The Office of the Supreme Leader

IRI will stand by Palestinian resistance, people

Ismail Haniya, the legal Palestinian Prime Minister met with Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Sunday morning.

Ayatollah Khamenei told the visiting premier in the meeting that the recent Palestinian victories were a fruit of steadfastness and perseverance of the nation and that the current Islamic Awakening movement was in part the result of the Palestinian perseverance.

"In future too, victories will come about through resistance and perseverance," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the Gaza people's defeating of the Zionist regime in 2008's 22-day war and said the case of Gaza was also instrumental to the formation of waves of Islamic Awakening. "The sentiments of the regional nations, accumulated during the Gaza events, were also conducive to the sudden volcanic explosions," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei warned that any action that undermines the resistance would also mar the prospects of Muslims. "We must always take care to prevent compromise-minded elements from infiltrating the body of resistance by noting that diseases break out gradually," the IR Leader cautioned.

Ayatollah Khamenei then made mention of the political fate of Yaser Arafat who after running popular due to an era of resistance in his past, was later ostracized by the regional nations after leaving the path of resistance. "Resistance and perseverance helps absorb the people's hearts and provides a great legacy that must be preserved," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Republic considers the Palestinian issue as an Islamic issue in nature and one of its own, adding that Iran is firm and honest in the Palestinian issue and will always stand by the Palestinian people.

Palestinian premier for his part expressed profound delight for the meeting and congratulated the IR Leader on the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1979). Ismail Haniya said Iran marks the 33rd anniversary of his revolution while the world is witness to great changes, including the Islamic Awakening.

He thanked the Iranian nation and government's support in the Palestinian issue and said the Palestinian people consider the Iranian nation as a strategic reserve for the Palestinian issue. He said he was witness to presence of millions of people in the February 11 march across Tehran's thoroughfares aboard a helicopter before landing for his speech at Azadi square, north of Tehran Saturday.
Ismail Haniya then outlined triple strategic policies adopted and operated by the Palestinian government, namely freedom of the entire Palestinian land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, pursuit of resistance and rejection of compromise talks with the Zionist regime, and finally consideration of the Palestinian issue as an Islamic issue in nature.

Haniya said he had faith in God's promise that the Palestinian nation will definitely get victory and the Zionist regime will perish away. The Palestinian premier then underlined the IR Leader's doctrinal view that Muslims are currently experiencing conditions similar to those of the Badr and Kheibar wars in early Islam when Islam was dominant rather than those of Sheb Abitaleb's, when Muslims were enduring the aggressions of enemies.
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