The Office of the Supreme Leader

Elites hold key to Iran's success,progress

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that devoted Iranian youths, scientists, intellectuals and elites hold the key to the country’s success and development.

Islamic Revolution Leader made the remark in a meeting with one thousand talented and university students in Tehran on Wednesday.

Power without reliance on religion leads to tyranny and violence, warned the Leader, adding that if a nation wants to protect itself from military, cultural and ethical inroads, it should rely on its elites who bring pride, dignity, success and development for the nation.

Iranian youths, elites and intellectuals played a prominent role in the country’s remarkable progress and success, said Ayatollah Khamenei.

Since the politicians in the Pahlavi dynasty felt humiliation in dealing with the West, they had undermined the country’s rich capabilities and potentials irrespective of its glorious civilization but the Islamic Revolution put an end to such false notions and pave the way for the country to move towards success and development, Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Islamic Revolution Leader also advised the country’s officials to spare no efforts to help promote science in the country.

"The officials should help enhance production of home-made products by banning import of similar products from foreign countries," Ayatollah Khamenei said adding that this is among duties of government organizations as well as the banking system to support manufacturers and industrialists to this effect.

Islamic Revolution Leader noted that
the Iranian nation along with the country’s officials are now approaching their lofty goal and should be well aware of the ups and downs on this path and never hesitate to overcome hurdles.

Five top university students briefed Islamic Revolution Leader on the viewpoints of the audience on various issues of the country.
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