The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Leader’s Eid al-Fitr Prayers Sermons at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Mosalla

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

(Arabic prayer)

I congratulate all of you, respectable attendees, dear worshippers, and the entire Iranian nation and the great Islamic Ummah, on the occasion of the auspicious Eid al-Fitr. To explain the grandeur of this Eid (festive occasion), it would suffice [to note] that when saying the prayers that are said on the day of Eid, we swear the Almighty God by this day; [and] this shows the importance of this day. The end of one month of worship, one month of recourse [to God] and remembrance [of God], and humbleness and service by the faithful people, is [truly] a day of festivity for all people and a day of [spiritual] saving and honor for the Honorable Prophet [of Islam] (PBUH). 
What I [am going to] say in this sermon today is that, thank God, our faithful people, went through a very good month of Ramadan. [It was] a month of Ramadan [which was] full of spirituality and full of attention and recourse, and humbleness and supplication. We, officials of the country, must both envy the state in which these faithful people are and these illuminated hearts, and we must also thank God for the responsibility that God has bestowed upon us with regard to this faithful nation. During the longest days of the year and the hottest days of the year, people across the country were fasting, tolerated the heat while fasting, [and] even our youths, [and] our adolescents were fasting with [great] enthusiasm and willingness. Some people, evil hands, tried to make our adolescents break their fast, [but] thank God, they did not succeed and will not succeed, but the country’s officials and all people must pay attention that to what great lengths [our] spiteful and evil enemies have gone and about what things they have thought in order to take the country’s thriving generation away from religion. They hold sessions, make plan(s), [and] plot to make our youths break their fast. Thank God, the [Iranian] nation punched them in the mouth.
This month, was the month of the divine banquet. The divine banquet brings with it the divine reception; and the divine reception in this month is [manifested as] the illumination of [people’s] hearts, is forgiveness for sins, [and] is success in doing big and good things. One of the most important of these things was this very huge demonstration, which was held across the country on the last Friday of the blessed month [of Ramadan] on the [International] Quds Day upon recommendation and emphasis of our honorable Imam [Khomeini]. It was also held in many other Muslim countries. In some of our cities, on the Friday of the Quds [demonstrations] the heat was so high that naturally, humans do not move around in that heat, but our people came and took part [in the Quds Day demonstrations] all over the country, and especially in those cities, which are situated in hot provinces, [including] the southern provinces of the country. People really struggled [on the path of God], [because] while [they were] fasting, [and] under [the scorching] sun, they came [into the streets] to cry out their position on the important issue of Palestine. This means that if some Muslim governments are still betraying the cause of Palestine, some [others] do not take it seriously, [and] some nations are not aware of it, the Iranian nation is ready to face all the enemies and revive the issue of Palestine through its presence [in these demonstrations] and with its [loud] cry.
This year during the month of Ramadan, the entire country was a big showcase of the signs of people’s inclination toward spirituality and glorious sessions of the Quran, which thank God, were reflected in the best way in the national medium [the state-run radio and television] as well. This reading [ofthe Quran] part by part, which is being commonly held in groups at sacred sites, was welcomed by the Iranian people, [and] this was underway in many [Iranian] cities this year. Iftar banquets held by people were another phenomenon, which [was observed] this year, especially in Tehran. I have received no clear report on [other] cities yet. Of course, in some sacred sites such as the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (PBUH), pubic iftar banquets were held.In [many places, including] in Hosseiniyehs [a place for religious ceremonies], in mosques, on the streets, in [various] neighborhoods, [and even] in many alleys people organized iftar banquets and offered iftar food to passers-by, [and] people took part [in them]. They have brought me pictures and photos of these [iftar ceremonies]. Fairly speaking, this [high] degree of interest and commitment to spirituality and people serving people impresses any person.
This was among those things, which were common this year; [of course,] they were there since the past years [as well, but] they were more frequent this year compared to other years. In Tehran, [this phenomenon] is almost epidemic, [but] naturally, it also exists in many cities of which, of course, I have no precise and clear information [yet]. This is opposed to those extravagant and profligate iftar [ceremonies]; [those] expensive iftar banquets, which are not [meant to provide] for people who deserve [to be in an] iftar [banquet], and sometimes are organized by some official organs, which have no justification. They bring together a group of people in hotels, [and they are] people who have no need to this iftar [food]. This popular step is opposed to what they do. A group went around, [and] they called themselves “lover vagrants of alleys” – which is a real name – and took iftar food to people’s houses of which many instances have been reported to me and their pictures and photos have been brought to me; [they took] iftar food to people’s doors.
These are very great steps; [and] these are very valuable steps. In addition to these [steps, there were] prayer sessions, [and] invocation sessions every night until dawn, [which were held] in mosques, in hosseiniyehs, [and] in different gatherings, especially during the Qadr nights, even over the tombs of martyrs [where] people came together, [and] oriented their hearts toward God; all these [measures] are means of attracting the divine mercy. Retreating [to mosques] during the last ten days of the month of Ramadan is also gradually turning into a tradition, which is growing, [and] God willing, this is also a blessing. I have been told that some esteemed physicians during some nights and days of the month of Ramadan, visited patients gratis. This means that this self-sacrifice and this selflessness flows among all classes of people. This was the month of Ramadan, which went by; [and] such a month of Ramadan is a cause to attract the divine mercy [to the society]; God willing.
And today, which is the day of Eid al-Fitr, is a day to venerate the honorable Prophet [of Islam] (PBUH); [as we say in the Eid al-Fitr prayers:] “[O God! You] made this [day] an Eid for Muslims, and [a cause of spiritual] saving and honor and dignity and elevation [of rank] for [Prophet] Mohammad (PBUH);” [therefore,] this is [a sign of] respect for the Prophet and veneration of the Prophet by people; the same people to whom the Almighty God said about his Prophet [that]: “Grievous to him is what makes you suffer;” [and a Prophet] for whom people’s suffering is painful.

O Almighty! [We swear you] by [Prophet] Mohammad (PBUH) and by Mohammad’s Household to bless this month of Ramadan and this day of Eid for the Iranian nation and for [all] Muslims across the world.

“In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful; by time; indeed, mankind is in loss; except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.”

The second Sermon

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

(Arabic prayer)

I invite all dear brethren and sisters to divine piety. What I want to explain in this sermon is about the Islamic world, [and] is about the Islamic Ummah. Unfortunately, people’s Eid was turned into mourning in some [Islamic] countries. In Baghdad, hundreds of families lost a dear person at the hands of criminals and terrorists and those who want to propagate the fake and counterfeit Islam among people on the order of their masters. Also in Istanbul, in Bangladesh, [and] in some other [Islamic] countries, people were target of terrorist attacks while fasting in the days of the month of Ramadan. This is the result of breeding terrorism by security services and unsafe hands of [secret] services of America and Zionist [regime of Israel] and Britain, which created these things in the Islamic world; of course, they will themselves come to harm – as they are gradually experiencing this – but this is their sin and their crime; this is a crime, which will not be forgotten.
Unfortunately, the flame of war raged on during the month of Ramadan in some Islamic countries – [including] in Syria, in Yemen, in Libya and in some other places – which causes one to feel real sorrow that the Islamic world is in such a situation. Certain [parties] turned political disputes into civil war. Political dispute is one thing, [but] civil war is a [totally] different thing. It was intervention by superpowers, which did this in Syria and in some other places. In Yemen, now it has been more than one year and three months that people are being bombarded; however, good for the people of Yemen who managed to stage that huge demonstration on the Quds day in that hot weather and in spite of [all those] bombardments; good for that people, [and] good for the wise leadership of the Yemeni people! In Syria, people are also afflicted with a major incident, which the [world] Arrogance has imposed on them.
Enemies’ effort [is aimed to] cause the issue of Palestine be forgotten. They want to occupy [the countries in] the Islamic world with their domestic issues, so that, the issue of Palestine would be forgotten and the Zionist regime would be offered with an opportunity to pursue its evil goals. We must know that the struggle for the liberation of Palestine is an Islamic struggle, is a public struggle, [and] is not merely an Arab struggle. This is a duty for Muslims to continue this struggle, this cry [for liberation], [and] this movement all across the world [and] in any way they can. Reducing such an important issue to an internal issue for Arabs is a wrong thing [to do].
A point about domestic issues of the country is the issue of these [abnormally high] salaries and unfair and unjust takings from the public budget – [the news of] which is going around among people [and] whose news is being circulated [among people].These takings [from the public budget] are illegitimate, these takings are [tantamount to committing] sin, [and] these takings are betraying the ideals of the Islamic Revolution. Certainly, there have been oversights in the past, [and] there have been [cases of] negligence, which must be made up for. It should not be like that we raise Cain [about this issue at first] and then close this case and totally forget about it; it must be followed up. Fortunately, the esteemed president and the esteemed heads of the other two branches [of government] have promised to follow up on this issue. This issue must be seriously followed up, illegitimate earnings must be returned [to the Treasury] and if some people have acted against the law, [they must] be punished, and if the law has been abused, these [officials] should be dismissed from these posts, [because] such [officials] are not persons who would deserve to be appointed to these positions.
Of course, also pay attention to this [point] that the enemies of the Islamic establishment intend to use this issue as an excuse against the Islamic establishment. These [officials with abnormally high salaries] are a [small] group, which in comparison with totality of managers and staff of official organs, who are working with integrity and honesty, are not a big group, but [even] this small number of them is also detrimental, [and even] this small number of them is a flaw; [therefore,] this flaw must be done away with. We have identified problems resulting from poverty, plan for them, [and] hold sessions on them, but it seems that we do not correctly know the problems resulting from unbridled [tendency toward] aristocratic lifestyle. When aristocracy, extravagance and profligacy exist in the society and are propagated, they are ensued with these issues and [these problems] are created and everybody seeks to find a prey and gorge themselves on it, [and] fill their stomachs with these unlawful [sums of] money. This phenomenon must be countered with seriousness. [High ranking authorities] must put on their agenda, the issue of deposing and dismissing [officials with illegitimate earnings] and returning [to the Treasury] what has been illegitimately taken out of the public budget. This is a duty for all [of us]. People attach importance to this issue and if this [follow-up] does not take place and [this issue] is not followed up on, people’s trust in the [Islamic] establishment will be reduced, which this would be a big catastrophe. People’s trust must be maintained through serious measure(s). I hope the Almighty God would make all officials successful [in fulfilling their duties].

“In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful; Say, ‘He is Allah, [who is] the One; Allah, the Eternal Refuge; He neither begets nor is born; Nor is there to Him any equivalent’."

Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings