The Office of the Supreme Leader

Economic Jihad, effective weapon against sanctions

In the three-hour-long meeting, 18 economic activists expressed their views about the current economic situation in the country.

Later in the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized the need for hard efforts, prudence and more haste to achieve the goals of the Twenty Year Perspective Document, adding that the enemy wants to hurt the nation and destroy the Islamic system through ineffective sanctions, but they would fail to do this because of the nation and authorities' economic Jihad which would thwart their plans. He also said the nation through their hopes to the future would gain the position they deserved.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that the meeting was symbolic to show how important economy and economic advancement were to the Islamic system.

He added the message of the meeting was that the authorities, activists, and people should pay serious attention to economy.

Ayatollah Khamenei also said hearing reports concerning the country's economy from activists in the field was another reason for which the meeting was held.

"As evident by what most activists said, efforts made by thinkers, scientists and technicians had resulted in eye-catching advancements in production, services, agriculture and industry as well as knowledge-based industries. Yet, unfortunately, most of the people know nothing of these advancements and should be informed about them," the Islamic Revolution Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said talking of the country's progress did not mean ignoring flaws and weaknesses and in reminding the negative points one should seek means to set things right and adopt a tone not to distort the facts.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said shattering people's hope, the youth in particular, was a trick that the enemies made use of in their psychological war against the nation. Therefore the nation should be well informed of the country's considerable achievements.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the enemy had intended to bring the nation to their knees through economic crises, hence the current year was named as the year of economic Jihad so as to make the enemy's objectives and ways to achieve them known to the people and counter them.

Elaborating on aspects of economic Jihad, Ayatollah Khamenei spoke of continuity, inclusiveness, wisdom and sincerity as essential elements of the Jihad, adding that one should bear in mind that the economic Jihad is a purposeful movement to oppose enemies' aggressive movement.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said the sanctions imposed on Iran are aimed at crippling the economy and that Iran's nuclear issue is a bad excuse, because when they applied their sanctions 32 years ago, there was no nuclear issue involved.

Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that the nation and authorities should encounter the sanctions wisely, adding: "If the sanctions had been effective and fruitful the enemy could have reaped the profits in the early stages of the Islamic Revolution not now that the nation is becoming shockproof."

The Leader of Islamic Revolution pointed to evading sanctions and relying on domestic capabilities as successful procedures that had set the sanctions at naught, saying: "The Islamic system's glorious battle with sanctions will continue with success as the past 32 years."
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