The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader warns about West's cultural onslaught

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with members of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution said culture defines the identity of any nation and that the council must play the role of strategic policymaking in the confrontation against the complicated cultural onslaught of the world arrogance.
“The culture and identity of a nation and its orientation can be identified through such indexes as its beliefs, ethical values, rituals, individual and social behaviors, and national traits,” the IR Leader said.
 “If a nation looks advanced in appearance but suffers unruly and indecent cultural and spiritual aspects, it would be a bankrupt nation. But a nation with a rich culture, even if facing certain political and economic problems, is potentially a mighty nation,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The Leader of Islamic Revolution then reminded the audience of his description several years ago of the Western culture's arrival in other countries as a cultural onslaught. "At that time, some individuals asked themselves why a military expression was used in reference to a cultural issue. However if due attention is paid to the status quo of the world culture it would be noted that a massive and complicated onslaught is at work.”
“Given the immense communicational developments in the world today, the cultural war has turned into a battle with various complicated dimensions,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
“The extend of the cultural onslaught affects the entire world but the main target is the Islamic Republic as it has been standing against the hegemonic system and proved it is capable of dealing with the battle,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said Iran could win the battle by expansion and deepening of the Islamic Revolution’s cultural mindset in such fields as ethical values, individual and social behaviors, religious beliefs and political issues.
Ayatollah Khameneie said that the present generation of the Islamic Revolution’s youth was a pious, revolutionary, and aware one. “I strongly believe in this generation and its manifestations of faith and belief, as well as its wise political presence,” he said.
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