The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic awareness, sweet outcome of IRI's resistance

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said the West is concerned that the Islamic Revolution is served as a model for the region and the entire world.
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks Wednesday morning in a meeting with a large group of people from the East Azarbaijan province on the occasion of the anniversary of their uprising against the toppled Pahlavi regime in 1978.
“Enemies are making efforts to prevent the Islamic Iran from serving as a model for Muslim nations in the region because public movements will be difficult without a model,” said Ayatollah Khamenei.
Islamic Revolution Leader added that the main reason behind the West pressure on the Islamic Republic is that Iran is promoting a model in the region and the globe.
“After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, enemies have been making efforts to weaken the Islamic establishment through imposing various sanctions and the eight-year imposed war, raising human rights issues and assassinating nuclear scientists,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted.
"However, their efforts failed and the Islamic Revolution will continue its path of progress day by day," Ayatollah Khamenei added.
Islamic Revolution Leader pointed to economic sanctions, assassination of top Iranian scientists and making accusations against the country on human rights and said, "The pressure and propaganda are aimed at stopping the move by the Iranian nation and diverting public opinion of the region and the globe from the Islamic Republic."
Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that despite demands by arrogant powers, Iran is becoming "more and more strong and advanced" day by day.
Islamic Revolution Leader pointed out that the more enemies move towards weakening the Islamic establishment, the stronger it will become.
“Today, the progress of the Islamic Revolution can be seen in various fields,” Ayatollah Khamenei went on to say.
Islamic Revolution Leader pointed to latest developments in Egypt and other regional countries and added, “The Islamic awareness has begun in the Muslim world. This was emanated from the Islamic Revolution.”
Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the upward move of the Islamic awareness in the Muslim world is the "sweet outcome" of the resistance of the Iranian nation over the past 32 years.
Ayatollah Khamenei stated that very important incidents that took place in Egypt stemmed from the Islamic awareness and humiliation of the civilized Egyptians for many years.
He said the Egyptian government inflicted humiliation on the people due to its dependence on the US and the Zionist regime until the Egyptian nation and youth finally rose up.
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