The Office of the Supreme Leader


sanctions cannot last long

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and members of his cabinet Sunday evening.

The Leader emphasized that the enemy launched an all-out campaign to destroy the Iranian economy but their sanctions only reinvigorated the nation's sense of determination to achieve self-sufficiency, noting that “considering global realities, the long-term lasting of these sanctions is not possible.”

"The enemies were speaking of clever and crippling sanctions at the beginning of the year (March 2011); but not only they lacked any crippling impact, thanks to the prudence of Iranian officials and the nation, they rather led to extra vigor, self-sufficiency and major efforts in the country," said the Leader.

Lauding the huge turnout of people on Quds Day rallies on Friday, Ayatollah Khamenei went on to state that all-out presence of the Iranian nation on Quds Day demonstrations would inspire the entire region and further motivate other nations to lend major support for Palestinian resistance against the Zionist regime.

Ayatollah Khamenei praised the government's commitment to principles and values of the Islamic Revolution and noted that seeking justice, resisting against global arrogance, leading simple lifestyles, combating aristocracy and extending honest public services were among the government's most attractive mottos.

"Principles and values declared by Imam Khomeini... have been among the most fundamental mottos to which the government has totally committed itself to," the Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei also pointed out that the low-key role of academic and clerical scholars in the government was a problem and that the President and cabinet ministers should make further efforts to discuss government policy in various fields, particularly economic issues, with relevant scholars.

The Leader reiterated that criticism raised by elite and scholarly circles should be welcomed, adding that the government should not be deprived of constructive critical views of Iranian scholars due to certain issues.

"While explaining your achievements and strengths, tell people frankly that you have not been able to do certain things and be sure that people will not take to task those who have tried to do something, but have failed," the Leader argued.

Underlining the need to correctly handle criticism of the government in mass media or legal centers, Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the only correct approach to criticism was an explanatory one because hostility and counterattack will not get anywhere.

The Leader suggested to the government to set their priorities diligently and make serious efforts to meet them, adding, "Keeping commitments that government gives to people is both desirable and necessary as it strengthens public faith in the administration. Conversely, if such commitments are not kept, it would create uncertainties in public minds.”

Ayatollah Khamenei also stressed that economic jihad was a vital imperative that paves the way for economic progress and prosperity of the Islamic Republic.

The Leader also called for better cooperation among the three branches of the government.
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