The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader of the Islamic Revolution:

Lebanon needs resistance as long as Zionist regime exists

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said Iran favored a prosperous, glorious and progressive Lebanon.
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks Monday morning in a meeting with visiting Lebanese Premier Saad Hariri.
Islamic Revolution Leader described Lebanon as an important country which stood in the frontline of struggles against the occupying Zionist regime and stressed that Iran will refrain from no activities to help prosperity and progress in Lebanon.
Ayatollah Khamenei also pointed to potential grounds for promoting bilateral ties in different areas and said the relations between the two countries should further expand especially in trade and construction areas.
Referring to the Zionist regime's continued aggressions against Lebanon, Islamic Revolution Leader said the Zionist regime would prefer to occupy even Beirut and Tripoli to surround Syria so resistance was the only factor to stop its aggressions.
Stressing that Lebanon is the only country to defeat the Zionist regime so far, Ayatollah Khamenei said Lebanon needs this spirit of resistance as long as the Zionist regime exists.
Ayatollah Khamenei further expressed happiness over the good relations existing between Hariri and Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah and stressed that such relations should be further fortified.
Stressing that Iran welcomes unity and independence in Lebanon, the Islamic Revolution Leader pointed to the presence of different religions and communities in  Lebanon and said attempts should be made to foil certain plans to saw discord in Lebanon.
Hariri for his part expressed happiness over meeting with e the Islamic Revolution Leader and said Lebanon considers Iran as a brother and friend who has always stood by the Lebanese nation at the hard times.
He said his government was in favor of expanding ties with Iran in economic, political and cultural fields.
Describing his cabinet as a unity government which embraced all important and influential groups and trends in Lebanon, the premier said the most important objective of the Lebanese government was to maintain and foster national unity and move forward within the framework of resistance against aggressors.
Hariri stressed that any kind of discord in Lebanon would only benefit Israel.
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