The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader:

Corruption of Capitalism Has Become Clear to People

In a meeting with tens of thousands of people in Kermanshah province in western Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the Wall Street movement and described it as very important. He added that American politicians are trying to present the movement as insignificant. "One problem is that the corruption of capitalism has become clear to the people. Of course this movement might be suppressed, but they cannot destroy the roots of the movement."

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the different fitnas instigated by the enemies against the Islamic Revolution over the past three decades and said that the support of the Iranian people for revolutionary ideals and the dedication of Iran's government officials are the secret behind this success.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed the valuable role of the Iranian people in the strength of the Islamic Republic and said that relying on the public vote since the beginning of the Revolution is the factor that distinguishes the Islamic Revolution from other revolutions.

His Eminence referred to the anti-colonialist characteristics of the Islamic Republic of Iran and reiterated that the enemies are trying to thwart the process of Islamic Iran's progress and development by creating many complex challenges, but he added that the Islamic Republic has overcome all hard and soft challenges by relying on public support and that it will do so in the future as well.

Elsewhere in his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed the importance of a large voter turnout in the upcoming parliamentary elections. He said that every election gives a new spirit to the country. "This is why the enemy has constantly tried to present elections as insignificant for many years."

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to Islamic Awakening in the region and the popular uprisings in Arab countries and said that the recent developments are modeled on the Islamic Revolution of Iran. He added: "Although the Americans are trying to restore their credibility in the region, the regional nations have awakened and nobody can stand up against the determination of these nations."
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