The Office of the Supreme Leader

Jurisprudence & Religious affairs

The Use of Insect-Based Pigments in Foodstuff
The Use of Insect-Based Pigments in Foodstuff
Some of the beverages available on the market contain biological pigments derived from insects. There is, of course, no part of the insects in the beverages but only the pigments that have been harvested from the insects. Is drinking such beverages or any foodstuff containing such biological pigments permissible?
Child Adoption
Child Adoption
What is the religious rule governing the adoption of children who lack a guardian? Are the rules pertaining to the relation between adoptive parents and children, especially as regards the issue of being maḥram or non-maḥram, the same as those of biological parents and children?
Leading Prayer after Wet Cupping
Leading Prayer after Wet Cupping
Can someone who has undergone wet cupping (ḥajāmah) but has not yet rinsed the area of the incisions with water for fear of causing infection officiate as the leader, or imam, of a congregational payer?