The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Leader’s Remarks in Meeting with Members of the Congress Held to Commemorate the Martyrs of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

I have good memories of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari. I took a trip to Shahr-e Kord [capital city of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province] in the years of 1980s - when I was the president - to embolden and encourage people to go to war fronts [during Iraq’s invasion of Iran]. This was [part of] a provincial tour when I went to various provinces, [and as part of that tour I] went to Shahr-e Kord. Well, all the people came together and answered [to my call], but Shahr-e Kord has remained alive in my mind. The weather was cold - that region is a cold place - [and] the place considered for my speech was where two streets branched from it. As I was looking, I saw that as far as [my] eye could see, this people participated and were present in both streets wearing local clothes, with various flags [and were there] with signs of true and heartfelt presence - not simply physical [presence]. This presence was so obvious and people’s motivation was so evident that with [only] one look, you could understand many things about this people and this region. I don’t forget [this memory] and this is [still alive] in my mind.

Of course, I have gone to Shahr-e Kord both before and after that and have faced people and gatherings, but that trip was a strange trip and left a strange impression on my mind. On one occasion before that, I went to Shahr- Kord to meet with [the personnel of] Qamar-e Bani Hashem brigade and I went to the headquarters of that brigade; that also I will never forget. Well, I have gone to headquarters of IRGC [Islamic Revolution Guards Corps] in most places; I used to go [to those places] and sat down and talked [to them] and discussed [various issues]. Some places among these headquarters enjoyed certain specifications which linger in one’s mind; one of them was this Qamar-e Bani Hashem brigade of Shahr-e Kord, which I don’t forget. I went there [and met with] devoted [and] faithful youths [and saw their] poor situation [because] the place that they had was [in a] situation with very limited facilities, but at the same time [I saw they] had strong motivations; and I went [there] and spent several hours - now, I don’t remember how many hours - with these [revolutionary guards], [and] I had lunch with them; I came out of that place with a feeling of utmost satisfaction.

Well, what [these] gentlemen said about scientific and military and political records and the likes of that, these are all reserved and valuable in their own place. The point that Mr. Nekounam mentioned about people of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari coming [to Tehran in the heyday of the Islamic Revolution] to disavow of [Shapour] Bakhtiar [an Iranian prime minister under former regime of Shah] is very important. It is possible for people of Shiraz, people of Mashhad, [and] people of Tabriz to come [to Tehran] and disavow of Bakhtiar, but it is very different when Bakhtiari people come and disavow a prominent Bakhtiari political figure, who had stood against the revolution and against Imam [Khomeini]; this point is important. [The fact] that he said people expect that day to be an outstanding day is also correct [and] this is really [a] justified [demand], because among nomadic people such nomadic affiliations and bonds are not a small matter, [but on the contrary] are a very important issue. These [people] are the same people who in the course of the Constitutional [Revolution] came from Shahr-e Kord - [which was known as] Deh-e Kord at that time - to Isfahan and conquered Isfahan and [then] came to Tehran and did great things, [and] they did it mostly through local bonds; I mean, tribal and nomadic effects existed on people, which [made them] move and come [to Tehran]. However, when it comes to religion, when it comes to the [Islamic] Revolution, [and] when it comes to Imam [Khomeini], the same bonds totally lose their importance and become useless and are abolished; this is a very important issue. Therefore, it is a very justified and on-time measure this commemoration [ceremony] that you are holding.

Pay attention to one point: we are faced with an undeclared all-out cultural and ideological and political onslaught; that is, now that I am telling [you], you would naturally accept [this] form me, but you are not informed of what is [actually] taking place. I am informed of what is taking place; I am seeing what is taking place; the cultural army of the enemy and the political army of the enemy have launched an attack against us by taking advantage of all tools at their disposal to undermine our religious beliefs, to undermine our political beliefs, to bolster dissatisfaction inside the country, [and] to attract youths, especially active and effective youths, at various levels for [the achievement of] their own goals; [and] they are working [on this]. Well, steps are being taken against these [plots]; pious youths, faithful people, [and] committed officials are taking good steps, but more steps must be taken in the country. One of the important issues is that such valuable concepts like the concept of jihad, the concept of martyrdom, the concept of martyr, the concept of martyr’s family, the concept of patient for the sake of God, [and] the concept of being accountable before God must be kept alive.
Well, of course, this goal can be partially achieved through [strengthening of] external manifestations [of these concepts]. I mean, I am not against writing [these concepts] on placards and [making] various kinds of statues and naming of streets [after martyrs, and] the likes of these - [because] these are good steps; these are necessary, [and] are more than good - but these are not sufficient at all. These are just a small part of the work that must be done. Do an in-depth work; try to make an impression on [people’s] minds; [and] convince your audience with your right comments. [Doing] this work needs thinking. Intellectuals, people who have the power to think and those who understand [such] issues, along with artists, [and] those [people] who are endowed with the art of presentation and art of promotion [of such concepts] - including painter and poet and filmmaker and writer and the likes of them - must all of them join hands [and] help the [final] product of [their] work turn out to be something that would impress the mind of the audience. I mean, [they are expected] to thwart that conspiracy, which is currently being carried out - not that it is being planned; it has been planned a long time ago [and] is now being carried out across the country. This task is both a responsibility for government officials, and a responsibility for the faithful people, [and by government officials I mean] both official authorities and non-official authorities. Any person who has a commitment must be active in this field. One part of the work [which must be done in this regard] is this very work of yours; that is, to revive the concept of martyrdom and the value of martyrdom and the value of martyr. In this direction, God willing, move [and rest assured that] the Almighty God will help [you] as well.

Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings