The Office of the Supreme Leader


The Leader’s meeting with Hajj officials
The Leader’s meeting with Hajj officials
In a meeting with those in charge of and involved in this year’s Hajj rituals, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stressed that Iranians would never forget the 2015 Hajj tragic incidents, saying, “The serious and perennial demand of the Islamic Republic is the safeguarding of the security, dignity, comfort and well being of all the pilgrims, particularly the Iranians.
The Leader's meeting with Judiciary chief and officials
The Leader's meeting with Judiciary chief and officials
In a meeting with the Judiciary chief and officials and the director generals of justice departments across Iran, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei reiterated, “The Judiciary must be the flag-bearer of public rights in society and strongly defend the rights of the people in whatever area necessary and counter lawbreakers and offenders.”
The Leader's meeting with Muslim ambassadors on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr
The Leader's meeting with Muslim ambassadors on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr
In a meeting with officials, people from all walks of life and the ambassadors of Muslim countries on Monday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei pointed to the usurpation of the Islamic country of Palestine and the expulsion of its nation from their home and land, adding, “According to Islamic jurisprudence, once faced with the domination of the enemy over Islamic territory, all Muslims are duty-bound to campaign and carry out jihad in whatever possible form and, therefore, fighting against the Zionist regime is incumbent upon and mandatory for the entire Muslim world.” 
Eid-al-Fitr sermons by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution
Eid-al-Fitr sermons by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution
In the sermons of Eid al-Fitr prayers, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei elaborated on the concept of “fire at will”, reiterating, “Fire at will means ‘spontaneous and clean cultural work’ and does not mean lawlessness, cursing, giving thoughtless and assuming people an excuse to complain and rendering beholden the country’s revolutionary current.”
The Leader's meeting with university professors
The Leader's meeting with university professors
In a meeting with hundreds of university professors, academics, researchers and elites on Wednesday evening, which lasted over two hours, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei reiterated, “Today, fighting the Zionist regime is fighting Arrogance and the hegemonic order and, which is why, US politicians feel battered by and hostility toward this move.”
The Leader's meeting with Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abadi
The Leader's meeting with Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abadi
In a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his accompanying delegation this evening (Tuesday), Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei reiterated, “Under no circumstances trust the Americans, because they are waiting for an opportunity to strike their blow.”
The Leader meeting with families of Defenders of Shrine and Border Guard martyrs
The Leader meeting with families of Defenders of Shrine and Border Guard martyrs
In a meeting with a number of the families of the Defenders of the Shrine (active in Syria and Iraq) and Border Guard martyrs on Sunday evening, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said, “Everyone, whether the enemies, sincere allies and friends whose hearts throb at times, should know that the Islamic Republic is standing firm and with absolute power and the enemies will not be able to slap the Iranian nation but the Iranian nation will slap them.”
The Leader's meeting withe heads of the three branches of the government
The Leader's meeting withe heads of the three branches of the government
In a Monday evening meeting with the heads of the three branches of the government, the establishment’s officials and staff and a group of the country’s managers, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei criticized some people who are after dividing the public with incorrect interpretations, adding, “The great job of the people in the elections must not be ruined and spoiled with bickering and dividing the people.”
The Leader's meeting with poets
The Leader's meeting with poets
On the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Hassan Mojtaba (peace be upon him), a member of the household of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a group of people of culture, masters of Persian literature and poetry and the country’s young and veteran poets as well as a number of poets from India, Afghanistan and Turkey met with Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
The Leader's message on Tehran terror attacks
The Leader's message on Tehran terror attacks
Following the terrorist incidents on the 12th day of the holy month of Ramadan (June 6) in Tehran, which led to the martyrdom and injury of a number of fasting people, the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei issued a message of condolence.
Ayatollah Khamenei meeting with university students
Ayatollah Khamenei meeting with university students
Reacting to the twin terror attacks in Tehran, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei reiterated, “The events of today will have no impact upon the people’s will and everyone must know that the terrorists are too trivial to be able to have an effect on the will of the country’s nation and officials.”
Marking the 28th passing away anniversary of Imam Khomeini
Marking the 28th passing away anniversary of Imam Khomeini
In a meeting with a huge gathering of people on the 28th anniversary of the passing away of the honorable and everlasting Imam of the nation, Khomeini the great, this evening (Sunday), the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei stressed, “Revolutionarism means that the objective of the officials of the country not be satisfying powers, refraining from passivity in the face of bullies, not surrendering to them, not being deceived by them and through distancing oneself from weak spirits against the Great Satan, concentrating one’s efforts and objectives on the utilization of internal elements and forces, the resolution of problems and making people satisfied.”
The Leader attending an intimacy with the Holy Quran session
The Leader attending an intimacy with the Holy Quran session
On the first day of the auspicious month of Ramadan, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the future belongs to Islam, the Quran and the faithful youth, saying, “God has promised that the future is for the faithful and campaigners in His path.”
The Leader's meeting with Sacred Defense war veterans and artists
The Leader's meeting with Sacred Defense war veterans and artists
In a meeting with a group of Sacred Defense war veterans and artists on Wednesday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei described as very valuable and important the recounting of the memories of the eight-year imposed war and the use of artistic, literary and modern means to convey them to the new generation.
The leader's message on Iran's elections 2017
The leader's message on Iran's elections 2017
Leader of the the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in a message on the huge voter turnout in the 12th presidential as well as the 5th City and Village Council elections, expressed his gratitude for the people's participation in the votes.

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