The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader's remarks in meeting with reciters and memorizers of holy Quran

The Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has said prosperity of the Islamic ummah is dependent upon an Islamic civilization based upon divine revelations, spirituality, morality and ethics.
According to IRIB World Service, speaking on Saturday in a meeting with experts, reciters and memorizers of the holy Quran, the Leader said the Islamic Republic of Iran claims to be a civilization based upon Quranic teachings, divine guidance and spirituality. The Leader referred to Western exploitation of humanity, and stressed that Western civilization is based upon materialism and material wealth, and is devoid of morality, ethics and spirituality. The Leader talked of Western lies and false claims about human rights and morality, with recent events in Myanmar graphically exposing these false claims, with Western countries, so-called champions of human rights, remaining silent about the killing of hundreds of innocent Muslims in Myanmar.
In further remarks, the Leader said for the past several hundred years, wherever Westerners have set their foot in, we see corruption, exploitation, plunder of natural resources, and colonialism. He added: "The only way to achieve dignity, prosperity, material and spiritual gain, ethics and morality, is through adherence to the teachings of the Holy Quran".
Turning to Islamic Awakening, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stressed that if Islamic nations can succeed in laying the foundations of a civilization based upon divine revelations, spirituality, morality and ethics, then the entire humanity will benefit and prosper.
Elsewhere in his remarks, The Leader said when a combination of human mind and human heart becomes attached to the holy Quran, then this is extremely beneficial, and the stage will be set for implementation of the holy Quran's teachings, and this will lead to Islamic society prospering and thriving day-by-day.
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