The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader:

All parties refrain from controversy

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei on Monday called on rival parties to refrain from controversy.
Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps that the body is not merely for safeguarding the Islamic Revolution.
But, the IRGC has been nurtured in a way to move forward to progress itself and prepare the ground for progress of the entire system, IR Leader said.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the dynamic nature of the IRGC has made the body to grow younger forever.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that the time for conventional war is over and the modern war has focused on sensitive issues mainly on the domain of software.
So that when the late Imam Khomeini established the IRGC, the young soldiers of the IRGC rushed to the warfronts to repulse the Iraqi invasion.
But, currently, the IRGC soldiers have to confront the enemies in wars different from the conventional war.
In the meantime, Ayatollah Khamenei congratulated IRGC on Shaban 3, the birthday of Imam Hussein (AS), the third Imam of the Messenger of Allah Hazrate Mohammad (PBUH) Infallible Household.
Imam Khomeini founded the IRGC on Shaban 3.
Leader of advised the IRGC to pave its path through exercising insight and logical principles and avoid unnecessary and harmful measures preventing them from their lofty goals.
Referring to the Islamic Awakening, Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the US and the Zionist regime are making every endeavor to deny the current awakening movements in the Middle East and North Africa have Islamic identity, but, the reality indicated that the current awakening movements have been inspired by the Islamic Revolution of Iran.
Ayatollah Khamenei predicted that the current Islamic Awakening movements in the Arab states will go beyond borders and encourage the neighboring nations to stand up for freedom and universal rights.
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