The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader's Speech on Feast of Mab'ath

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

I express my congratulations on this great feast to the entire Muslim Ummah across the world and all Islamic nations and governments, our dear and honorable nation and government officials and the esteemed audience, especially the venerable guests and diplomatic representatives of Islamic countries who are present at this gathering.

The Feast of Mab'ath is a feast for all human beings, not only for Muslims. The birthday of any prophet and the anniversary of the appointment of any prophet as the messenger of Allah is a feast for the entire humanity.

Each of the divine prophets guided mankind on the path to human perfection, knowledge, morality and justice. The intellectual progress of mankind in the course of history has resulted from the teachings and instructions of prophets.

All divine prophets tried to promote moral values and virtues, monotheism and servitude to the Almighty among human beings. They tried to teach mankind how to live a pious life and tread the path to the peak of human perfection.

The Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his infallible household), is the last one of divine prophets. His divine message, which is the ultimate message, will be the beacon of guidance for the entire humanity forever.

We Muslims should highly value this divine blessing. We should ponder over and try to learn from the great event of Mab'ath. We should use our bright and glorious past as a beacon to illuminate the difficult path that extends before us into the future.

Today, there are several undeniable realities in the world. The first reality is the Islamic awakening of Muslim nations. Nobody can dispute this reality. Muslims throughout the world, whether they live in Islamic countries or in countries where they are in minority, are exhibiting a strong inclination toward Islam. They are experiencing Islamic awakening and the revival of their Islamic identity.

The intellectuals of the Islamic world, who have become disenchanted with socialism and Western schools of thought and ideology, are presently studying Islam and trying to find remedies for the afflictions of mankind in the Islamic teachings.

The present tendency toward Islam in the Muslim Ummah has been unprecedented for the past few centuries. Following the wide-scale political and cultural domination of Islamic countries by Western and Eastern blocs for several decades, Muslim youngsters are now turning to Islam and its teachings and precepts.

This is a reality which is even acknowledged by Westerners and the world's arrogant powers. They have often said that if free elections are held in any Islamic country, those who believe in Islam and seek to promote Islamic values and principles will be elected by the people.

Today, there is contradiction between the Western countries' claims of supporting democracy and what they are doing in practice. On the one hand, they have raised the flag of democracy and are claiming to support democratic governments. On the other hand, they are expressing unwillingness to hoist the banner of democracy in the Islamic world in its real sense and promote free elections.

The reason is that they know those supporting Islam and seeking to enforce Islamic principles will be elected and take political power in any Islamic country in which free elections are held.

Presently, Western countries, the United States and Western policy-makers, Zionists and Western capitalists know very well that the great movement of the Palestinian people has stemmed from their inclination toward Islam. It is Islam which has formed the pivot of Palestinian movement and infused courage and resistance in the Palestinian nation.

Whenever a nation is characterized by this spirit, no power, however politically or militarily strong it may be, would be able to crush and subdue that nation. This is something which they have understood very well, and the events of the Islamic world all bear witness to this reality. Today, the Islamic awakening, or rather the Islamic movement, of Muslim nations is a clear truth and an undeniable reality.

The second reality is that the arrogant powers are the enemies of the Islamic awakening of Muslim nations and their pursuit of liberty, and the reason is also quite clear. The reason is that Islam is opposed to the submission of Muslims to domination, to the dependence of Muslims on outside powers, to scientific and technological backwardness, which has been imposed on Islamic countries for many years, and to blindly imitating other nations.

Islamic teachings and principles run counter to the colonial and hegemonic policies of Western countries and arrogant powers, the policies which have been enforced toward the Islamic world over the past couple of centuries.

Today also, these powers are trying to further their self-defined interests in this region. Islamic awakening is posing an obstacle to their goals and aspirations. This is why they are making every effort to suppress this Islamic awakening through various political and propaganda means.

Presently, arrogant powers are applying all kinds of propaganda tools and stratagems against Islam. You can see how intricate and extensive is the campaign which Western countries have launched against Islam and Muslims both in the United States and in Europe. They are also utilizing all kinds of artistic means that are at their disposal to achieve this evil objective.

The intense enmity of arrogant powers toward Islam is revealed by their hostile cultural, political and military acts against Muslims. This is also another indisputable reality of the present world.

The third reality, which is known by all but denied by many, is that the Islamic awakening of Muslim nations is not represented by those who are engaged in acts of terrorism in the Islamic world. Those who are committing crimes in Iraq, acting against Muslims in the Islamic world in the name of Islam and making every effort to foment schism among Muslims and pit the Shia and the Sunni against one another are not symbolizing or representing Islamic awakening.

Arrogant powers know this very well. Those who are trying to portray these reactionary and terrorist groups to Western nations as representing Islam know that this is not the case. Islam is the religion of thought, wisdom, contemplation, insight and new ideas. It is the religion which has given rise to the present awakening of Muslim nations, the religion which has offered remedies for the afflictions of mankind.

Today, the Islamic Republic is seeking to promote broad-mindedness, the pursuit of knowledge, respect for human rights and the people's freedom of choice, benevolence and philanthropic feelings among human beings. These ideals all stem from Islam and its divine message. The accomplishment of these ideals can ensure the welfare and prosperity of mankind.

The logic of our late magnanimous Imam Khomeini was based on wisdom, benevolence, open-mindedness, human and moral values and virtues. Islamic awakening is not epitomized by those who are grim-facedly dealing with others in the world, including Muslims, those who are excommunicating a part of the Islamic Ummah and attacking other Muslims because of tribalism or sectarianism or on other baseless pretexts.

We are deeply suspicious of these reactionary and extremist groups. We wonder whether these groups really exist, or it is in fact the agents of Israeli, American and British intelligence services who are doing all this, and who are also manipulating some ignorant individuals. This is also a reality which cannot be denied.

Another reality of the present world is that Western countries, despite all their attempts, have not been able to suppress the Islamic awakening of Muslims. They have been spreading negative propaganda in various Islamic regions against Islam, the Islamic Republic of Iran, prominent Islamic leaders and reformists and against Islamic tenets and precepts. They have hired so many mercenaries to insult Islam and cast aspersions on Islamic principles. They have utilized their propaganda apparatus and mass media in an amazing manner. They have also applied military and economic levers against Muslim nations. But so far, they have achieved no success.

Muslim youngsters in Islamic countries have expressed the greatest inclination toward Islamic thought and ideology. This strong enthusiasm for and devotion to Islam is getting deeper and stronger in the hearts of Muslims as time goes by.

Muslim nations should become completely aware of these realities. They should realize that the Islamic world can protect its interests only through unity pivoting on Islam and by putting up strong resistance to the hegemonic goals and colonial objectives of the enemies and arrogant powers.

The main objective pursued by arrogant powers is to obliterate the national and religious identity of Muslims in the Islamic world, especially in the Middle East. Unity and solidarity among Muslim nations, adhering to and promoting Islam and standing up to the bullying and blackmail on the part of the United States and other arrogant powers is the only way to foil the enemies.

Today, the United States has a dishonorable and stigmatized character in the eyes of the world public. Through their actions, U.S. officials have trampled on their mottos and slogans. Today, because of the insecurity in Iraq and U.S. pressure on the Iraqi nation, blind and unconditional U.S. support for bloodthirsty Zionists, crimes committed by U.S. forces in Afghanistan and U.S. pressure on Islamic governments, the United States has an ugly and abominable face in the eyes of Muslim nations.

The Islamic world is capable of standing up to this covetous power, and it should do so. Today, in order to protect their interests, Muslim nations have no alternative but to stand firm against the United States.

Islamic governments should rely on the deep-rooted identity of the Muslim Ummah in order to be able to perform their historic duties and safeguard the interests of their nations. They should explicitly defend the Palestinian nation and call for the full independence of Iraq and entrusting the affairs of that country to the Iraqi nation. They should support the Afghan nation and other Muslim nations in Europe, Asia and Africa, and they should try to enforce Islamic tenets and Qur'anic precepts in their countries.

Islamic countries should consolidate their cordial ties, be honest with each other, promote concord and cooperation among themselves and help each other. If they do so, the Muslim Ummah will be able to free itself from the arrogant powers' yoke and repel the threats posed by these powers to the Islamic world.

I pray to Almighty Allah to awaken the Islamic Ummah and make us Muslims familiar with our duties. I also hope that the entire Islamic Ummah, especially the honorable Iranian nation, benefits from the prayer and auspices of His Holiness Imam of the Age - may our souls be sacrificed for his sake.

Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings