The Office of the Supreme Leader


The Leader met with Mr Ismail Haniyeh, the Head of the Political Office of Hamas
The Leader met with Mr Ismail Haniyeh, the Head of the Political Office of Hamas
This afternoon, His Eminence Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Ismail Haniyeh, the Head of the Political Office of Hamas, and his accompanying delegation. He referred to the progressive movement in the Palestinian issue. He emphasised the sense of responsibility among the young and faithful Palestinian generation and their individual and collective involvement in the arena of struggle. He considered this to be a highly important matter. He stressed, "The recent events in Jenin and the besiegement by Zionist forces, resisted by Palestinian youth, are a clear example of this new scene and a herald of a bright future accompanied by complete victory."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Meets The Uzbek President
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Meets The Uzbek President
On Wednesday afternoon, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, received Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President of Uzbekistan, and the accompanying delegation. In this meeting, referring to the unique historical, cultural, and scientific affinity between Iran and Uzbekistan, he remarked, "These common grounds should be used to expand bilateral relations in different arenas."
The Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine and the Accompanying Delegation Meet with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution
The Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine and the Accompanying Delegation Meet with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Mr Ziad Al-Nakhalah, the Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement (PIJ), and the accompanying delegation on Wednesday afternoon. He congratulated the PIJ for its victory over the Zionist regime in the latest battle in the Gaza Strip, saying that the Zionist entity is in a very different position today than it was seventy years ago. He stressed, "The Zionist enemy has lost the initiative and is simply reacting to events. This passivity indicates that resistance movements, including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, are on the right path and are proceeding with wisdom."
In a meeting with nuclear scientists, experts, and industry officials, the Leader of the Revolution
In a meeting with nuclear scientists, experts, and industry officials, the Leader of the Revolution
After an hour-and-a-half visit this morning to the Nuclear Accomplishments Exhibition that showcased achievements in agriculture, medicine and health, industry, environment, water, and power plant construction, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution declared this industry as the key to Iran's progress in various fields in the presence of several prideful scientists, experts and officials of the nuclear industry, and he emphasised the all-round effort to ensure that the impact of nuclear progress is felt in the lives of the people. He said, "The localisation of the overly important nuclear industry demonstrates the failure of the West and the humiliation of Westernised individuals who sought to demean the nation and weaken the spirit of work and hope in the country."
Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his gratitude to the scientists, officials, and those active in the nuclear industry. He described the exhibition he visited as 'excellent, pleasing, and promising' and said, "People should be informed about the various aspects and effects of this progress on national life."
The Leader, met with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, chairman of the People's Expediency Council of Turkmenistan
The Leader, met with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, chairman of the People's Expediency Council of Turkmenistan
This afternoon, His Eminence Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, chairman of the People's Expediency Council of Turkmenistan. He referred to Iran and Turkmenistan as relatives with many shared cultural commonalities. He emphasised, "These cultural commonalities are an important basis for further expanding relations in various sectors, particularly energy and roads."
Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the organizers of the Congress of Martyrs of Sabzevar and Neyshabur:
Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the organizers of the Congress of Martyrs of Sabzevar and Neyshabur:
The text of the speech of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the organizers of the National Congress in honour of two thousand and forty-four martyrs of Sabzevar, as well as the organizers of the National Congress of two thousand four hundred and ninety-eight martyrs of Neyshabur, and a group of families of martyrs from these two cities, which was held on Tuesday, 30th of May, 2023, was published this morning at the conference venue in Sabzevar.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Meeting with Sultan of Oman
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Meeting with Sultan of Oman
This morning, His Excellency Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, the Sultan of Oman, and the accompanying delegation. He described Iranian-Omani relations as long-standing, deep-rooted, and cordial. He added, "We believe the expansion of relations in all fields serves both sides."
The Leader in a meeting with MPs
The Leader in a meeting with MPs
On Wednesday morning, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with the speaker and members of the 11th Majlis – the Iranian Parliament. He described the 11th Majlis as being on the whole revolutionary, young, and proactive. He also added that the bills passed by the Majlis to deal with the country's problems as generally fine. Explaining the requirements for Legislation, including "not being influenced by the atmosphere of the time and factional considerations," he stated that "in the final year of the Majlis, important steps were taken. They included examining and ratifying the Seventh National Development Plan, passing the Legislation needed to achieve the slogan of the year, which was controlling inflation and growth in production, and examining and ratifying unfinished bills proposed by the executive or members of Majlis through constant efforts."
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Iran this morning.
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Iran this morning.
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Iran this morning. In the meeting, he outlined three essential keywords by explaining the criteria and indicators of a successful foreign policy: 'honour' defined as negating and avoiding begging diplomacy, 'wisdom' defined as wise and calculated interactions and activities, and 'expediency' defined as the flexibility to circumvent difficult obstacles and continue the path set out, and he called upon the diplomatic officials of the country to constantly monitor the gradual developments and influential events on the international stage to attain the deserved position of Iran in the future world order.
The Leader met with officials, agents, and pilgrims of the Sacred House of Allah
The Leader met with officials, agents, and pilgrims of the Sacred House of Allah
In a meeting with officials, agents, and pilgrims of the Sacred House of Allah, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasised the importance of having a correct understanding of Hajj and stated, "Hajj is a global and civilisational issue whose goal is promoting the Islamic ummah, bringing the hearts of the Muslims closer together and uniting the Islamic ummah against disbelief, oppression, arrogant powers and idols, both human and non-human."
In a meeting with teachers and educators from all over the country, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution explained
In a meeting with teachers and educators from all over the country, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution explained
This morning, in a meeting with a large number of teachers and educators from all over the country, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution called teachers the nurturers of the precious gem of the ‘teenage and young generation’ and architects of the country’s future. By explaining the important dos and don’ts of the education system, he said: In the face of its expectations from teachers, the system must truly feel responsible for its various problems.
In a meeting with the President of Iraq, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution
In a meeting with the President of Iraq, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution
Today, in a meeting with Mr Abdul Latif Rashid, the President of Iraq and his accompanying delegation, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, emphasized that the progress, happiness, independence and elevation of Iraq are very important for the Islamic Republic of Iran, saying: The expansion of bilateral cooperation and the implementation of previously reached agreements are in the interest of both countries.
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with a group of students and representatives of student organizations:
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with a group of students and representatives of student organizations:
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with more than a thousand members of student organizations and various student activists this afternoon (Tuesday) for two and a half hours. He called students and their activities and demanded an opportunity and value for the country. Referring to the enemy's strategy of making the Iranian nation pessimistic about themselves and their abilities, he said: Contrary to the enemy's desire, the student community should create a transformation in the minds and reality of Iranian society and then create a transformation in the minds and reality of the world in their long-term vision and efforts.
The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in a meeting with senior commanders and officials of the armed forces
The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in a meeting with senior commanders and officials of the armed forces
In a meeting with a group of top military commanders in Tehran on Sunday afternoon, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Commander in Chief of the Iranian armed forces, said, "According to Imam Ali (a.s), the military was the strong walls protecting the country and the nation." He went on to stress that "with this lofty status comes heavy responsibilities. He added that thank God, the armed forces appreciate this elite stature and are engaged in activities based on their responsibilities."
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a Ramadan meeting with officials and agents of the system
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a Ramadan meeting with officials and agents of the system
Ayatollah Khamenei today (Tuesday), in a meeting with officials and authority figures of the country, emphasized the need for all officials and institutions to focus their efforts and willpower throughout the year on "controlling inflation and increasing production" and explained the requirements for realizing this year's slogan and several other important economic recommendations, and said: If these requirements are met, their results will be seen in reducing inflation and increasing people's relative comfort by the end of the year.
The leader of the Islamic Revolution in the luminous gathering of intimacy with the Quran on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan:
The leader of the Islamic Revolution in the luminous gathering of intimacy with the Quran on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan:
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution this afternoon on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan and in the luminous gathering of intimacy with the Quran, which was held in the presence of a number of reciters and distinguished teachers and Quranic activists, called for the mixing of Quran recitation sessions with translation and interpretation of verses to convey Quranic concepts and themes to listeners and influence them. He called on specialists and Quranic activists to strive to find ways to accomplish this important issue.
The Leader holds talks with the Belarusian President to Enhance Bilateral Relations
The Leader holds talks with the Belarusian President to Enhance Bilateral Relations
This afternoon (Monday), the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarusian President, and the accompanying delegation. He stated that bilateral relations had the potential to grow far beyond their current limited levels. He went on to emphasize that given the spirit and the will that exists on both sides for operationalizing existing agreements, relations should be substantially upgraded.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the meeting with the members of the Assembly of Experts of the Leadership
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the meeting with the members of the Assembly of Experts of the Leadership
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution this morning (Thursday), in a meeting with the members of the Assembly of Leadership Experts, called this lofty and very important Assembly a symbol of the union between "Republic" and "Islamism" and referring to the irreplaceable, vital and continuous presence of the people in various scenes, he said: The strong stamina of the people of the system is a national wealth with which Allah has given the proof to the scholars and all the officials of the system, and we all must strive diligently to preserve and increase this invaluable asset.
The Leader of the Revolution in a meeting with officials, ambassadors of Islamic countries and participants in Qur'an competitions
The Leader of the Revolution in a meeting with officials, ambassadors of Islamic countries and participants in Qur'an competitions
This morning, on the occasion of Eid al-Mab'ath, Ayatollah Khamenei convened a meeting with government officials, representatives and ambassadors of Islamic countries, as well as guests and participants in international Qur'an competitions, in which they emphasised the importance of utilising the vast and inexhaustible treasures of the Bi'tha of the Last Prophet (pbuh), stressing that it can provide a solution to all problems and be a path to worldly and hereafter happiness for the Islamic Ummah, and added: If the Islamic countries were to adhere to the teachings of the Bi'tha faithfully, it is likely that the nefarious Zionist regime would not have been able to perpetrate their heinous crimes against the Palestinian people in full view of the entire Islamic Ummah. Nevertheless, the nation of Iran and the Islamic system remain committed to fulfilling their obligations in this regard.

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