The Office of the Supreme Leader


IR Leader sends congrats message to Nasrallah
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in a congratualtory message to Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance Movement Hezbollah, Wednesday felicitated him, Hezbollah members and the Lebanese nation over the splendid victory they achieved against the Zionist regime's army in the recent Lebanon-Israel war.
Ayatollah Khamenei condemns Qana tragedy
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei issued an important statement Wednesday to the world of Islam in which he strongly condemned the Qana tragedy and the ensuing silence of the United Nations and the international bodies that profess to champion human rights.
Downsizing policies declared
Downsizing policies declared
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei declared Sunday the general policies of the clause F of the article 44 of the Constitution concerning expansion of non-governmental sectors through ceding activitiy and governmental agencies.
IR Leader's New Year's Day message
IR Leader's New Year's Day message
Tehran, March 20 - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei issued a verbal message on the advent of the new Iranian year of 1385. The following is the text of his message to the Iranian people in full.

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

O, The One who changes hearts and states over,
O, The administrator of night and day,
O, The Author of Might and States,
Change our states over to the best.
Leader's message on Sammara tragedy
Leader's message on Sammara tragedy
Tehran, Feb 22 - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in a statement Wednesday expressed condolences over the tragic profane made to the holy shrine of Shiite Imams, Imam Hadi (A.S.) and Imam Hassan Asgari (A.S.) in Iraq, proclaiming a week of national mourning. The statement reads as follows.

Bismillah-e Rahman-e Rahim
We Belong to Allah and We Shall Return to Him

The felonious and bloody hand of malevolent criminals created a large tragedy today and committed another sin in aggressing religious sanctities...
The message of H. E. Ayatullah Khamenei to the Hajj pilgrims from the whole world
In the Name of God,

the Compassionate, the Merciful

"So when you have performed your devotions, then laud Allah as you lauded your fathers, rather a greater lauding" (2: 200)

Dear Muslim brothers and sisters:

The Hajj season is an occasion for hope and good tidings. On the one hand, the magnificence of solidarity among the travelers of the House of Unity raises hope in the hearts, and on the other, the refreshing of the souls through the blessing of the divine lauding gives the good tiding of the unbolting of gates of mercy.
Leader's Condolatory Message on the Demise of Hajji Ali Mohammadi-Doost
November 12, 2005

The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei on November 12, 2005 issued a condolatory message on the demise of Hajji Ali Mohammadi-Doost. In his message, the Leader condoled with the esteemed family and colleagues of the deceased. The text of the Leader's message is as follows:...
Leader's Message of Condolence on Tragic Pakistan Earthquake
October 10, 2005

The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, in a message issued on October 10, 2005, expressed his condolence over the tragic incident of the devastative earthquake in Pakistan which left tens of thousands of casualties. In his message, the Leader also called on the Iranian government to extend necessary relief aid to the Pakistani people in the quake-stricken regions. The text of the message is as follows:...
Leader's Message in Commemoration of Martyrs and Devotees of the Sacred Defense Era
September 22, 2005

The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei on September 22, 2005 issued a message in commemoration of martyrs and devotees of the Sacred Defense era. In his message, the Leader described martyrs as the symbols of the epical and golden era of the Sacred Defense and emphasized that the remembrance of honorable martyrs, who manifested the exalted character of the faithful Iranian nation through the sacrifice of their lives, is enlivening and invigorating. The message was read by the Leader's representative in the Martyrs Foundation, Hojjatoleslam Rahimian, at the Martyrs Cemetery in Tehran during a ceremony in which the tombs of martyrs were dusted, washed with rose water and strewn with flowers. The text of the Leader's message is as follows:...

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