The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader's Speech to Governor-Generals

The following is an abridgement of a speech made by the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei in a meeting with the interior minister and governor-generals of various Iranian provinces on February 27, 2006.

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Dear brothers and friends! You are quite welcome to this gathering.

The first point worthy of attention is that governor-generals should rightly recognize their status in provinces and appreciate the significance of the responsibilities that they have undertaken in a real sense.

From my viewpoint, governor-generals are government officials with the greatest executive power in provinces who have the final word on all provincial affairs. Considering their authority, it is not right for governor-generals to try to justify the lack of progress with regard to certain provincial affairs by saying that some government organs in their provinces did not carry out their duties properly. They are expected to follow up various affairs until they are accomplished.

Therefore, if there is not progress with regard to some provincial affairs – even if those affairs are related to the Ministry of Roads and Transportation or the Ministry of Energy or other ministries, it is governor-generals that are considered to be weak in performing their responsibilities. Thus, the first noteworthy point is that governor-generals should fully recognize the significance of their positions and the responsibilities that they have undertaken.

The second point that you should take into consideration is that our country is presently completely prepared for constructive measures. Fortunately, the general atmosphere in our country is marked by security and public readiness, and the hearts of the Iranian people are full of hopes and aspirations.

Today, there are cordial ties between general public and the government, and the people expect their government officials to work hard for the progress and development of their country. The people are quite ready to cooperate with the government, and there is suitable ground for rendering services to the public. If we break up the government in terms of responsibilities, we will see that governor-generals are major components of the government. Thus, you should do your utmost to achieve public satisfaction and never get tired of working for the people.

The slogans and plans of the new government and the cordial relations between President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the people have raised public morale and imbued the Iranians with hopes and optimism. Today, the Iranian people have fewer complaints about the performance of various government bureaus, not because all the problems have been solved, but because the people now feel more hopeful, since they are witnessing that things are proceeding well in various areas.

Dear brothers! Ever since the Islamic Revolution achieved victory and the present system was established in our country, we have been facing some anticipated challenges and will continue to face such challenges for long years to come. If someone expects that so long as the Islamic Republic adheres to its defined criteria and principles arrogant and hegemonic powers that are opposed to our principles leave the Islamic Republic alone, pose no challenges to it or even assist it in accomplishing its ideals, his or her expectation is far from judicious. Such things should never be expected from hegemonic powers.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has been established based on the principles of promoting religious and spiritual values, pursuing global justice, holding all human beings in high regard and standing against the bullying and domination of hegemonic powers. These are the criteria and principles of the Islamic Republic. It is clear that when you stand against bullying and domination, the world’s arrogant powers will not leave you alone, but they will pose a challenge to you.

This challenge has existed ever since the Islamic Revolution’s victory and will continue to exist until the world’s bullies and hegemonic powers give up in despair. Therefore, you should always consider yourself to be in the arena of confrontation with hegemonic powers.

In their confrontation with the Islamic Republic, hegemonic powers, specially the United States, are trying to foment division and insecurity and undermine national unity in our country. They are also trying to halt our country's scientific progress. The reason is that scientific progress is the secret of economic, political and military power and high morale of any nation. The scientific campaign which was launched in our country many years ago has so far yielded remarkable results, but they intend to bring our scientific campaign to a halt.

The world’s arrogant powers are also seeking to block our government's campaign to serve the public, make our officials preoccupied with futile political and factional disputes, divest the Iranian people of their hopes and vitality and weaken their trust in the slogans and ideals of the Islamic system.

You, governor-generals, are government officials with the greatest executive authority in provinces. Therefore, while drawing up plans and determining priorities among various national and provincial issues, you should pay due attention to these realities.

You should not underestimate the significance of your responsibilities and not get tired of working for the people. Time is going by very fast. Of your four-year term of office, some six months have already passed. You should try to make the most of what remains of your term of office.

It is also worthy of mention that you should take the issue of security very seriously. Also, you should make every effort to serve the people and fulfill public satisfaction. The provincial tours of President Ahmadinejad and his Cabinet and their close contact with the public are a very appropriate and influential measure, since they inspire great motivation in the people and provincial officials. But you should not raise in the people certain expectations that you may not be able to fulfill during your term of office.

Besides, there should be a balance between fulfilling the people's immediate needs and performing long-term plans and projects. In other words, the people's current problems and immediate requirements should not be ignored on the pretext of engagement in long-term plans and infrastructural projects, and vice versa, since both need adequate attention and necessary measures.

You should try to deal with the people in a fair and humble manner and establish cordial ties with the public. You should not be overcome by the status and prestige associated with your office, since this will keep you from mingling with the ordinary people. Some officials wrongly believe that if they keep the people at a distance, this will add to their prestige. However, the opposite is the case, and it is close and cordial ties with the public that will raise the status of government officials.

When you are dedicated to your duties, when you are not after your personal interests, when you sacrifice your own comfort for public welfare, and when you work sincerely for the sake of Allah, the Almighty will cause you to be respected and held in high regard by the general public. I have seen certain officials who kept the public at a distance, assuming that this would raise their prestige. But the result was that they lost the status that they had in the eyes of the people. Thus, try to be on cordial terms with the public and serve the people in a sincere manner.

Another important point is that you should invite the services of dedicated and competent workforce across the country. Also, make sure to act within the framework of the country's 20-Year Perspective Document, which highlights the basic objectives of the Islamic system, and the five-year development plan. These objectives should be observed in your plans and projects.

Above all, there is a great need for self-observation and self-discipline in performing duties and responsibilities. If you consolidate your bonds with Almighty Allah, deepen your sense of devotion and work for the sake of Allah, divine favor and assistance will be bestowed on you, and you will be able to carry out your responsibilities more efficiently. I hope the next time that we have an opportunity to meet, you will report on the great tasks that you have performed and your remarkable achievements in your provinces.

The ground is quite prepared for serving the public, and you are men of service. Concentrate on your duty to serve the people and not be daunted by the enemies. Have no fear of the enemies, who appear to have formed a united front against Islam and the Muslim Ummah and the flag of Islam that has been raised in our country, but who are in fact at variance with one another. If we continue treading the right path and persevere in attaining our objectives, they will not be able to achieve their goals. Their stratagems, as you can see, have all proved to be futile.

Today, the United States considers its interests in Iraq to be contingent on the fomenting of conflict and insecurity in that country and on the portraying of the Iraqi popular government as incompetent. Consequently, U.S. agents are trying to give rise to an ethnic and religious war in Iraq, and the tragic incident that took place in Samarra a few days ago was an instance of the attempts that are being made by the United States.

In the past also they tried to further their political objectives by provoking Muslims and, thus, they committed the outrageous affront to the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his infallible household) by publishing the offensive cartoons. That provocative act and the tragic incident in Samarra were identical in nature, as both were aimed at provoking Muslims by desecrating their religious sanctities, and both were meant to achieve certain objectives.

But what was the result? They could not accomplish anything and suffered defeat, since the offensive cartoons imbued the Islamic world with a deep hatred of arrogant powers, and the tragic incident in Samarra also led to the strengthening of unity between Shias and Sunnis in Iraq and in many other parts of the Islamic world. Shia and Sunni Ulema in various countries issued joint statements condemning the incident.

Therefore, it is clear that the enemies will not be able to achieve their goals, thanks to the awakening of Muslim nations. Although they have worked on their plots and schemes for many years, they will not succeed as long as Muslim nations are aware and vigilant.

This vigilance and awakening should be preserved, and efforts should be made to further strengthen the cordial ties between Shia and Sunni brethren and bring about greater solidarity in the Islamic world. The major goal pursued by the enemies, which is to foment ethnic conflict and religious schism in Iraq and other parts of the Islamic world, should be disclosed and elucidated to Muslim nations.

Today, the Iraqi government is a manifestation of U.S. failure in Iraq. The reason why U.S. politicians are preventing the Iraqi government from establishing a popular democracy relying on the Iraqi people who are devoted to Islam is because this is not what the United States had wished for. The fact of the matter is that U.S. politicians had intended to establish a pro-U.S. government in Iraq that would ensure U.S. interests, but now an Islamist government adhering to the senior Iraqi Ulema has been formed in that country. It was the Iraqi people who wanted this kind of government, and now it has been established in their country.

Thus, the United States is currently trying to create conflict and disorder in Iraq, where U.S. Middle East policy has failed, and prevent the present Iraqi government, which has taken office through the Iraqi people's votes, from performing its responsibilities. God willing, the U.S. will not succeed in doing so, and the Iraqi people, like the Iranian people, will foil U.S. plots through their vigilance and awareness.

I pray to Almighty Allah to bestow His guidance, favor and assistance on you, so that you may be able to carry out your duties in the best possible manner and, through your high spirits, dynamism and motivation, imbue the people with great aspirations and vitality. I hope that you will soon witness the results of your earnest endeavors, and I wish you all the best of luck.

Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings