The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution grew hope among nations

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a ceremony Tuesday to mark the birth anniversary of Hadhrat Fatema Zahra (S.A.), congratulated the occasion and said the revered personality was an exceptional person following Hadhrat Muhammad (S.A.) and Imam Ali (A.S.)
Ayatollah Khamenei also marked the birth anniversary of Imam Khomeini, which falls on the same day as Hadhrat Fatema's, and called it a sweet coincidence.
Ayatollah Khamenei described Imam Khomeini as an example of the shining personality and a devout, sincere, and resilient person.
 Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Revolution has kept its path for the past 32 years despite many problems, thank to clear stances and ideas of Imam Khomeini, adding that no power in the world can stop the revolution if the nation takes its steps firmly.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian nation has grown hope in the heart of Muslim nation by its continued adherence to values and principles of the Islamic Revolution.
"The flowers of hope would have been weathered if the nation had relinquished its slogans and retreated in the face of the threats of the Arrogance," the IR Leader said.

Meanwhile, in the meeting, a number of poets recited their latest works in memory of Hadhrat Fatema (S.A.)
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