The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution inspired other nations

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a large gathering of top Basij units from across the country called the force a follower of the Ashura school of thought and an eternal inspiration for the Iranian nation which has grown up in the heart of the nation and serves the nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei also said the world bullies were angry that the Islamic System of Iran was presenting a model to other nations.

"Today, the slogans of the Egyptians and Tunisians are also chanted by people in New York and California; at the same time, the people of Egypt and Tunisia explicitly call Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad as their role model and every one knows the movements have learnt the lesson of perseverance against arrogance from the first teacher of the modern age, the Imam of the Iranian nation as well as his patient, sovereign nation," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The ceremony was held on November 27, the Day of Basij in the Iranian calendar in the headquarters of the popular force.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the identity and reality of Basij complied with that of Muharram and Ashura, adding that Imam Hussein (A.S.) and his followers took to the field diligently to promote the truth and rescue the people. "They sowed the seeds of prudence and political timeliness across history and their drive set the stage for the formation of an ever-widening current from the noon of Ashura day to end," the IR Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei called Basij a movement inspired by the spirit of Ashura, adding that the popular movement has scored a blessed presence in any military or civilian fields.

"Basij is political rather than politicized or partisan; it is Mujahid but not extremist; it is deeply devout but not fanatic; it is prudent but not self-absorbed; it seeks to a make the most possible bonds in society but never compromises on principles; it follows Islamic ethics but not hypocritically; it is actively engaged in developing the world but steers away from worldly whims," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the attitude of Basij as an attitude which encompasses the sort of awareness, methods and mindsets which may help create great associations within the nations and guarantee their direct movement.

Ayatollah Khamenei said Basij both can guarantee the fate of Iran and beyond, adding that Imam Khomeini and the great Iranian nation taught the world nations the lesson of perseverance and to break the phony legends facing them. Ayatollah Khamenei said similar slogans are chanted in different US cities and regional countries, helping prove that the thought and culture of the Iranian nation has been materialized and presented as a model for others.

Ayatollah Khamenei praised the ever-growing Islamic movement of the regional countries, adding that those who were acquainted with the inspirational truth of the Islamic Revolution of Iran have waited for thirty years to see the blessed uprising while the world arrogant powers have been shaking for thirty years in fear of the movements.

"Islamic Republic has currently turned into the focal point of the awakening; the reality has made the enemies angry," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the world superpowers tend to intimidate other nations and their rulers as a main strategy, adding that the Iranian nation destroyed the fear and showed that the world bullies have put up a phony grandeur and so they could be torn apart. "For the same reason, they are furious at the Islamic System," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader denounced the allegations of the western political bodies that Iran was behind the nations' uprising, adding that the Islamic Republic was in no need of such actions as the survival and sincerity of the Islamic System per se could inspire other nations.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the western powers' attempt to clamp down on or divert the Islamic drive of the regional nations was futile, adding that the Islamic Awakening underway in the Arab region for the moment has affected the world and that the movements underway in the US and Europe point to larger changes which the world would witness in future.

"The Islamic movement is indeed everlasting and progressive; with the back-to-back awakening of the nations, the stooges of the world Arrogance would leave the scene and the grandeur of Islam would grow day by day," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the latest attempt of the enemies against the Iranian nation, saying that the nation has become accustomed to go through intimidations or sanctions by reliance on faith and vigilance and that God has destined the victory of such a nation as well as the ultimate victory of the dear Islam and the Islamic Ummah.
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