The Office of the Supreme Leader


IR Leader calls new year, the year of national unity and Islamic harmony
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei called the new Iranian year "the year of national unity and Islamic harmony."

In his celebratory remarks to open the new Iranian year of 1386, the IR Leader said all Iranians wish for national independence, national dignity and public welfare and that these aims would be realized through Islamic faith, unity of goal, national hope and resolve, due utilization of the country's potentialities as well as exercising foresight and exerting efforts.
New members of System Interests Council appointed
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in a decree Tuesday appointed new members of the System's Interests Council for a 5-year term. The text of the decree is as follows.

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

I offer my gratitude to the Almighty Allah that the System's Interests Council with His guidance and assistance could accomplish undertakings considering its legal obligations in a 5-year term. Formulation and submission of the 20 Year Economic Vision and its general policies have stood atop the list of these services. I am bound to thank every respected member of the council and its secretariat, especially its respected head and his good management...
IRI, enjoying best position ever
IRI, enjoying best position ever
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told an audience of the people's representatives in the fourth term of the Leadership Assembly of Experts Thursday morning that at present the country and the government enjoy their best ever position since the victory of the Islamic revolution, adding that the nation and the authorities will keep on their successful and winning path by sticking to the chief factors of revolutionary victory and survival to wit patience and gratitude to God.
Islamic Republic, modern example of religious democracy

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei issued a statement Monday applauding the inauguration of the fourth round of the Leadership Assembly of Experts. The text of his statement, read out by head of his office, Hojjato-l-Islam Mohammadi-Golpaygani is as follows.
Ayatollah Khamenei instructs authorities in charge of Article 44 drive
Ayatollah Khamenei instructs authorities in charge of Article 44 drive
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Monday instructed the authorities in charge of the execution of the Article 44 of the Constitution about the relevant discussions in a meeting in which he described efforts as such as a sort of jihad, adding that provided all the authorities practice diligence, in two or three years the drive will bear fruits.
America, key loser of developments
America, key loser of developments
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told the visiting Syrian President Bashar Assad and his entourage Sunday that I.R. of Iran and Syria constitute a strategic depth for one another, adding that the 28-year relations between the two countries top the regional diplomatic ties in terms of duration and level.
Leader's Speech to the Residents of the Eastern Azarbaijan Province
Leader's Speech to the Residents of the Eastern Azarbaijan Province
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei thanked the Iranian people Saturday for their enthusiastic participation in the annual February 11 rallies and confirmed that the Islamic Revolution chiefly gets momentum from the zeal, courage and revolutionary resolve of the Iranian nation and their solid adherence to the revolution and its religious identity.
IRI standing more powerful than ever
IRI standing more powerful than ever
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei ruled out the enemies' psychological operation to demoralize the Iranian nation as a token of their frustration and weak stand.
In an address to the commanders and personnel of the IRI Army's Air Force in the morning, the IR Leader emphatically promised that the great Iranian nation will take the stage in February 11 annual marches more enthusiastically than ever to prove to the world that it continues to tread its prideful path vigilantly and powerfully.
Muslims must move against desecration of al-Aqsa mosque
Muslims must move against desecration of al-Aqsa mosque
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Wednesday emphatically urged the world of Islam to take serious measures towards the Zionist regime's ongoing desecration of the al-Aqsa Mosque.
During a meeting with the Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement early in the day, the IR Leader said that the question of the al-Aqsa mosque was a religious issue shared by all Muslims.
IRI reserves at service of Muslims
IRI reserves at service of Muslims
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei urged the visiting Pakistani President Perviz Musharraf Monday for utilizing different political and economic potentialities for further broadening of bilateral ties notably in light of ample cultural, historical and religious commonalities between the two nations of Iran and Pakistan.
Iraqis must enhance internal ties
Iraqis must enhance internal ties
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei received Sayed Abd al-Aziz Hakim, head of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, Monday and described Iran-Iraq relations as very consolidated.
Moscow, Tehran could complement one another
Moscow, Tehran could complement one another
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told the visiting Russian Security Council Secretary Igor Ivanov Sunday that the expansion of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia will prove fruitful, adding that the two countr ies could play a complementary role towards one another in diplomatic, economic, regional and international issues.
Hajj pilgrims need to improve soul
Hajj pilgrims need to improve soul
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei thanked the Iranian Hajj ceremony authorities Tuesday for the efforts they undertook for the annual ceremony.
Ayatollah Khamenei urged relishing opportunities provided in the religious ceremony to carry out cultural projects, saying, "Pilgrims of the Beitollah al-Haram (Mecca) must become further aware through newer initiatives."
Qadir, day of Divine appointment
Qadir, day of Divine appointment
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei felicitated the auspicious Divine festival of Eid al-Qadir to a large audience of people Monday and described the important event in which Gabriel proclaimed Ali Ibn Abi Taleb the successor to the Last Messenger Hazrat Muhammad, as sign of grandeur, comprehensiveness and foresight of Islam.
Ayatollah Khamenei:the cardinal purpose of hajj is to show the united identity of the Muslim ummah
Ayatollah Khamenei:the cardinal purpose of hajj is to show the united identity of the Muslim ummah
Once again the Hajj season is back with its spiritual tidings, and again it presents a precious opportunity to the Islamic world. While many eager hearts are attracted from all over the world to attend this annual congregation, there are only a fortunate few who actually realize their dream. This is the reason for the perpetuity of this flowing spring.
On the one hand, the annual congress at the House of the beloved reconnects the hearts with the Kiblah of creation on the other hand, the friends who have been detached from one another find an opportunity for the meeting of hearts. It also brings elation and jubilation to the body, spirituality and politics of the Muslim ummah.
Ayatollah Khamenei thanks nation
Ayatollah Khamenei thanks nation
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in a statement Tuesday praised the great Iranian nation for their epic participation in Friday elections December 15. The following is the text of his statement in full.
People will do well in elections
People will do well in elections
Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei cast Friday his votes in the simultaneous elections of the Leadership Assembly of Experts and the Islamic Municipal Councils.
"The Iranian nation will duly perform their religious, national and revolutionary duty," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

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