The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader urges more attention to article 44

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said  Monday secret of success of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s government is feeling proud of and abiding by revolution’s ideals, like justice seeking, religiosity, and anti-Imperialist stands.
The Information website of Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei reported that the Islamic Revolution Leader made the comment in a meeting with the president and his cabinet members Monday evening, adding that the
same points were the reason for their popularity among the nation, and encouraging them to try to "Keep paving the same path resolutely and seriously."
"Leading simple life styles, distancing yourselves of luxurious aspects of life, trying to serve the nation restlessly and ceaselessly, and being against oppression are necessities, emphasizing, "Pay greater attention to provide for more ease of life for the people and pay closer attention abiding by to the country's (20-Year) Perspective Document."
In the meeting that was held to mark the Government Week, coinciding with the martyrdom anniversary of the late president Mohammad-Ali Raja and the late prime minister Mohammad-Javad Bahonar in early years after the victory of the revolution, the Islamic Revolution Leader considered those two martyrs as "The symbols of pious endeavors and unlimited abiding by the revolution's fundamentals and values."
Referring to the plotted sedition of 2009, Ayatollah Khamenei added, "That plot inflicted a severe blow against the process of work and progress in the country and promoted the spirit of the enemy, but the government and the people, pursued their works with self confidence, piety and resistance, and by grace of God the government gained noticeable victories, which were reminder of Martyr Raja'ie and Martyr Bahonar's approach.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that the parliament's refraining from accepting drastic changes in five year plan was a right move encouraging the government not to consider the plan it has devised free from the need to be criticized or altered.
The Islamic Revolution Leader confirmed the president's references to his economic evolution plans at the beginning of the meeting, arguing that in addition to goal-orientation of the subsidies, the other parts of that plan, including banking and monetary reforms, too, should be seriously heeded and pursued.
Ayatollah Khamenei asked the government to heed the employment issue continually and to improve the productivity index in country's economic growth as important points to heed by the government.
Regarding the work done in implementing the Constitutional Article 44, the Islamic Revolution Leader said that the spirit of that article, that is the people's entrance, making investments, and managing national economy should be kept in mind, while the government's supreme management should maintain.
The Islamic Revolution Leader encouraged the cabinet ministers to yield to logical criticisms to a grater extent, adding, "Of course, in many cases the government is right."
Ayatollah Khamenei the diplomatic dynamism of the government, reiterating all the same, "More important than political dynamism and diplomatic meetings here and there, the general spirit and direction of  diplomacy should be paid attention to."
President Ahmadinejad presented a comprehensive report on his two
government's conduct before the Islamic Revolution Leader's address.
He said that his 73 provincial visits were aimed at expanding the dimensions of social justice, adding, "We have distributed the justice shares among the nation, facilitated taking advantage of banking services and state assents for the oppressed social classes.
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