The Office of the Supreme Leader


In the presence of the Islamic Revolution Leader; The Sham-e-Ghariban mourning ceremony was held
In the presence of the Islamic Revolution Leader; The Sham-e-Ghariban mourning ceremony was held
n this ceremony, Hojjatul-Islam wal-Muslimin Rafiei said in a speech, referring to the historical address of Hazrat Seyyed al-Shuhada (peace be upon him) for the enemy army in the last moments where he said, "if you don't have religion, at least be free in the affairs of your world": Freedom means the inner freedom of a person from the whims of the soul and lusts. The five characteristics and signs of a free person are: "Avoid scaring people", "Modesty and chastity", "Avoid deceit and betrayal", "Trying to acquire lawful (Halal) wealth and "Observing public rights.
Meeting with the Imams of Friday prayer across the country
Meeting with the Imams of Friday prayer across the country
This morning (Wednesday), the supreme leader of the Islamic revolution met with Imams of Friday prayer across the country. He called the Friday prayer an essential link and a prime duty in the chain of the soft power of the Islamic system. He emphasized: that the Imam of Friday prayer is the spokesman of the Islamic revolution. One of his primary duties is to reproduce the epistemological concepts and revolutionary principles, answer the doubts using modern language and explain them rationally. He is to treat everyone with a fatherly attitude.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the President of Turkey
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the President of Turkey
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in the meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his delegation before noon today (Tuesday), emphasized the need to increase cooperation between the two countries, especially commercial cooperation, and listed the Zionist regime as one of the leading causes of discord between Islamic countries. Emphasizing that the United States and the usurping regime cannot stop the profound movement of Palestinians, he noted regarding the Syrian issue: Maintaining the territorial integrity of Syria is very important, and any military attack in northern Syria will definitely be detrimental to Turkey, Syria and the entire region, and will benefit terrorists.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the President of Russia
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the President of Russia
This Afternoon (Tuesday), Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his delegation. During this meeting, stressed the necessity of operationalizing the agreements and contracts between the two countries and considered it necessary to be vigilant against the deceitful policies of the West. He noted that the long-term cooperation of Iran and Russia profoundly benefits both countries.
The Leader, in a message to the pilgrims of Baitullah al-Haram:
The Leader, in a message to the pilgrims of Baitullah al-Haram:
In his message to the pilgrims of Baitullah Al-Haram, Ayatollah Khamenei called unity and spirituality the two essential foundations of Hajj and the two factors of honour and happiness of the Islamic Ummah. He emphasized the brilliant consequences of the growth of Islamic awakening and self-awareness as well as the emergence of the tremendous phenomenon of resistance, noting: The arrogant West is getting weaker and weaker in our sensitive region and recently in the whole world. Of course, the enemy's deceit should not be neglected even for a moment. We should increase hope and self-confidence, which is the most prominent capital for building the future with effort and vigilance.
The Leader in a meeting with the chief justice, officials and staff of the Judicial system:
The Leader in a meeting with the chief justice, officials and staff of the Judicial system:
This morning (Tuesday), during a meeting with the chief justice and a group of officials and employees of the judiciary, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution explained the "immutable divine traditions in societies" and said: The reason for the astonishing triumphant and victory of the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic in the face of the great and bitter events of 1981 was their resistance, effort and fearlessness of the enemies, and this divine tradition can be repeated in all times.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution meets the President of Kazakhstan
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution meets the President of Kazakhstan
This evening (Sunday), the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, met with the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, and the accompanying delegation. He referred to the deep historical and cultural ties between Iran and Kazakhstan and the need to expand cooperation between the two countries further and emphasized regional collaboration.
The Leader meets the President of Turkmenistan and his accompanying delegation
The Leader meets the President of Turkmenistan and his accompanying delegation
In a meeting with the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedow, and his accompanying delegation before midday on Wednesday, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, said that the expansion and deepening of relations are in the best interest of both countries. The policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to expand ties with neighbouring countries, and this is an entirely valid policy
In a meeting with the Venezuelan President and the accompanying delegation
In a meeting with the Venezuelan President and the accompanying delegation
On Monday afternoon, in a meeting with Mr Nicolas Maduro, the Venezuelan President, and the delegation accompanying him, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to Iran and Venezuela's resistance in the face of intense US pressure and the launch of hybrid warfare against them by Washington, stressed the fact that the two countries successful experiences shows that the only way to counter these pressures is through resistance.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in meeting a group of Hajj organizers:
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in meeting a group of Hajj organizers:
This morning (Wednesday), in a meeting with the Hajj officials for this year, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered Hajj as a pillar of Human life that includes important messages and lessons for various aspects of individual and social life and emphasizes the need to ensure the security of all pilgrims, especially Iranian pilgrims as a severe demand of Islamic from the host government.
The Leader on the thirty-third anniversary of the departure of Imam Khomeini:
The Leader on the thirty-third anniversary of the departure of Imam Khomeini:
Ayatollah Khamenei attended the shrine of the Grand Leader of the Revolution this morning (Saturday) on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of his departure from life, calling Imam Khomeini the soul of the Islamic Republic, a genuinely impressive figure and Imam of "yesterday, today and tomorrow of the Iranian and emphasized: the current young and intelligent generation needs reliable, comprehensive, accelerating and transformative software, i.e. the lessons, speech and morals of the Imam, to govern the future of the country and lead the nation to glorious peaks.
The Leader in a meeting with the President of Tajikistan:
The Leader in a meeting with the President of Tajikistan:
This evening (Monday), Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, during a meeting with the Tajik President Emomali Rahmon and his accompanying delegation, emphasized: The potential for expanding cooperation between the two countries in various fields is far beyond the current level, and according to the policy of the Iranian government to strengthen relations with neighbours, relations between the two countries should undergo a fundamental change.
The leader offers his Condolences following the regrettable incident in the city of Abadan
The leader offers his Condolences following the regrettable incident in the city of Abadan
The leader of the Islamic Revolution offers his Condolences following the regrettable incident in the city of Abadan and gives directions to state officials: those responsible must be brought to justice, their punishment should serve as a lesson for others, and similar incidents in future should be avoided
In the wake of the regrettable collapse of a building in the city of Abadan, leading to the loss of life and causing injuries among compatriots, Ayatollah Khamenei extended his condolences to the families who had suffered as a result. While asking state officials to expedite their efforts so as to minimize fatalities, he issued instructions to punish the culprits in a manner that would teach a lesson to others and prevent similar incidents from recurring.
The Leader addressed the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly
The Leader addressed the members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly
This morning (Wednesday), in a meeting with the Speaker and members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, called the conquest of Khorramshahr a symbol of changing a bitter result equation to a sweet result equation and the realization of national salvation. He referred to the factors of this change in the equation. He said: The rule of overcoming difficult, complex and bitter conditions and achieving victory and success is jihadi action, steadfast determination, initiative, self-sacrifice, long-term vision, and above all, sincerity and trust in God Almighty.
The Leader met with the Emir of Qatar and his accompanying delegation:
The Leader met with the Emir of Qatar and his accompanying delegation:
This evening (Thursday), ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, and the delegation and emphasized the increase in political and economic cooperation between the two countries and said the solution to regional issues is dialogue without foreign interference. He Referred to the continuation of crimes of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people. He said: The Arab world is expected to enter the political arena explicitly in the face of these blatant crimes.
The Leader in a meeting with hundreds of teachers
The Leader in a meeting with hundreds of teachers
In a meeting held this morning (Wednesday) with hundreds of teachers and others active in the field of education, the Leader stated that education raises a generation capable of building a civilization. While praising teachers for their efforts, notably since the coronavirus pandemic appeared, and emphasizing the need to improve their living conditions, he stated that the young generation must be brought up so as to have a national and Islamic identity, be self-confident and resistant, be informed about Imam Khomeini's thoughts and aspirations, and be knowledgeable and efficient.
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a group meeting of workers
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a group meeting of workers
This morning (Monday), in a group meeting with workers, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution called workers the central pillar of production. He referred to three main issues: "the need to increase job opportunities", "fair regulation of labour-capital relations", and "ensuring job security" and said: that wasteful import is a dagger at the heart of "the national production" and "workers' employment", Therefore, it must be seriously prevented, and while producing quality products at home, people and government agencies should bind to buying domestic products.
The Leader  in a meeting with the President of Syria and the accompanying delegation
The Leader  in a meeting with the President of Syria and the accompanying delegation
Today(Sunday), the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, in a meeting with Syrian President Mr Bashar al-Assad and his accompanying delegation, regarded the resistance of the Syrian people and system and victory in an international war as the preparation for the increase in the prestige and pride of Syria. He stressed: "Considering the high morale and will of the President and the Government of Iran to expand cooperation with Syria, efforts should be made to improve relations between the two countries more than before."

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