The Office of the Supreme Leader

Muslim poets meet Islamic Revolution Leader

Poets and participants of a major international gathering on the current Islamic Awakening (wrapped up in Tehran Monday) met with the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei Monday night in a week dedicated to unity between Muslims worldwide.

The meeting commenced with several poets from Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the Islamic Republic of Iran reading out their latest works on the theme of an Islamic Awakening movement that has been inspiring the Muslim nations in their struggle against Zionism and Imperialism.

Other poems were about the Holy occupied al-Quds city, the Palestinian issue, the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1979), and the auspicious birth anniversary of the Noblest Messenger of Allah Hadhrat Muhammad, whose birth time provided the theme for calling the week as week of unity among Muslims.

Ayatollah Khamenei then spoke to the audience and attached significance to the role and function of poetry in the current developments worldwide.

"Muslim poets are expected to play a role in the great Islamic Awakening process through making instructive and inspirational works," the Islamic Revolution Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said relevant poetical works must thematically be helpful in enhancing levels of political awareness and foresight among the Islamic ummah.

The IR Leader said the poetical content must be calibrated in such ways as to duly address the sublime original aspirations and destinations of the immense revolutionary change and help single out the potential range of enemies or impediments ahead.

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged the poets to diligently address in their works the role of religion, faith in God and Koranic teachings in advancing the Islamic Awakening movement "because any movement that relies on religious faith would be rendered invulnerable and sustainable."
Ayatollah Khamenei called the ongoing movement a genuine, Islamic awakening process brought about after years of insightful political and social experiences and profound understanding on the part of the Arab nations "and for the same reason, the term "Arab Spring" is lacking in describing the great movement."

"The movement is never to perish and, in God's Order, it will continue until it changes the history of the Islamic ummah," the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said.

"The movement signifies a landmark historical event that will bring about an immense change in the Islamic ummah," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader then called on the Muslim poets to mind the issue of unity among Muslims. "There are massive efforts at work aiming to divide Muslims in a final bid to tear apart the great Islamic Awakening movement; the Muslim ummah must stem the roots of any religious, sectarian or political discord," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

As a word of conclusion, the Islamic Revolution Leader offered a tip about the significant function of lexis and form in the art of poetry. "Solid and elegant lexes and forms must be adopted in poem writing; this way, poems remain endurable and inspirational for so long years." 
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