The Office of the Supreme Leader

Students urged to keep revolutionary goals

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei told a large group of Iranian students Wednesday evening that students are future decision makers of the country and that they are responsible for keeping and perfecting the path of the Islamic Revolution.

Ayatollah Khamenei in the meeting elaborated on the fate of world revolutions, adding “The great revolution of the Iranian nation took shape with specific objectives and as an exception in history, the original objectives and values of the revolution have still been sought by the Iranian youth.”

Ayatollah Khamenei named Islamic nature, opposition to oppression, independence, homage to dignity of human being, defense of oppressed peoples, and comprehensive advance and development of Iran as major objectives of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. He said the Islamic Revolution relies on piety, belief, and sentiment of the people.

“This straight and bright path has been kept for 32 years without any deviation. The highly fresh reality is the real meaning of stability and perseverance of the revolution,” he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the Iranian nation has displayed its resolute will in keeping its covenant with God, adding the praiseworthy resistance is a legacy of the past generation so that the jubilant and truthful young students, who have not seen the early time of the revolution and the era of Imam Khomeini (PBUH), still talk about the same ideals and demands as the ones kept by the past generation.

Ayatollah Khamenei considered the demands and viewpoints of the present day Iranian university students as more precise and technical than the former generation.

Ayatollah Khamenei elaborated on the progressive trend of the revolution during the past 32 years, saying that it was a main duty of the young university students to safeguard the blessed trend. “The youths and students today are future decision makers of the country. They are responsible for keeping and perfecting the path,” he said.

“They must prove the fact that for the fist time in the history of the various revolutions of the world, the Islamic Revolution has maintained the very same arguments, ideals, and values of its first days continually and ceaselessly, and would, God willing, achieve its ultimate goals,” the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei considered the will, bravery and thinking power of the present generation as a guarantee for the continuation of the revolution.

“The country that has reached this stage mightily and perseveringly and managed to become an ideal model for other Islamic communities, is putting the duty of keeping the path on the shoulders of you jubilant and determined generation,” Ayatollah Khamenei told the audience.

Pointing to deviation of other revolutions in the world during the past few centuries and their eventual fate, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The Great Revolution of France was a sample of major world popular revolutions that took shape against imperial system of the time but deviated from its initial objectives gradually and eventually the imperialist system took charge in France again.”

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the independence of the United States and the establishment of that country as another example of the popular movements which in the course of time deviated from its original goals and got entangled in endless internal and external wars.

“The Soviet Revolution is another sample that had ideological foundations, but that revolution in the early years deviated from its initial objectives and the people were eliminated from political equations and the objectives of the revolution,” the IR Leader said.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that some semi-revolutions in the late 50s and early 60s in North African and Latin American countries too were examples of deviated revolutions.

“The Islamic Revolution however has been an exception throughout the past few hundred years because it has managed to pursue its initial objectives and fundamentals evermore joyously and solidly,” the IR Leader appreciated.

Ayatollah Khamenei then gave some advices to the students, including divide responsibilities and pursue a general scheme and not ignore the enemies of the revolution that act in group. “If the goal is thoroughly comprehended by university organizations it would assist them greatly in pursuing their revolutionary duties,” the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the global oppression was seeking to promote corrupt activities in the society and the ploy must be wisely countered.

The IR Leader also urged against imitating the western-style human sciences, emphasizing, “The foundations of our thoughts differ from the foundations of the materialist thoughts and therefore imitating the western human sciences can not be of any help for solving any of our problems.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said in human sciences others must be followed as long as it helps broaden the Iranian knowledge and thinking capability but those sciences must be indigenized.
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