The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets Afghan President

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met this morning with the Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his accompanying delegation. Speaking at the meeting, the Supreme Leader said that withdrawal of foreign military forces from Afghanistan is the wish of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He further stressed that the people of Afghanistan deserve to take their destiny into their own hands.
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the people of Afghanistan put up a brave fight whenever they were faced with foreigners who wanted to occupy their country. "The kind of resistance that the people of Afghanistan showed against the Soviet Union - which was one of the two superpowers of the time - is exceptional in history."
Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated: "The people of Afghanistan are suffering from the presence of American troops in their country because this presence will bring about suffering for the Afghan people and the entire region."
His Eminence said that the position of the US has been greatly weakened inside and outside America. "Compared to the past, the Americans have been weakened in the region and even in the world, and the leaders of America are trying to make up for this weakness in the region, but they will not succeed."
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the US President's promise to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan and stressed: "The US President made those remarks mainly for domestic purposes, but his remarks have been faced with opposition even inside America."
Ayatollah Khamenei added: "The Americans are after permanent bases in Afghanistan which is dangerous because as long as American forces are present in Afghanistan, genuine security will not be established."
His Eminence stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to offer all kinds of assistance to help Afghanistan build its infrastructures and make progress. He further reiterated: "Talented Afghan youth are capable of building Afghanistan, and the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to share its experiences and technical knowledge in different areas."
During the meeting, the Afghan President expressed his gratitude for the assistance that the Islamic Republic of Iran has offered to the people of Afghanistan and stressed: "Afghanistan is in need of Iran's knowledge and expertise in order to build the country and rebuild the infrastructures that have been destroyed."
Hamid Karzai referred to the US President's recent promise to withdraw part of the American forces out of Afghanistan and said: "We hope that all foreign forces will leave Afghanistan in three years' time and that the Afghan people and youth will be in charge of running the country."
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