The Office of the Supreme Leader


Main aim of NAM founders, forming an influential movement

The Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, said that the main goal of the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) has been to form an influential movement for resolution of regional and international issue.
According to IRIB World Service, the Leader of Islamic Revolution, in a meeting in Tehran on Friday morning with the Indonesian Vice-President, Boediono and his accompanying delegation, referred to the ideals and capacities of the Non-Aligned Movement, while emphasizing that the aim of founders of this movement has not been to form a ceremonial establishment. In fact, these founders were after an influential movement, and currently this goal should be revived.
The Leader of Islamic Revolution added: "NAM member states, including Indonesia, which is one of its founders, should closely cooperate and activate capacities, thereby playing an influential role in regard to regional and international topics of importance."
The Leader of Islamic Revolution considered making use of experiences and progresses of NAM member states as one of the other viable measures in this movement, while pinpointing that the progresses of independent and Islamic countries have led to enmities, and one should be cautious about the conspiracies and schemes hatched by the enemies of independent and Islamic countries.
The Leader of Islamic Revolution went on to consider rifts and sectarian strife especially between Shiites and Sunnis, as one of the dangerous plots, while adding that such approaches and measures are conducted by mercenaries, with the support of a number of powers; the examples of which can be observed in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The Leader of Islamic Revolution reminded that Al-Qaeda and Taliban were formed with the support of US allies in the region, and the US, under the pretext of countering them, bombards Pakistan and Afghanistan. But, the main goal is to dominate these countries.
Meanwhile, the Indonesian vice-president, for his part, termed as important the capacities of NAM member states for further influencing the international topics of importance, while adding that Indonesia aims to pave the way for peaceful co-existence and uniformity of different ethnicities and religions in this country.
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