The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader calls for growing cooperation among Islamic countries

The Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, has emphasized on the need to expand mutual cooperation among Islamic countries and usage of joint capacities by them.
According to IRIB World Service, the Leader of Islamic Revolution, in a meeting in Tehran on Friday morning with the Bangladeshi Premier, Sheikh Hasina, and her accompanying delegation, emphasized that cooperation among Islamic countries will certainly be within the framework of interests of Muslim nations and will be in line with reinforcement of their might.
Referring to the influential status of Bangladesh in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Non-Aligned Movement (NGO), and D8 Group; and Iran and Bangladesh's ancient histories and age-old cultures, the Leader of Islamic Revolution pointed out that deep-rooted cultural communications set the stage for political, international, economic, and social cooperation.
The Leader of Islamic Revolution named close cooperation of independent and Islamic countries as the only option for standing up against the policies of bullying powers.
Meanwhile, the Bangladeshi premier, for her part, confirmed the remarks of the Leader of Islamic Revolution, and said that Islamic and independent countries should mobilize their means and capacities to prevent the decision-makings of world powers for other countries.
The Bangladeshi premier also underscored that Bangladesh calls for development of cooperation with Islamic Republic of Iran in different realms, especially in the economic and commercial arenas.
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