The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader urges full support for the Judiciary

Islamic Revolution Leader regarded the Judiciary system as one of the very sensitive divisions of the Islamic system, stressing the necessity for supporting the Judiciary by all of the country's institutions.
Receiving the Head and the officials of the Judiciary, Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei regarded the Judiciary system as one of the very sensitive divisions of the Islamic system, stressing the necessity for supporting the Judiciary by all of the country's institutions and said: "One of the important duties of the Judiciary system is not to get off the road of justice, equity and not being affected by political propaganda and love and hatred in judgment and issuing verdicts."

In the meeting which was held on the martyrdom anniversary of Ayatollah Dr. Beheshti and 72 companions of the Islamic Revolution and attended by a large number of these martyrs' families, IR Leader hailed the martyrs of June 28, 1982 and said: "On top of these martyrs is the great martyr Ayatollah Beheshti who was a believer, faithful, sincere, honest and decided in work."

Ayatollah Khamenei considered the belief in one's saying and the practical commitment to one's belief and not being afraid of danger on the path to one's goal as some of the oppressed martyr Ayatollah Beheshti's characteristics, stressing: "The dear martyr was a logical and committed-to-principles human being that used not to bargain with anybody on principles."

He regarded these characteristics as the cause of the emergence of effective and lasting historical figures, adding: "Some people just speak and do not act. Some act according to their saying, but in the face of incidents, storms, mockeries, sarcasms and unjust enmities do not resist and stop this action. And some, after this stop, retreat as well."

"As far as the culture of martyrdom in society stands in a lofty position, no power whether the current hegemonic powers or even stronger powers would not be able to overcome the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Referring to his repeated emphasis on the appropriate and expected position of the Judiciary, IR Leader noted: "The Judiciary should reach a position in which any oppressed person feels that by referring to the Judiciary can get his/her right and remove his/her oppression."

The IR Leader said the judiciary is among the very sensitive parts of the Islamic system and urged all bodies in the country to support it.

"So, the judiciary will be able to properly fulfill its duties under the current difficult situation. That will help the country to move towards its high goals," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader noted that the judiciary system needed some revisions to its regulations.

"One of the great dangers is that the political propaganda of different groups, newspapers and alien media affect the correct process of judgment and the cycle of looking into the cases. And in this regard, without being affected by emotions, friendships and enmities, one should not get off the path of justice towards any direction," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
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