The Office of the Supreme Leader


Supreme Leader Meets with Members of Majlis
Supreme Leader Meets with Members of Majlis
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Sunday morning with the speaker and members of the Majlis. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence stated that the only way to show resistance against the anti-human camp of arrogance is to continue fighting this camp. He called on the Majlis and the administration to pay serious attention to the sixth fifth-year plan and the scientific movement of the country, further stressing: "The solution to the economic and political problems of the country cannot be sought outside the borders of the country. Rather, the real cure exists inside the country. This cure is reliance on domestic capacities and capabilities."
Supreme Leader Attends Graduation Ceremony at Imam Hussein (a.s.) University
Supreme Leader Attends Graduation Ceremony at Imam Hussein (a.s.) University
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces, attended the graduation ceremony of cadets at Imam Hussein (a.s.) University on Wednesday morning. Speaking at the meeting, which was held on the occasion of the anniversary of the liberation of Khoramshahr on May 24, 1983, His Eminence described building religious, committed, revolutionary, knowledgeable and skilled youth at Imam Hussein (a.s.) University, as a clear example of the fruits of the Islamic Revolution.
Supreme Leader Meets with People from Ilam Province
Supreme Leader Meets with People from Ilam Province
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Tuesday with people from Ilam province in the Imam Khomeini (r.a.) Hussainiyah. The meeting was held on the occasion of Imam Ali's (a.s.) birthday anniversary. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence highlighted Imam Ali's (a.s.) characteristics - particularly the lofty goal that he had during his caliphate - saying: "One of the lessons that Imam Ali (a.s.) taught with the purpose of achieving true happiness for the Islamic community was the effort to improve the living conditions of people and to solve their economic problems. In the present conditions, this goal can be achieved by developing good plans for activating the infinite capacities of the country and for relying on our young talents."
Supreme Leader Meets with Prime Minister of Pakistan
Supreme Leader Meets with Prime Minister of Pakistan
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Monday morning with Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, and his accompanying delegation. Eshaq Jahangiri, Vice President of Iran, was also present in the meeting. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence stated that the main reason behind the good and friendly relations between Iran and Pakistan is the great cultural and religious attachments between the two countries. Expressing his dissatisfaction at the decrease of relations between Iran and Pakistan in economic areas, he reiterated: "There are certain hands which try to create discord between the people of Iran and Pakistan - who are two close friends - by causing insecurity in the common borders of Iran and Pakistan. But we should not allow the great opportunity for strengthening the relations between the two countries to be lost."
Supreme Leader: We Should Know That We Can
Supreme Leader: We Should Know That We Can
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, paid a visit this Sunday to an exhibition of the achievements of the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. He also met with the commanders and personnel of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and the Islamic Republic of Iran Army. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence described paying a visit to this exhibition as very sweet and unforgettable, stressing: "The most important lesson of this exhibition is that it proves the people of Iran have the talent and the capability to enter difficult arenas - those which the enemy tries to prevent the people of Iran from entering."
Supreme Leader Meets with Teachers
Supreme Leader Meets with Teachers
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Wednesday morning with thousands of teachers. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence described acquiring knowledge, teaching, and strengthening morality as the three main elements of the noble and glorious vocation of teaching. He stressed the necessity of implementing the plan of transforming the educational system, adding: "Complete support for this great organization is an effective investment for the bright future of the children of the country and for the rapid progress of dear Iran in worldly and otherworldly areas."
Supreme Leader Meets with Officials of Society of Midwifery
Supreme Leader Meets with Officials of Society of Midwifery
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Monday noon with the officials of the Society of Midwifery on the occasion of the International Day of the Midwife. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence described the role of this group as very important and valuable in preserving the human species, adding: "The issue of increasing population and preventing the number of the youth of the country from decreasing is a vital issue and it should be followed up in a serious way."
Supreme Leader Meets with Laborers of MAPNA Group
Supreme Leader Meets with Laborers of MAPNA Group
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Wednesday morning with the laborers of Power Plant Projects Management Company [MAPNA] in Fardis, Karaj. The meeting was held on the occasion of Labor Day. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence described the hostile relationship between employees and employers in western countries as a relationship which is shared by Marxism and western philosophies, reiterating: "Islam considers respect, interaction and cooperation as the basis of all issues - including the issue of workers and production - and this original outlook should be the basis of all social and economic arenas".
Supreme Leader's Speech in Meeting with Outstanding Women
Supreme Leader's Speech in Meeting with Outstanding Women
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on April 19, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with outstanding women. The meeting was held on the occasion of the auspicious birthday anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (God's greetings be upon her).
Supreme Leader Meets with Pilgrims of Rahian-e Noor Caravans in Abadan
Supreme Leader Meets with Pilgrims of Rahian-e Noor Caravans in Abadan
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Wednesday morning with thousands of pilgrims of Rahian-e Noor caravans in one of the operational areas in Abadan. This was an area where the Iranian Armed Forces managed to lift the siege of this city in east Karun. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence highlighted the necessity of commemorating the memory of the efforts and sacrifices which were made in different operational areas during the Sacred Defense Era, further reiterating: "The greatest lesson of the Sacred Defense Era was that it showed a people can take all the difficult paths in the shade of unity, faith and trust in Allah the Exalted and His promises. It showed that with resistance a people can defeat the enemy and make him retreat."
Supreme Leader Meets with Pilgrims at Imam Ridha's (a.s.) Shrine 1393
Supreme Leader Meets with Pilgrims at Imam Ridha's (a.s.) Shrine 1393
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Friday /morning with pilgrims at Imam's Ridha's (a.s.) shrine in the holy city of Mashhad. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence illustrated the different dimensions of this year's slogan "The Year of Economy and Culture with National Determination and Jihadi Management", reiterating: "We should strengthen ourselves in a way that global bullies and blackmailers cannot violate any right of the Iranian people."
Supreme Leader's Speech in Meeting with Air Force Commanders and Personnel
Supreme Leader's Speech in Meeting with Air Force Commanders and Personnel
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on February 8, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with commanders and personnel of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army. The meeting was held on the occasion of the historic pledge of allegiance of Air Force officers to Imam Khomeini (r.a.) on the 19th of Bahman of 1357.
Supreme Leader Meets with Turkish Prime Minister
Supreme Leader Meets with Turkish Prime Minister
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Wednesday afternoon with the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence said that the spirit of brotherhood, amity and friendship between the two countries has been unique in recent centuries, stressing: "The great capacities of both sides, has prepared the ground for developing and expanding relations."
Supreme Leader's Speech in Meeting with Government Officials and Participants of Conference on Islam
Supreme Leader's Speech in Meeting with Government Officials and Participants of Conference on Islam
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on January 19, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with government officials and foreign participants of the 27th Conference on Islamic Unity. The meeting was held in Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on the occasion of the birthday anniversaries of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and Imam Sadiq (a.s.).
Supreme Leader Meets with Iraqi Prime Minister
Supreme Leader Meets with Iraqi Prime Minister
Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Thursday morning with the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri Maliki. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence referred to the importance of strengthening political and economic relations between Iran and Iraq, stressing: "The arena of increasing cooperation between Iran and Iraq in different areas is vast and there is no obstacle in the way of developing relations with Iraq and promoting regional cooperation with this country."

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