Tehran Friday Prayer Sermons
First Sermon
In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful[i]
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, and may peace and blessings be upon our master and prophet, Abul-Qasim al-Mustafa Muhammad, and his pure, chosen, and immaculate family, especially the remaining authority of Allah on Earth. O Allah, I praise You, seek Your help, seek Your forgiveness, and rely on You. Peace be upon the leaders of the Muslims, the protectors of the oppressed, and the guides of the believers.
"The believing men and believing women are allies of one another; they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, establish prayer, give charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those are the ones upon whom Allah will have mercy. Indeed, Allah is Almighty, Wise." (Quran 9:71)[ii]
I invite and advise all my dear brothers and sisters and myself to observe piety toward God. Let us be mindful in our words and actions, ensuring that we do not stray beyond God's boundaries; this is the very meaning of piety.
The verse I recited raises the critical issue of the bond among the believers, which in Quranic terms is referred to as 'wilayah' or the guardianship and guardianship in the mutual connection of the believers with each other. This concept appears in several verses of the Quran. This verse introduces the result of this guardianship and solidarity as divine mercy: "Those are the ones upon whom Allah will have mercy." This means that if you, as Muslims, are connected, cooperative, and united with one another, Allah's mercy will encompass you. Then He says: "Indeed, Allah is Almighty and Wise." The noble verse concludes by mentioning Allah's might and wisdom, perhaps indicating that His mercy in this context is in accordance with His might and wisdom. This is because Allah's mercy encompasses all virtues that descend from the Lord upon His servants—all blessings, all kindness, and all events in life are manifestations of divine mercy. However, this noble verse aligns this mercy with 'might' and 'wisdom.' Divine might refers to the all-encompassing dominion of God's power over all existence, while divine wisdom signifies the firmness and stability of all the laws of creation. Perhaps this verse aims to make us aware that if Muslims are united and in agreement with one another, divine might and wisdom will be behind them. They will be able to draw upon God's infinite power and benefit from the natural outcomes of God's traditions and laws.
So, what does this 'wilayah' mean? It means the bond and solidarity of Muslims with one another. This becomes the Quranic policy for Muslims. The Quranic policy for Muslims is that Muslim nations and groups should have solidarity with one another, and it seems to promise that if Muslim nations maintain this unity, it will result in Allah's might being behind them—meaning they will overcome all obstacles and defeat all enemies. Divine wisdom will support them—meaning all the laws of creation will work in their favour for progress. This is the logic and policy of the Quran.
The opposite of this policy is the policy of the enemies of Islam, namely the oppressors and aggressors of the world. Their policy is to divide and rule; the foundation of their work is to sow discord. They have been implementing this policy of sowing discord in Islamic countries by using various tactics up to today, and they still do not relent, causing the hearts of Islamic nations to find problems with each other. However, today, the nations have awakened. Today is the day when the Islamic Ummah can overcome the tactics of the enemies of Islam and Muslims.
I want to say that the enemy of the Iranian nation is the same as the very enemy of the Palestinian nation, the very enemy of the Lebanese nation, the very enemy of the Iraqi nation, the very enemy of the Egyptian nation, the very enemy of the Syrian nation, and the very enemy of the Yemeni nation. The enemy is one; however, the enemy's methods may vary from country to country. In one place, they will use psychological warfare; in another, they will apply economic pressure; in some areas, they will use two-ton bombs; in others, they may use weapons. In another, they use a smile. Our enemies are implementing this policy, but the command centre is the same. They receive their orders from one place and get the command to attack Muslim communities and nations from a single source. If this policy succeeds in one country, it leads to dominance over that country, and once they feel secure with that nation, they will turn their attention to another country. Nations should not allow this.
Any nation that does not want to fall victim to the enemy's paralysing siege must open its eyes from the beginning and remain vigilant. When they see the enemy targeting another nation, they should consider themselves partners with that oppressed and subjugated nation, assist them, and cooperate with them to ensure that the enemy will not succeed there. If the enemy succeeds there, they will focus on the next target. We Muslims have neglected this truth for many years and have seen its consequences. Today, we must no longer be negligent; we must remain alert. We must firmly establish a belt of defence, a belt of independence, and a belt of dignity from Afghanistan to Yemen, from Iran to Gaza and Lebanon in all Islamic countries and among all Muslim nations. This is the first point I wanted to convey today.
Today, I will primarily address the difficulties my Lebanese and Palestinian brothers are facing, and I will convey these points to them in the sermon to follow. The second point is that the laws of defence in Islam have clarified our responsibilities. The laws of Islamic defence, our constitution, and international law, even according to laws we had no part in drafting, logically agree with the principle I am discussing that every nation has the right to defend its territory, homeland, country, and interests against aggressors. This is the meaning of this statement. The meaning of this statement is that the Palestinian nation has the right to stand against the enemy that has occupied its land, seized its homes, destroyed its farms, and ruined its life; the Palestinian nation has this right. Today's global laws also support this solid logic.
Who does Palestine belong to? Who are the Palestinian people? Where did these occupiers come from? The Palestinian nation has the right to stand against them; no court, no authority, no international organisation has the right to criticise the Palestinian nation for standing up against the usurping Zionist regime; they have no right. Those who help the Palestinian nation are fulfilling their duty; no one, based on any international law, has the right to criticise the people of Lebanon or Hezbollah for supporting Gaza and the uprising of the Palestinian people; it is their duty, and they should do it. This is an Islamic ruling, a rational law, and an international and global logic. The Palestinians are defending their land; their defence is legitimate, and helping them is also legitimate.
Therefore, all these attacks and the Al-Aqsa Storm that took place around this time last year[iii] were a legitimate, logical, and internationally recognised movement, and the Palestinians were in the right. The determined defence of the Lebanese people in support of the Palestinian people also falls under this ruling; it is likewise legal, reasonable, logical, and legitimate, and no one has the right to criticise them for entering into this defence. The brilliant work of our armed forces a couple of nights ago was also completely legal and legitimate[iv]. The actions taken by our armed forces were a minor punishment for the usurping Zionist regime in response to its astonishing crimes: it is a bloodthirsty regime, a wolf-like regime, and the rabid dog of America in the region. The Islamic Republic will carry out any duty with power, firmness, and decisiveness. In fulfilling this duty, we will neither be negligent nor rush; we will not be negligent, fall short, and not act hastily. What is logical, reasonable, and correct will be carried out by the military and political decision-makers at the appropriate time, just as it had been done, and in the future, if necessary, it will be done again.
The second sermon will address the issues of Lebanon, and the audience for that sermon will be our Arab brothers in the region; therefore, I will deliver the sermon in Arabic.
Second Sermon (Arabic)
In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
"By time! Indeed, mankind is in a state of loss, except for those who believe, do righteous deeds, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to patience." [v]
And may peace be unto you and the Mercy of Allah and His Blessings.
And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. I praise Him, seek His help, ask for His forgiveness, and place my trust in Him. I send blessings and peace upon His beloved, the greatest Messenger, our master Muhammad the Chosen One, and upon his pure and immaculate family, primarily upon Ali, the Commander of the Faithful, and his beloved Fatimah al-Zahra, the Approved One, and upon Hassan and Hussein, the Masters of the Youth of Paradise, and upon Ali ibn Hussein, Zain al-Abidin, and Muhammad ibn Ali, al-Baqir, and Ja'far ibn Muhammad, al-Sadiq, and Musa ibn Ja'far, al-Kadhim, and Ali ibn Musa, al-Ridha, and Muhammad ibn Ali, al-Jawad, and Ali ibn Muhammad, al-Hadi, and Hasan ibn Ali, al-Zaki, al-Askari, and al-Hujjah ibn al-Hasan, al-Qaim, al-Mahdi. May Allah's blessings be upon them all, and peace be upon his chosen Companions and those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment and upon the protectors of the oppressed and the leaders of the believers.
I have decided that my brother and dear one, a source of pride and a beloved figure in the Islamic world, the eloquent voice of the peoples of the region, and the shining jewel of Lebanon, His Eminence Seyyid Hassan Nasrallah, may Allah's peace be upon him, will be honoured during the Friday prayer in Tehran. I will also touch upon some points.
This speech is directed to the entire Islamic Ummah, but it is addressed explicitly to the dear peoples of Lebanon and Palestine. We are all affected and wounded by the martyrdom of the esteemed leader; it is a significant loss, and it has grieved us in every sense of the word. However, our consolation does not mean despondency, despair, or turmoil; instead, it is akin to our consolation for the Master of Martyrs, Hussein ibn Ali, peace be upon him; it brings life, inspires lessons, ignites determination, and injects hope.
Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah has left us in body, but his true essence—his spirit, path, and his resounding voice—will always remain with us. He was the lofty banner of resistance against the oppressive and plundering devils, the eloquent voice of the oppressed, and their courageous defender. He was also a supporter and encourager of the fighters on the path of truth. His popularity and influence extended beyond the borders of Lebanon, Iran, and the Arab countries, and now his martyrdom will further strengthen this influence.
One of his most important messages during his worldly life to you, the loyal people of Lebanon, both in word and deed, was not to fall into despair or confusion due to the absence of prominent figures like Imam Musa al-Sadr and Sayyid Abbas al-Mousawi, and not to waver in your path of struggle. Intensify your efforts and capabilities, strengthen your unity, and resist the aggressor enemy, defeating them by solidifying your faith and trust in God.
My dear ones, O loyal people of Lebanon, O enthusiastic youth of Hezbollah and the Amal Movement! My children, this is also the request of our martyred leader today from his people, the Resistance front, and the entire Islamic Ummah.
The treacherous and cowardly enemy, having failed to deliver a decisive blow to the cohesive structure of Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other movements striving in the path of God, has resorted to faking victory through assassinations, destruction, bombings, killing civilians, and breaking their hearts. But what has been the result? This behaviour only led to building anger, increasing the motivation to resist, the emergence of more personnel, more leaders, more of those willing to make sacrifices, and the tightening of the noose around the bloodthirsty wolf. Ultimately, this will lead to the removal of the disgraceful entity from the stage of existence, God willing.
Dear ones, grieving hearts find tranquillity through the remembrance of God and seeking His help. The destruction will be compensated, and your patience and steadfastness will bear the fruits of dignity and honour.
For thirty years, the dear leader stood at the forefront of a difficult struggle, elevating Hezbollah step by step, "Like a plant that sends forth its shoots, strengthens them, and they grow firm and stand strong on their stalks, delighting the sowers, so that through them He may enrage the disbelievers. God has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness and a great reward"[vi].
With the guidance of the Sayyid, Hezbollah developed step by step, with patience and, logically and naturally, demonstrating its existential impact on its enemies at various stages by defeating the Zionist enemy, 'yielding its fruit at all times by the permission of its Lord.[vii]'
Hezbollah is truly a good tree. Hezbollah and its heroic martyr leader are the essence of Lebanon's virtues throughout its history and identity. We Iranians have known Lebanon and its virtues for a long time. Lebanese scholars generously bestowed their knowledge upon Iran during the Sarbadarid and Safavid eras in the 8th, 10th, and 11th centuries of the Hijra. Among them were Muhammad ibn Makki al-Amili, the martyr, Ali ibn Abdul-Aal al-Karaki, Zayn al-Din al-Amili, the martyr Hussein ibn Abd al-Samad al-Amili and his son Baha' al-Din known as Sheikh al-Baha'i, as well as other religious and scholarly figures.
Fulfilling our duty towards wounded and bleeding Lebanon is an obligation for us and all Muslims. Hezbollah and the martyred leader, through their defence of Gaza, their struggle for Al-Aqsa Mosque, and their blow to the usurping and oppressive entity, have taken a decisive step in serving the entire region and the entire Islamic world. The focus of America and its proxies on maintaining the security of the usurping entity is nothing but a cover for their scattered policy aimed at turning the entity into a tool for seizing all the natural resources of this region and exploiting them in major global conflicts. The aim is to transform this entity into a gateway for exporting energy from the region to Western countries and importing goods and technology from the West to the region. This means ensuring the existence of the usurper and making the entire region subordinate to it.
This entity's brutal and insolent behaviour towards the fighters results from its greed to achieve this goal.
This reality shows us that every blow dealt by any individual or any group against this entity is, in fact, a service to the entire region and all of humanity.
There is no doubt that the dreams of the Zionists and the Americans are merely impossible illusions. The entity is nothing but that evil tree which "has been uprooted from the earth," and His saying is true, "It has no stability.”
This wicked, rootless entity is artificial and unstable, and it has only managed to remain standing with difficulty because of the support America pumps into it. With God's permission, It will not be allowed to survive. The clear evidence of this is that it has spent billions of dollars in Gaza and Lebanon over the past year and has received all kinds of aid from America and many Western countries. Yet, it has suffered defeat against a few thousand fighters and martyrs in the path of God, who are besieged and prevented from receiving any foreign assistance. Its only achievement has been the bombing of homes, schools, hospitals, and centres where civilians gather.
And indeed, the criminal Zionist gang themselves have also come to this conclusion, that they will never achieve victory over Hamas and Hezbollah.
O our resilient people in Lebanon and Palestine! O brave fighters! O loyal and persevering people! These martyrs and this spilt blood do not shake your resolve; instead, they increase your steadfastness. In Islamic Iran, during the three months of the summer of 1981, dozens of our prominent and distinguished figures were assassinated, including a great figure like Seyyid Mohammad Beheshti, a president like Rajai, and a prime minister like Bahonar. Scholars such as Ayatollah Madani, Qudsi, and Hashemi Najad were also assassinated, and each one of them was a pillar of the Revolution on the local or national level. Their loss was not insignificant, but the course of the Revolution did not stop or retreat; instead, it accelerated.
Today, the resistance in the region will not retreat, as testified by its men, and victory will be the ally of the resistance. The resistance in Gaza has bewildered the world and honoured Islam. Islam in Gaza has embraced all forms of malice and evil with an open heart. No one will not honour this steadfastness and curse its brutal and bloodthirsty enemy.
The Al-Aqsa Storm and a year of resistance in Gaza and Lebanon have led this occupying entity to make its primary concern the preservation of its existence, which is the same concern that plagued this entity in the early years of its cursed establishment. This means that the jihad of the men of Palestine and Lebanon has pushed back the Zionist entity seventy years behind.
The fundamental factor behind wars, insecurity, and underdevelopment in this region is the existence of the Zionist entity and the presence of countries that claim to be working towards establishing security and peace in the region. The fundamental problem in the region is the interference of foreigners. The region's countries can establish security and peace within it. Achieving this tremendous and salvific goal for the people requires the efforts of its nations and governments. Indeed, God is with those who walk this path, And indeed, Allah is capable of granting them victory.[viii]
Peace of God be upon the martyred leader Nasrallah, the martyred hero Haniyeh, and the esteemed leader, General Qassem Soleimani[ix].
"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. When the victory of Allah and the conquest comes, and you see the people entering the religion of Allah in crowds, then glorify the praises of your Lord and ask for His forgiveness. Indeed, He is the Most Accepting of Repentance."[x]
The audience of this sermon is the entire Islamic world, but the dear people of Lebanon and Palestine are the special audience. We are all grieving and mourning the loss of our dear Sayyid. This is a great loss, and it has deeply saddened us.
Of course, our mourning does not mean despondency, distress, or despair; it is like mourning for the Master of Martyrs, Hussein ibn Ali (peace be upon him). It is life-giving, instructive, inspiring, and hope-giving.
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's physical body may have departed from among us, but his true character, spirit, path, and powerful voice remain with us and will continue to be present.
He was the towering flag of resistance against tyrannical and plundering evildoers, a vocal and brave defender of the oppressed, and a source of encouragement and courage for fighters and seekers of justice. His popularity and influence extended beyond Lebanon, Iran, and Arab countries, and now, his martyrdom will only amplify this impact.
The most important verbal and practical message he conveyed during his worldly life to you, the loyal people of Lebanon, was this: do not lose hope or become disheartened with the loss of prominent figures like Imam Musa al-Sadr, Sayyid Abbas Mousavi and others; do not waver in the path of struggle; increase your efforts and strength; double your solidarity; and stand firm against the aggressor enemy by strengthening your faith and reliance on God, and defeat them.
My dear ones! Loyal people of Lebanon! The passionate youth of Hezbollah and Amal! My children! Today, the request of our martyred leader from his nation, from the resistance front, and the entire Islamic Ummah is the same.
The vile and cowardly enemy, since it cannot inflict serious harm on the strong organisations of Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, or other groups of fighters in the path of God, considers assassination, destruction, bombing, and killing of civilians and mourning of the unarmed as signs of its victory. What is the result? This behaviour results in the accumulation of anger and increased motivation of the people, leading to more personnel, commanders, leaders, and self-sacrificing individuals. The circle of encirclement around the bloodthirsty wolf tightens, and ultimately, its disgraceful existence will be wiped from the face of the earth.
Dear ones, Grieving hearts find solace in remembrance of God and seek His assistance; the ruins will be rebuilt, and your patience and perseverance will bring forth dignity and honour.
For thirty years, our dear Seyyid stood at the forefront of a difficult struggle; he brought Hezbollah step by step to prominence: "Like a slain one that sprouts forth its shoots and nurtures it to grow sturdy, standing upon its stalks and astonishing the farmers, so that through [their multitude], God incites the disbelievers to anger. God has promised forgiveness and a great reward to those among them who have believed and have done righteous deeds.
Under the guidance of the leader, Hezbollah grew step by step, patiently, logically, and naturally, showcasing its existential impact at various stages in pushing back the Zionist regime: 'Its fruit is given at all times by permission of its Lord'.
Hezbollah is indeed a 'good tree.' Its heroic and martyred leader is the essence of Lebanon's historical identity of virtue.
We Iranians have been familiar with Lebanon and its advantages for a long time; figures such as martyr Muhammad ibn Makki Amili, Ali ibn Abd al-Aal Karaki, martyr Zayn al-Din Amili, and Hussain ibn Abd al-Samad Amili, along with his son Muhammad Baha al-Din, known as Sheikh Baha'i, and others among the men of knowledge and religion have enriched Iran with their abundant knowledge during the governments of the Sardarān and Safavids in the 8th, 10th, and 11th centuries of the Hijri calendar.
Performing our duty towards the wounded and bleeding Lebanon is the responsibility of us and all Muslims. Hezbollah and the martyred leader, by defending Gaza, struggling for the Al-Aqsa Mosque and striking the usurping and oppressive regime, have taken steps towards providing a vital service to the entire region and all of the Islamic world. The dependence of America and its accomplices on maintaining the security of the usurping regime is because it is a cover for their deadly policy of using the regime as their tool for seizing all the resources of this region and utilising them in major global conflicts. Their policy is to convert the regime into a gateway for energy exports from the region to the Western world and for importing goods and technology from the West into the region, which means ensuring the existence of the usurping regime and the total dependence of the entire region on it. The brutal and reckless behaviour of the regime towards the fighters stems from its greed for such a situation. This reality makes it clear that every blow against the regime from any individual or group serves the entire region and, indeed, of all humanity.
Indeed, this Zionist and American dream is a false and unattainable illusion. The regime is nothing but the wicked tree that has been uprooted from the earth, which, as the Divine Truth states, has no permanence. This wicked regime is rootless, artificial, and unstable, and it has only managed to keep itself standing with difficulty through the injection of American support, and this will not last long, by God's permission.
The clear evidence for this claim is that the enemy has now been defeated for a year, despite spending several billion dollars in Gaza and Lebanon and receiving comprehensive support from the U.S. and several other Western countries, in facing just a few thousand fighters and militants for the sake of God, who are besieged and banned from any external assistance. Their only achievement has been the bombing of homes, schools, hospitals, and civilian gathering places of unarmed individuals! Today, the very criminal Zionist gang is gradually coming to the conclusion that they will never be victorious over Hamas and Hezbollah.
Resilient people of Lebanon and Palestine! Brave fighters and forbearing, appreciative people! This spilt blood, these martyrdoms do not weaken your movement but strengthen it. In Islamic Iran, during about three months of one summer (in the year 1360 in the Persian calendar), several dozen of our distinguished and prominent figures were assassinated, one of whom was a significant figure like Seyyed Mohammad Beheshti, another was a president like Rajai, and a prime minister like Bahonar. Scholars such as Ayatollah Madani, Quddusi, Hashemi Najad, and others were also among them. Each of these individuals was considered one of the pillars of the Revolution at the national or local level, and their loss was not an easy matter; however, the Revolution did not stop, nor did it retreat; instead, it gained momentum.
Today, the resistance in the region will not retreat in the face of these martyrdoms; it will be victorious. The resistance in Gaza has captivated the world and brought honour to Islam. In Gaza, Islam has stood firm against all evil and wickedness. There is no free human being who does not commend this steadfastness and curse its brutal and bloodthirsty enemy.
The Al-Aqsa Storm and the year-long resistance in Gaza and Lebanon have brought the occupying regime to a point where its primary concern is to preserve its existence; that is, the same concern that this regime had in the early years of its unfortunate birth. This means that the struggle of the brave men of Palestine and Lebanon has managed to set the Zionist regime back seventy years.
The leading cause of war, insecurity, and underdevelopment in this region is the 'existence of the Zionist regime' and the presence of governments that claim to be seeking peace and tranquillity in the area. The main problem in the region is the 'intervention of foreigners.' This region's governments can establish peace and security within it. Achieving this tremendous and liberating goal requires the efforts and struggles of both nations and governments. In this path, God is with the wayfarers, and indeed, God is certainly capable of granting them victory.
Peace of God be upon the martyred leader Nasrallah, the heroic martyr Haniyeh, and the esteemed Commander Major General Qassem Soleimani.
[i] 1. The sermons of this prayer were delivered at the Tehran Prayer Hall
[ii] 2. Surah At-Tawbah, Verse 71
[iii] 3. On Saturday, October 7, 2023, Palestinian resistance groups launched a large-scale operation called 'Al-Aqsa Flood,' during which a significant number of Zionists were killed, wounded, and captured in the initial hours.
[iv] 4. Referring to Operation Promised Response 2 on October 1, which was launched in response to the martyrdom of martyr Ismail Haniyeh, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, and martyr Brigadier General Abbas Nilforushan, as well as the brutal attacks on Gaza and the Beirut suburb, dozens of missiles targeted the security and military sites of the Zionist regime in the occupied territories.
[v] 5. Surah Al-Asr: 'In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. By the time [of the victory of truth over falsehood], indeed, mankind is in loss, except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised one another to truth and advised one another to patience.
[vi] 6. Surah Al-Fath, part of verse 29
[vii] 7. Surah Ibrahim, part of verse 25
[viii] 9. Surah Al-Hajj, part of verse 39: 'Permission [to fight] has been granted to those who are being fought because they were wronged, and indeed, God is capable of granting them victory.'
[ix] 10. I deemed it necessary to honour my brother, my dear one, and my source of pride, the beloved figure of the Islamic world, the eloquent voice of the nations in the region, the shining jewel of Lebanon, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (may God be pleased with him) during the Friday prayer in Tehran, and to offer some reminders to everyone as well.
[x] Surah An-Nasr