The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with President of Pakistan

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met today with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari. At the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei said that terrorism has been imposed on regional nations by the west and reiterated: "Wherever America and other western powers go, they give rise to malevolence, corruption and insecurity."

His Eminence said that in order to counter terrorism, it is necessary for Islamic countries to unite and make use of the capacities of the Non-Aligned Movement. He added: "All of us should feel responsible and stand up against the global powers' bullying and imposition."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the people of Iran have positive feelings and attitudes towards the pious, sincere and cultured people of Pakistan. "We hope that with Allah's assistance, the problems that have been imposed on Pakistan will end."

The Pakistani President described Iran-Pakistan relations as deep and referring to Islamabad's efforts to expand relations with Tehran, he said: "We completely agree with your wise ideas regarding unity and resistance."

Asif Ali Zardari expressed his gratitude to Iran for successful and appropriate holding of the 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran and added: "This summit shows to the people of the world how they should solve their problems."
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