The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader’s remarks to the Iranian bright youth

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stressed that the main reason for all pressures is Iranian nation’s independent status and its refraining from submission to the system of dominance.
addressing the 1000 visiting elite and top talents of the Iranian youth on Wednesday, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei noted the main aim of increasing pressures on the Iranian nation is to force it to surrender adding, “Iranian nation has never given in and will never give in to pressures and this is the reason of the enemy’s anger.”
On the importance of having an proper analysis of Iran’s condition, the leader explained the circumstances of the Islamic system and made it clear, “During the past 33 years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has faced different pressures including political, security, military and economic ones and sanctions; but the Iranian nation has not only thwarted these pressures through its steadfastness but it has become more powerful, too”
Ayatollah Khamenei stated that having a proper analysis of Iran’s status requires an accurate evaluation of the abilities and strong points of the Islamic system, pressures of the enemy’s front, and also the failures of this front. He highlighted, “It is a wrong to think that the reason for the enmity of the Arrogance Front against Iranian nation is the adoption of some wrong stances and decisions.”
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei added, “Iranian nation will cross hard gorges and arduous passes with relying on the natural wealth and human capabilities; and will reach the zenith of bliss and calm in this world and the hereafter.
Elsewhere in his remarks, the leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed to Iran’s historical scientific backwardness due to the dominance of dependent and negligent rulers reiterating, “Far scientific distance with the world and the existence of relatively powerful rivals in the region are the realities that reinforce the need for continuation of speedy scientific movement till reaching the point that is worthy of the position and status of the Iranian nation.”
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