The Office of the Supreme Leader


A meeting with the Iranian medallists in the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games
A meeting with the Iranian medallists in the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on Saturday 18th of September, 2021, in a meeting with the medal winners of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, sincerely thanked our country's champions. He said: the most important message from these national heroes of sports to society, especially youth, is to know the abilities to perform works that seem undoubled. Indeed, this is the message of firmness, hope, and liveliness to society and the youth.
The Leader in a meeting with the president and his cabinet members
The Leader in a meeting with the president and his cabinet members
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting on Saturday (28th August 2021) morning with the president and his new government officials, emphasised the need for the government to use every opportunity to serve the people and called the reconstruction in all areas of the management focusing on "revolutionary, rational and wise" as of today's necessity. He made important points and recommendations about "being popular", "promoting justice", "being anti-corruption", "restoring public's hope and trust", and "cohesion and authority and nobility of the government" by referring to the economic issues as the priority.
He also called the United States in the arena of diplomacy, as a Predatory wolf, and by referring to the highly affecting situation in Afghanistan, said: "The Islamic Republic in any circumstances stands with the oppressed and Muslim nation of Afghanistan and our relations with governments depend on their relations and behaviour with us (Iran)."
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution In a televised speech
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution In a televised speech
On Wednesday morning, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a televised speech called the situation of Coronavirus the first and urgent issue of the country. Emphasising the decisive performance of duties and decisions to deal with the virus, He has instructed some valuable points to the officials and advised people.
Ayatollah Khamenei called the need to tackle the outbreak of the virus by using new and robust methods to fight the new variant. He said: the death of more than 500 people in a day which is causing the grief of their families and getting tens of thousands of people infected by the virus, at the same time having treatment difficulties, is excruciating and the heart of every Muslim and fellow citizen burns with this terrible situation. So we must deal with this situation as quickly as possible.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution at the 13th presidential inauguration ceremony
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution at the 13th presidential inauguration ceremony
The presidential inauguration ceremony of the 13th term was held today morning (03 August 2021) at the Hosseiniyeh of Imam Khomeini. By recognising the people's vote, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has appointed Hujjat al-Islam Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi as the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In the decree of endorsement, Ayatollah Khamenei considered the meaningful and honourable presence of the people in the elections. He added: Electing a popular, pious and brilliant figure of management is a sign of the nation's determination to follow the enlightened path of the revolution, the direction of justice, progress and freedom. To leap forward in all areas, the country's people have emphasised removing barriers to production, strengthening the national currency, empowering the middle and lower class of the society and expeditious move towards the worthy position of the country.
he last meeting with the President and the cabinet members of the Twelfth Government
he last meeting with the President and the cabinet members of the Twelfth Government
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on Wednesday 28th of July 2021, in the last meeting with the President and the cabinet members of the Twelfth Government,  congratulated Eid al-Ghadeer to all Muslims, especially to the Iranian nation, and considered the opportunity to serve the people as a divine blessing. He said: In gratitude for this blessing, every effort must be made to achieve the goals of the Islamic revolution.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the event of Ghadir as an indisputable event and said: In addition to the Shiite scholars, especially Allama Amini, who narrated the narratives of Ghadir from 110 companions providing authentic documents, This event has been emphasized by some great Sunni scholars and intellectuals as well.
Ayatollah Khamenei Received his second dose of COVIran Barakat vaccine
Ayatollah Khamenei Received his second dose of COVIran Barakat vaccine
After receiving his second dose of the Iranian vaccine called COVIran Barakat, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, today, 23rd July 2021, thanked the health authorities for their efforts against the pandemic, especially the efforts of scientists and researchers for producing domestic vaccines. He emphasised the continuation of full compliance with restrictions related to covid-19 in order to stop the spread of the virus. By referring to the excruciating water problem of the loyal people of Khuzestan province, He instructed the officials of governmental and non-governmental organisations to seriously pursue the issues of the Khuzestan's people and resolve them without further delay.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in his message for the Hajj
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in his message for the Hajj
In a message to the Muslims of the world on the occasion of Hajj, Ayatollah Khamenei called the continuation of the longing of eager hearts to attend the pilgrimage as a passing test, and he stressed that the messages of Hajj should not be fade, including the statement of resistance against arrogant powers, especially the United States.
Referring to the problems and misfortunes of the Muslim world, he called the rise of the elements of resistance and awakening, especially in Palestine, Yemen and Iraq, as some of the hopeful realities of the region and emphasized: Allah's true promise of divine support is for those who struggle in His way, and the first effect of the struggle is to stop evil powers from interferences in Islamic countries.
Appointment of HIWM Mohseni-Eje'i as the Chief justice of Iran
Appointment of HIWM Mohseni-Eje'i as the Chief justice of Iran
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has appointed Hojjat-ul-Islam wal Muslimeen Mohseni Ejei as the chief justice of Iran.
In his appointment letter, Ayatollah Khamenei emphasised paying serious attention to the judiciary's institutions to be constitutional, as well as continuing the transformational approach, and he has expressed his expectations from the newly appointed chief justice as; implementing the existing transformation plan, "Utilising new technologies in the judiciary", "appointing efficient and heard working forces in their given tasks", "honouring" the honest judges and at the same time dealing decisively with violations" and "getting in touch with the people".
The meeting with the Chief Justice and officials of the Judicial branch of Iran
The meeting with the Chief Justice and officials of the Judicial branch of Iran
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on Monday 28th of June 2021, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Ayatollah Beheshti and Judiciary Day, in a meeting with the head and officials of the Judiciary, called for the continuation of the path of the last two years work which recovers the trust and generates the hope and the continuation of the documented transformation in the new era of the Judiciary. By praising the real epic of the people in the 19th of June elections, he said: "Despite the pandemic situation, economic difficulties and some other issues, People have distracted the arrogant world's plan which they have prepared in last several months. As people have defeated the enemies of Iran, they are considered the real winners of the elections.
Ayatollah Khamenei received the first dose of the Iran Covo- Barekat vaccine
Ayatollah Khamenei received the first dose of the Iran Covo- Barekat vaccine
This morning of Friday, 25th June, Ayatollah Khamenei received the first dose of the Iran Covo- Barekat vaccine. The vaccine, which results from the efforts of young Iranian researchers and scientists, recently received a license through relying on indigenous knowledge, and Iran became one of the six countries producing the corona vaccine in the world.
The leader's message following the epic participation of the Iranian nation
The leader's message following the epic participation of the Iranian nation
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has published a message following the epic and joyful participation of the Iranian people in their national election on June 19th, 2021.

'The real winner of this election is the Iranian people who enthusiastically participated in this grand event. Nothing could overcome the determination of the Iranian Nation.'
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a televised speech
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a televised speech
This evening (Wednesday, June 16th), the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution called Friday's election a decisive and influential event in all significant economic and non-economic issues in a televised speech to the Iranian nation. He then referred to the relentless efforts by the enemies to reduce public participation to weaken Iran and then increase Political, economic and terrorist pressures and interventions in the country and: "People's grievances, especially the deprived ones, about not taking care of their livelihood problems are justified, but these problems must be solved by choosing a strong, hardworking, powerful and tireless person. By the will of Allah, people will bring honour to Iran and the Islamic Republic again in contrary to the will of the enemy, and all strata with different political tastes, come to the field similar to the funeral of Hajj Qassem Soleimani and view elections beyond political preferences.

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