The Office of the Supreme Leader

West in fear about a Libyan Islamic gov't

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said in a meeting with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir Sunday that the ongoing popular movements in the region were a start to a major change in Islamic countries. He expressed hope a strong Islamic alliance would form in the near future in North Africa.
Ayatollah Khamenei expressed pleasure with the Islamic awakening in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya and said the popular movements were against the wishes of the West and the Zionists. The IR Leader urged vigilance against any western efforts which aim to divert the natural route of the popular movements.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the West could reap no fruits from the regional developments in the short run however Muslims must keep alert about any deviation in the movements.
Ayatollah Khamenei then highlighted the Egyptian developments. "US and Zionist regime's bastion in Egypt has collapsed; The US and certain puppet regimes of the region are now trying to divert the track of movements to a destination otherwise," the IR Leader said, adding that history has shown individuals and revolutionary movements might lose their initial mood in the pass of time.
Turning to the Libyan developments, Ayatollah Khamenei expressed concern about the trend of developments in the country, adding that the Libyan movement has been a genuine popular uprising while the west is hell bent on blocking the path of people to victory.
"The west is in fear about possible formation of an Islamic government in Libya at the doorstep of Europe," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Concerning the Sudanese developments, Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Republic of Iran supports the Islamic government and the nation of Sudan which are determined to safeguard their independence, Islamic ideology, and sovereignty.
The IR Leader appreciated the Sudanese nation and government for standing against the US and Zionist regime's pressures and conspiracies. The IR Leader urged all parties and factions in Sudan to keep vigilance and remain united in the face of the ongoing developments.
In the meeting, also attended by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Sudanese president described Iran-Sudan ties as solid.
Umar al-Bashir thanked the Islamic Republic for its supports to the nation and said the Sudanese nation and government have endured the western pressures and keep hope in the future.
The Sudanese president termed the ongoing regional developments positive and facilitative for the Islamic countries, adding that the region would never return to previous conditions and the US and the Zionist regime have been top losers of the developments.
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