The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader:

Spirit of Self-Sacrifice Saves a Nation

On the second day of his trip to Kermanshah province, Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Thursday morning with families of martyrs and disabled war veterans. Speaking at the meeting, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed: "The spirit of self-sacrifice can save a country and a nation and no society will achieve dignity and glory without the spirit of self-sacrifice."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the spirit of self-sacrifice can help one identify the needs of the moment and fulfill one's responsibility.

His Eminence said that lack of vigilance in society and failing to identify the needs of the moment is the result of failing to utilize the great capacities of the people. He reiterated that safeguarding the identity and dignity of a nation and saving it from the machinations of its enemies depend on raising public awareness and giving the people a role to play.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed that Iran is an Islamic democracy and added that Islamic democracy requires that the people play a genuine role in all areas.

Ayatollah Khamenei praised families of martyrs and disabled war veterans for their patience and insight. He reiterated that patience and insight are the only factors that can help a nation achieve the peaks. "And if a nation enjoys these two outstanding characteristics, it will not suffer from doubt and confusion when identifying the goals and trying to reach them."

His Eminence referred to the insight of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and added: "When everything appeared to be disappointing and impossible, our magnanimous Imam used to speak about hope, progress and success. And at the end, everybody was surprised to see that he was right."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that issues are becoming more complicated and stressed that it is very important to have vigilance and sense of responsibility. "By Allah's favor, today the dedicated and faithful people of Iran are highly vigilant and greatly committed to the ideals."
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