The Office of the Supreme Leader


Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with hundreds of school children
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with hundreds of school children
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution this morning (Wednesday), on the eve of the third of November, the national day to fight global arrogance, called the third of November the embodiment of the evils of the United States and its vulnerability and the possibility of it being defeated, this morning in the passionate meeting with hundreds of students, and pointing to the brazen and shameless lies of the Americans in expressing sympathy for the Iranian nation, he said: In the hybrid warfare of the last few weeks, the United States, the Zionist regime, some insidious powers in Europe and some groups, used all their means to attack the Iranian nation, but the nation hit them back and left them defeated.
The message of the Leader following the terrorist incident in Shahcheragh Shrine
The message of the Leader following the terrorist incident in Shahcheragh Shrine
Following the terrorist incident yesterday in the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Aḥmad b. Mūsā b. Jaʿfar, peace be upon them, which led to the martyrdom and injury of dozens of innocent men, women and children, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, sent a message of condolence to the families of the people of Shiraz and the Iranians emphasizing: The security agencies and the judiciary, as well as the activists in the field of thought and [Islamic] missionaries, as well as dear people, must be united against the trend that allows disregard and disrespect for people's lives, their security, and their sanctities.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with a group of elites and top scientific talents:
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with a group of elites and top scientific talents:
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution this morning (Wednesday), in a meeting with hundreds of young elites and top scientific talents, called the academic elites the cause of Iran's honour in the last four decades and added: Everyone, especially the officials and the most effective ones in the country, should consider the scientific elites as one of the most important assets of the country and support them, and the elites should turn their individual capacities and talents into the country's development capital.
The Leader in a meeting with the people, officials and guests of the Islamic Unity Conference
The Leader in a meeting with the people, officials and guests of the Islamic Unity Conference
Coinciding with the 17th of Rabi' al-Awwal, The Birth Anniversary of the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAWAS) and Imam Sadiq (a.s), the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, today, in a meeting with a group of government officials and foreign guests participating in the Unity Conference, considered unity and cohesion as the most critical needs of the Islamic Ummah for playing a role and achieving a high position in the new power geometry and referring to the crucial position of the wise and enlightened youth of the Islamic world for the realisation of this goal, he said: "Islamic unity" and an influential presence in the new world is possible and doable under the condition of practical efforts and standing in the face of hardships and pressures, which a clear example of this is the system of the Islamic Republic, which did not give up in front of the powers and stood its ground, and now it has become a strong tree that Even the idea of "cutting it down" is not possible.
The Leader  agreed to pardon and reduce the punishment of a number of convicts
The Leader  agreed to pardon and reduce the punishment of a number of convicts
On the occasion of the arrival of the month of Rabi' al-Awwal and the arrival of the blessed birth anniversary of the seal of the prophets, Muhammad al-Mustafa (SAWAS) and Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a.s);, The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution agreed with the proposal of pardon and reduced punishment of 1,862 people convicted by public and revolutionary courts, the judicial organization of the armed forces and government punishments.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution meets the new members of the Expediency Discernment Council
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution meets the new members of the Expediency Discernment Council
This morning (Wednesday), during the meeting with the chairman and members of the new term of the Expediency Council, Ayatollah Khamenei called the Council a significant group for the Islamic Republic in terms of the presence of elite and experienced people and the all-round view on the issues of the country and the fundamental duties it is responsible for.
Referring to the recent incidents, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution called the scattered riots a passive and clumsy plot of the enemy against the progress and the great innovative movements of the Iranian nation and emphasized: as long as the nation is on the path of the Islamic system and religious values, these enmities will continue and the only way to cure it is to resist. The official of the country should also be careful that such issues do not prevent them from their primary responsibilities and duties in the domestic and foreign arenas.
A meeting with the participants of the second national congress of athlete martyrs
A meeting with the participants of the second national congress of athlete martyrs
The statements of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in meeting the participants of the athlete martyrs congress held on 11th of September 2022 were published this morning at the venue of this conference in Tehran. In this meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the statement in the Qur'an that says martyrs are alive and said: Martyrs glad tide and encourage the faith community that is striving in the way of God despite difficulties, has an excellent outcome and its end is neither accompanied by fear nor sorrow.
The Leader attended the Joint graduation ceremony of the armed forces and Police academies
The Leader attended the Joint graduation ceremony of the armed forces and Police academies
This morning (Monday), in an important talk at the joint graduation ceremony of armed forces officer universities, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Commander, referred to the recent events and emphasised: I say; frankly, these events are designed by America, the Zionist regime and their followers. Their main problem is a strong and independent Iran and the progress of the country. The Iranian nation appeared quite strong in these events and will bravely enter the field wherever necessary in the future.
The meeting of the holy defence veterans and commanders with the leader of the Islamic revolution
The meeting of the holy defence veterans and commanders with the leader of the Islamic revolution
This morning, in the ceremony honouring the veterans of the holy defence, Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution, called the imposed war the result of the imperialist strategic policy of the dominating system in enmity with the Islamic Republic and the people of Iran and added: Despite the all-round support of the world powers to the ambitious and power-crazed Saddam, the war turned from a definite and significant threat into a great opportunity in the light of three elements: "the boiling power of the revolution, the very effective leadership of Imam Khomeini, and the noble and outstanding characteristics of the Iranian nation". The correct and accurate narration of this passionate and exciting chapter of Iran's history to the young generation will guarantee the continuation of the success of the revolution.
The Leader In a Meeting with Hundreds of People from Isfahan
The Leader In a Meeting with Hundreds of People from Isfahan
This morning (Saturday), in a meeting with hundreds of people from Isfahan, Ayatollah Khamenei described Isfahan as a city of science, faith, art, and Jihad. He said the nation's main challenge today is progress and advancement versus "inertia, decline, and reaction. "He added that arrogant powers, who are fundamentally opposed to the Iranian people, have intensified their anti-Iranian campaign. They have mobilized all the means at their disposal to make people, especially the youth, despair as though the country had reached a dead-end. Today, the primary index proving someone's love for Iran is "avoidance of saying or doing anything that creates feelings of hopelessness and discouragement" and "fostering a spirit of hard work and keeping up hope."
The general policies of the seventh plan with the priority of economic progress combined with justice
The general policies of the seventh plan with the priority of economic progress combined with justice
Ayatollah Khamenei, in the implementation of paragraph one of Article 110 of the Constitution, presented the general policies of the seventh plan, which were determined after consultation with the Expediency Discernment Council and with the priority of economic progress combined with justice, to the heads of the three branches, the Chairman of the Expediency Discernment Council and the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
The Leader in a meeting with the participants of the Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly:
The Leader in a meeting with the participants of the Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly:
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution this morning (Saturday), in a meeting with the members of the Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly and guests participating in the seventh congress of this assembly, called the greatness and popularity of Ahl al-Bayt unparalleled in the world of Islam and emphasized: The Islamic Republic, as the raised flag of the Ahl al-Bayt against the domineering system, believes that there is no real religious, ethnic, sectarian, and racial dividing line in the Islamic world, and the only main and true dividing line is the demarcation between the Islamic world and the global front of blasphemy and arrogance.
The Leader in a meeting with the President and cabinet members:
The Leader in a meeting with the President and cabinet members:
This morning (Tuesday), in a meeting with the President and cabinet members, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that the two main issues in the Government's Week were an examination of the performance of the executive branch and keeping alive the significant developments during the revolution and those in the forty-three years that had passed since its triumph. Explaining the government's achievement in the past year and stating his chief recommendations, including those that concerned economic issues, he added that in all occurrences, "the real heroes in what had come to pass during the revolution" were the Iranian people. We have to draw lessons from this, which should show state officials how to treat this nation.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in response to the letter of the Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in response to the letter of the Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement
Ayatollah Khamenei, in response to the letter of Mr Ziyad al-Nakhalah, Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, considered the courageous resistance of the Islamic Jihad movement to be the reason for the elevation of this movement's position in the [Axis of] resistance and neutralization of the deception of the Zionist regime and defeating it and emphasizing the need to preserve the integrity of all Palestinian groups he noted: The usurper enemy is getting weaker, and the Palestinian resistance is getting stronger.
The presence of the Leader in Martyr Hamedan's residence
The presence of the Leader in Martyr Hamedan's residence
Martyr General Hossein Hamedani, who is known as the mastermind of irregular wars in West Asia, was martyred on the 18th of October 2015, after years of jihad and bravery, in the suburbs of the city of Aleppo, Syria, while carrying out a consulting mission. The "Muzd e Ikhlas" (reward of sincerity) program is a story about the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the house of that noble martyr, which was carried out a few days after his martyrdom (18th of October 2015).
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With the presence of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in Imam Khomeini Husseiniyyah, The mourning ceremony of Imam Sajjad (a.s) martyrdom was held
With the presence of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in Imam Khomeini Husseiniyyah, The mourning ceremony of Imam Sajjad (a.s) martyrdom was held
In this ceremony, in a speech, Hojjatul-Islam wal-Muslimin Rafiei called the great mission of Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) the continuation of Jihad after the Ashura incident in the form of explanation Jihad and said: Revival of the culture of the Qur'an and Prophetic, and Imamate tradition and clarification of religious teachings in the form of prayer and revival of the Ashura movement are the five main areas of explanation Jihad of Imam Zayn al-Abdin (peace be upon him).

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