The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader:Desecration harms Islamic system

The Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with the Chairman and members of the Leadership Experts Assembly (LEA) on Thursday morning, appreciated the wise and tactful conduct and speech of the nation's Experts in electing the new presiding board of this assembly, calling the Islamic awakening of the region's nations as a very great incident which has taken example from the process of continuity and progress of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and while explaining the crucial duties of the officials and politicians in this very sensitive situations, stressed in important and clear remarks addressed to all especially the youth: "This is my message: any desecration and unethical and insulting behavior is against Sharia, political wisdom and a blow to the Islamic Republic and enrages God."
Appreciating the nation's highly-valued Experts and referring to the enemies' failure in the issue of electing the presiding board of the LEA and appreciating the LEA members especially Mr. Hashemi-Rafsanjani, he said: "They expected discord to rise among the Experts and the contest of serving to turn into a negative rivalry for occupying positions, but thanks to the Experts' sincerity and the wisdom and tact that was witnessed in conducts and speeches, this issue by God's grace turned to the benefit of Islam and the Islamic Republic."
Pointing to Mr. Hashemi-Rafsanjani's conduct in this issue, IR Leader added: "Regarding the record of wisdom and feeling of responsibility that we have always seen in him, we expected this very behavior."
Ayatollah Khamenei also called the election of Ayatollah Mahdavi-Kani to the LEA Chairmanship as a correct and right election, saying: "From the beginning of the Revolution until today, he has been a prominent personality in all fields including spirituality, politics, current issues of the country, seminary and university and other fields."
IR Leader considered the country's current issues with regard to the region's situation as very sensitive, adding: "The very great incidents that are happening in the region's countries are still at the beginning of the way and by understanding the different dimensions of the incidents we should fulfill our important duties."
Regarding the people's presence at the scene and the Islamic motto as two very important characteristics of the current developments in the region, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "The process of these developments is the wish of all honest Muslims and sublime thoughts in Iran and other countries."
He regarded the nation's presence and perseverance in the field of fighting and danger as the guarantee for victory, adding: "When people like what happened 32 years ago in Iran come to the scene with their bodies, the hand of divine might strengthens their will and determination and makes their victory definite."
"In the light of God's support for nations' will, not only the dependent, corrupt and despotic rulers but America and other world powers with all their mood of killing and cruelty will eventually be defeated by nations and divine promises will come true, as we experience this encouraging truth in current incidents as well," IR Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei regarded the motto of Islam as the second characteristic of the nations' uprising in the region, adding: "Off course, liberal, national and other incentives might exist as well but the text and body of the region's nations is Muslim, therefore Islamic mottos are clear and tangible in current developments."
He considered example-making of the Islamic Revolution as one of the factors affecting the very important developments of the region, saying: "The victory of the Islamic Revolution, the formation of the Islamic Republic and the continuity, strength and remarkable and mounting progress of the Islamic system in different fields stand as an example in front of the eyes of the region's Muslim nations and affect them."
Explaining the factors that weakens the Islamic Republic, IR Leader focused on reproaching and strongly condemning unethical behavior, adding: "The atmosphere of insult and desecration is against Islam, Sharia and political wisdom and enrages God."
He regarded criticism, objection and the clear and brave expression of beliefs as correct, but added: "All these issues should be expressed far from desecration and insult so as not to stir up the society's nerves and the people's tranquility, and everybody is responsible in this regard."
Addressing all people especially the youth, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "My message to all those who speak or write in newspapers, weblogs or other media is that objection, rejection and condemnation of a political and religious thought is something and being afflicted with unethical behavior, insult and desecration is something else. I strongly and completely reject these unethical issues and they should not be done."
"Unethical and insulting behaviors run counter to the Revolution and country, cause discord and division and harm the glory and magnificence of the Islamic system, and I advise the youth to completely avoid them," IR Leader concluded.
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