The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives Algerian President

Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei described Algerian nation as a brave, developing and modern nation.
Referring to the struggles and revolution of the Algerian nation against hegemony, the IR Leader told Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika that friendly relations of the two countries' governments have never been at the current level before.
IRI-Algeria relations stand at an exceptional situation, Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Stressing on the necessity to promote the two countries' economic ties, IR Leader said the Islamic Republic of Iran's situation is totally different from what was in 30 years ago.
What the Islamic Republic of Iran has gained scientifically is the direct result of West's pressures and sanctions which show us our capabilities, aptitudes and domestic forces, Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said all Islamic countries can follow the same path if they tap into their own potentials and expand their cooperation with each other.
IR Leader announced Iran's readiness to represent experiences and capabilities in different fields to other Islamic countries.
Talking about critical situation of Palestinians and silence of international communities and Islamic countries in this regard, IR Leader said if Islamic countries fulfilled their duties we would not witness the Zionist regime's dangerous plots such as Judaization of the holy Qods.
The IR Leader continued the OIC is highly expected to do something in reaction to Zionist plots in the Muslim lands.
Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, for his part, expressed pleasure over stances adopted by the Islamic Revolution Leader towards the Muslim world and reiterated that the Islamic world has pinned its hope on the Islamic Revolution in different issues because of its high capabilities.
Referring to the IRI achievements and progress despite pressures imposed by the West, he said reality of Iran is totally different with what West presents.
The Islamic Republic of Iran's progress makes proud Islamic Ummah, Bouteflika said reiterating on his country's eagerness to expand economic ties with IRI.
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