The Office of the Supreme Leader

"Islamic Revolution inspired uprisings"

“The arrogant front, led by the United States, is well aware that Iran's Islamic Revolution is the role model for these popular movements,” said Ayatollah Khamenei on Thursday in a visit to the country's Ministry of Intelligence.
The Leader emphasized that while the arrogant powers are making efforts to portray this (Islamic Revolution) model as an unsuccessful and failed experience, the magnificence of millions of people that participated in the February 11 march, celebrating the anniversary of the victory of the Revolution, has frustrated them.
Ayatollah Khamenei made the speech during a six-hour visit to the Intelligence Ministry, where he reiterated the need for intelligence services to exercise vigilance in the wake of recent developments in the Middle East and North Africa.
“The current developments in the region will definitely influence future events across the globe, thus these events should be actively monitored and their diverse aspects should be closely studied,” IR Leader said.
During his visit, Ayatollah Khamenei also hailed Iran's achievements in the field of security and intelligence and praised the Intelligence Ministry personnel for being fully home-grown and not taking leads from any foreign intelligence services.
The Leader further called on Iranian intelligence employees to adopt a position that goes beyond sectarian and factional differences, urging them to remain vigilant against the enemy's infiltration attempts and deviatory trends of thought.
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