The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader:

“Attacking the Islamic Republic Is Costly”

In a meeting with a group of Army personnel in Kermanshah province, Ayatollah Khamenei the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces referred to the defeat of Saddam Hussein's regime and its supporters during the eight-year imposed war and reiterated: "The resistance and victory of the Iranian nation in the imposed war proved to the world that attacking the Islamic Republic is costly."

His Eminence referred to the increasing power of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the past three decades and stressed: "Today the Iranian nation, the Islamic Republic and its Armed Forces are held in high regard among the regional nations."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the increasing power of the Islamic Republic in the region is the main reason behind the efforts by the arrogant powers to promote Iranophobia and Islamophobia, further adding: "The stupid and futile methods of desperate and confused western politicians to promote Iranophobia will remain ineffective and they will get the bitter taste of defeat once again."

His Eminence added: "The arrogant US regime is stuck in problems and quagmires which are the result of its wrong policies and performance."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed: "America cannot free itself from these quagmires through materialistic methods, arrogance and aggressive attitudes. Rather, the solution is the method of the Islamic Republic of Iran - namely, logic, wisdom and spirituality."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Iranian Armed Forces enjoy special advantages and added: "Preserving security as the prerequisite for progress in all areas and being prepared to lay down one's life - these are two outstanding characteristics of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran."
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