the global powers act in unison, they will not be able to further their aims in the face of the Iranian nation's firm determination. For instance, with regard to Iran's utilization of nuclear energy, all the global powers reached the consensus that Iran should not possess this technology. However, the Iranian people unanimously insisted on their right to use nuclear energy and, as a result, they have achieved great progress in the field of nuclear technology. Of course this is not all, and the Iranians are going to make greater progress in this area.

The reason why I mentioned this is that our youngsters, who by the favor of Allah constitute the majority of our population, may prepare themselves for the future of this country. Youngsters from all social strata, especially those belonging to the educated class, should realize that the future of this country belongs to and is shaped by them. Today, you are the ones who determine and shape the future of this country through your firm will and determination.

When our nation decides to accomplish something and insists on achieving it, no power in the world will be able to overcome our national will and determination. Strong will and firmness of purpose is a prerequisite for success. Another prerequisite is national unity, which by the favor of Allah is enjoyed by our people.

Of course some are seeking to sow the seeds of discord in our nation; they are chanting divisive slogans and intend to set the Iranians against one another. But so far they have not succeeded in doing so and, God willing, will not succeed in the future either.

Today, the main issue facing us is the issue of the upcoming elections. In general, all elections bear significance from two aspects. First, they are an indication of the people's presence on the scene and their liveliness. An individual that votes in an election proves his dynamism and vitality. But those individuals or nations that play no role in electing their officials and act merely as onlookers cannot be viewed as live individuals or live and dynamic nations.

Therefore, the first significant aspect of elections is that they indicate the liveliness and self-awareness of a nation. Ever since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, there has been one election per year on average in this country, in which our people have displayed their freedom of choice and their power to elect their favorite officials. This is very important.

The second significant aspect of elections is that they pave the way for the expression and realization of the majority's view in a society. This is true with regard to presidential elections and parliamentary elections and also with regard to the elections for the Experts Assembly and Islamic councils which are expected to be held in our country two days from now.

As I have previously stated, elections for the Experts Assembly are among the most significant elections in this country. The Experts Assembly should always be prepared, and those elected to the Experts Assembly should be trustworthy, pious, prudent and righteous individuals who should always be ready to carry out in a proper manner their major task of nominating the Leader of the Islamic Republic when it is necessary to do so. Therefore, in view of the great significance of this assembly, the people should vote for the best and the most eligible candidates.

Elections for Islamic councils also carry great significance. It is true that those elected to the Islamic city and rural councils are tasked with different responsibilities, but they are also expected to perform some major duties. Therefore, councilors should be characterized by deep faith and devotion and reliability and honesty. In addition to these features, they should also be characterized by efficiency, dynamism and eagerness to serve the public, so that many of the problems facing the people in their everyday lives may be solved.

The participation of our people in elections is of great significance. The enemies of the Iranian nation are making incessant attempts to dispirit and dishearten the public and dissuade them from going to the polls. Those claiming to advocate democracy aim to undermine the institutions emanating from the religious democracy in Iran by diluting the presence of the Iranian nation at the polls. But the Iranian people, who are well aware of the objectives pursued by the enemies of Islam and Iran, will once again thwart them in their goals.

The presence of the Iranian people at the polls on the coming Friday will be a sign of their awareness and political vitality in the eyes of the world's public. God willing, the Iranian people, including men and women and the young and the elderly, through their high turnout at the polling stations on Friday, will open a new chapter in the management of those institutions.

Rest assured that if you enter the scene of elections with firmness of purpose and sincere intentions, Almighty Allah will bestow His favor and assistance on you and positive results will ensue upon these elections. God willing, divine blessings will be bestowed on the Iranian people with respect to both the Expert Assembly and the Islamic city and rural councils.

I pray to Almighty Allah to make the honorable Iranian nation benefit from the sacred prayer of His Holiness Imam of the Age - may our souls be sacrificed for his sake. I also hope that the officials in charge of holding the elections will succeed in carrying out their important duties in the most effective manner.

Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings